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 Oct 2016 Merrimae
the lost girl
running in the dark
away from the night
away from the silence
looking for the light
looking for your eyes

stars are crying for you
ashes of them rain
got lost in the sounds of my pain

my train's out of its rail
it's going down the hell
tomorrow or today
it won't ever change
I'm the lost one
you're already gone
some how, some way
some where in some day
you and I
we were in love
when you were already gone
when the one you love is gone all you can do is to get lost in your mind.
the more you think the worse it gets.
I'm just a skeleton.
Do I really have a soul?
Because the point of living
Is not love.
It is not living life to the fullest.
It is finding your purpose,
And your calling.
But I feel like love is where we end it.
All our dreams,
our hopes,
our passions.
We end it because we met our match.
But that can not get in the way of your passion,
your ambition,
your drive.
We are not just skeletons on this ****** earth.
We are the souls of the earth.
Filling the world with our lives,
Search further than love.
Make it a starting point to the real game.
The one where you can choose,
Passion or emptiness?
I cant think of any better way to relate my feelings... I feel like some older adults cant help but agree...
 Oct 2016 Merrimae
I want to tell you stories
of how I dream to be great
encourage me to reach them
with you
in each passing days.
I want to hear you giggle
at my lame jokes
laugh on how corny they were
declare that I'm better in somewhere else
and that I should quit it
but I will still going to tell you more.
I want to cuddle you at night
whisper sweet nothings
until you fall asleep
in my arms
hear you snore
watch you in the dim light
watch you stay safe by my side.
I want to wake up next to you
the first thing I'm going to see as I open my eyes
was your taunting huge brown eyes
twinkling brighter than the morning star
the first thing I could touch
would be your porcelain skin
to prove to me
that the last night was not a dream.
I want to love you.
But each time I close my eyes
I see my hair in the sheets
tangled with amber strands
and yours are *jet black.
 Oct 2016 Merrimae
Keith Wilson
Water  rushing  down  the  drains.
And  through  windswept  country  lanes.

Trees  brushing  water  away  with  their  leaves.
Birds  sheltering  under  the  eaves.

Pools  on  the  lawn  appear.
It,s  a  dreadful  night  I  fear.

Pitch  black  little  to  see.
A  new  day  may  set  us  free.

Keith  Wilson.  Windermere.  UK.  2016.
 Oct 2016 Merrimae
Arlo Disarray
words stick to the soles of my shoes like ABC gum (gum that's Already Been Chewed)
and I'm tired from always picking off what little bits I can
exhaustion hits me hard
and as I finally lay me down to rest
I get hit with a jolt of lightning that sends my mind spinning on a quest to jot my thoughts down

it's scary sometimes
how I always wake at the same moment
over and over
like an endless cycle of deja vu's

looking up from my breakfast
I've got nothing to lose

peering out from my window
I've got no right to choose

and it's crazy how my visions
always seem to come in twos
they wrap around twice
and I'm left confused
I don't remember which what is which
or when each why was wanted
I feel like they've been switched

the lights flicker when I'm dreaming
and my eyelids always twitch

my life is not a poem
it's a body in a ditch
 Oct 2016 Merrimae
Arlo Disarray
it's a waste of breath,
but I still tell you that I love you

I know it hurts sometimes
to read between the lines
but there is a meaning hidden beneath the words I speak

another wasted day
but it's okay
there's still tomorrow
I'll have one more chance to
try again
and attempt to reattach all the parts of my life and my world that keep unraveling

if every shadow fell in place
we'd be connected
but the sun rotates too quickly
and we can't travel fast enough to keep up with its light

I had a wish
or two
that never came true
and every time I see a star,
I feel like I'm just being shamed
and overlayed with this blue hue
coating me
from the moon
I get so lost
I can't even let my life resume
I've been disrupted
like a noisy, untamed children's classroom
never saying what I really want to say
it's all locked up
and even my poetry doesn't know a **** thing about me
 Oct 2016 Merrimae
Arlo Disarray
cigarette butts
stained red
from desperate lips
dust her feet
from the ashes
drifting down from the tips,
where they flicker and burn
at the point they've been lit
by shaky hands of a woman
who can't give up
and quit

knuckles bruised blue,
bits of bone showing through
her head hurts from voices
telling her what to do
noises screech loudly,
she hears something new
then she takes her own life
when no one has a clue
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