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  Apr 2014 Melody Millett
everyone knows what you're like at 3 in the afternoon
but I wanna know the real you
I wanna be stuck in a room with you
at 3AM
with blunts and some alcohol
I want to hear what comes out of your mouth
when you are unaware of it and cannot control yourself
because deep down I know you feel the same
and deep down I know the feelings never faded away
I want to know the real you

Melody Millett Apr 2014
I loved your blue eyes that reminded me of the ocean
I loved the way you made me laugh
like no one else could
I loved how no matter where I was
I could think that you were somewhere else missing me
I loved how I used to call your arms home
they made me feel safe
I loved how you had my heart
I loved the feeling of being in love and
feeling love back
I'm hating how your blue eyes remind me of the ocean
I don't dare to go there anymore
I don't want to remember you
I hate how you made me laugh because
now no one else can make me laugh as you once did
I hate the fact that I'm sitting here
missing you when you're missing her
I hate how you have my heart
no matter how hard I try to give it to someone else
it always reminds me that it's yours
but most of all
I hate how I still love you
and how you don't even remember
half of the things that I won't forget
to you, the one who taught me how easy it was to fall in love and how hard is to get back up
  Apr 2014 Melody Millett
Emma Sawyer
I love him.
But secretly I adore you.

We are different.
But you and me are parallels.

He is complex
But you just understand.

He is all style
But you are substance.

He is all facts
But you are creative.

I don't know what do to.
But I know I'm lying.
  Apr 2014 Melody Millett
Diana C
I hope* she teaches you the meaning of loving someone to death.
I hope you lose sleep talking to her, and then later that night when you can't stop thinking about that one thing she said, just keep replaying it in your head until sleep washes you into its sea.
I hope she brings back the faith you lost in people.
I hope you let her mess your hair up, even though you can't even stand the wind wisping softly through the strands.
I hope you memorize her favourite lines in movies and songs.
I hope hearing her cry makes you want to go to the ends of the earth to hear her genuinely laugh again.
I hope she's the calm to your storm and the colour to the, sometimes grey, life you lead.
Most of all, I hope you love her passionately, devotedly, selflessly, and without reason or hope.
Because then you'll finally realize, that's the way I loved you.
Inspired by S.M
  Apr 2014 Melody Millett
Ann M Johnson
I was packing up and moving on
I am faced with many new hellos
and some goodbyes
I did my best and did not cry
I felt that I must try something new
I feel like I am stronger just from knowing you
I will always have a piece of you in my heart as
make a new start
I just moved to a different place today
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