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  Apr 2014 Melody Millett
It's hard to think of those eyes
covered by tears when you cry
It's hard to imagine these stories
of losing a loved piece of family

Big country brown or emerald green, you walk into a room with a smile shining. So happy, and you deserve to be. I can't imagine what would happen if you would show how you're feeling. Your family has a missing piece. It can never be filled and for that I'm sorry, but I'll be your shoulder to cry on when you need.

No matter what it's about. I've known you all my life and I'd love to help you now.

Who do these boys think they are? They're just little kids playing with bigger cars. I don't know what it is about girls with jocks. It's like they go after jerks, and are surprised that all they want is for you to jump on their.. Well... I know you aren't like them, but your track record with boys shows that they're bad boys. But look, it's not your fault. You trusted them and they used it to gain control of your walls. Once they were in they broke your heart. Then they open and close them like floodgates. When they leave, they leave them stronger. Now it's a little to late for you to trust anyone any longer.

The woman you "love" should be on a pedestal. She should be treated like a princess; Celestial. I haven't read your story, and that's true. But if you gave me the book to read, I would love to. Don't let my words sound offensive, when in fact they're meant to be candy. Sweater than a glass of green tea. Just like your personality.

I know the feeling of numbness. But a blade to the wrist or the waste is waste of paint when you could bleed red on a canvas. Now you don't have to a painter. My canvas is empty white notepad with paper. I know you can get through this depression, if not now then later. It's okay to fall down and see the grass on the other side be greener. Please don't quit now when your fall is just a fumble. You can recover. It's okay to feel like you're drowning in a little brown puddle. Even if you feel like you're further under. You just need a little help, that's all. Not some pills just a nice person to say, "Hello." Well, here's my hand, and I'll turn your sad blue to a nice bright yellow. Don't you see it? I've just wrote you a rainbow in one verse. Your canvas can be anything or anyone. Show your emotions while you're young. You can draw pictures, you can write songs. You can make music, or play it loud until dawn. Punk all day and country all night is what I do. You can join me if you want, but no matter what I support you.

I care about you, I truly do. Please don't let my fowl language, my bad humor and words distract you. So get your hair all soft and frizzy, be your own style. And I'll be here for you, with or without that wonderful smile.
This isn't a love poem. This is for someone I care about and just yeah. This poems message is that you can talk to me no matter what. I've been your friend forever and I'd love to be a better friend for you. I've always wanted to, but I could never find the words. I guess this might suffice.
After my first hospitalization I began writing. I signed my name, about five times, proving to the staff and myself that I was ready to be discharged. The envelope held against my chest contained reading material, a diagnosis, and copious sheets of paper with lightly drawn animal sketches. Two weeks in a hospital, sitting at a desk by a caddy-cornered television, holding a styrofoam cup of decaf coffee, I'd sit listening to news stories while skimming through piles of xeroxed copies of coloring books. This became the precursor to many more manic months that would eventually and periodically follow.

Adolescent behavior is uncertain, but a child that runs off into a wooded enclosure to scream until collapse is significantly more uncertain. More often than not, when a child screams, an adult comes running. But when the source of the scream is just as misplaced as the child, it will only become an echo lost to the wind. When feeling lost becomes a constant what else is there to do but draw a map, or in this case, animal sketches.

Have you ever cried hysterically while laughing? Not producing tears from a belly ache caused by momentary elation, but two conflicting emotions? Imagine dowsing yourself in gasoline and running into a burning home to get a drink of water. Picture yourself flying through the air, wind caressing your face, but you can't fly, and right before you hit the ground you only just realized that you jumped. No child can prepare for this, as much as an ignorant parent can help their child clean wounds that will not scab over. Medication will become a bandage, and if the wound can never heal, the bandage will eventually be ripped off.

Art therapy before therapy was introduced was sitting on the bedroom floor, fashioning little cut-out rectangles, hole at the top, and string pulled through and wrapped around my big toe. A blanket pulled over my face, just to know what it was like to rest in peace. But you know, kids will be kids, or so they say.

Aspirations to be an artist should have been the first clue that mental illness had come and was here to stay, but the dreamers of the world ruined that. You start painting happy little trees, and two months later you're medicated in a hospital room with the faintest idea of what a tree even looks like, let alone the fact that because of these unimaginable trees you are able to breath. But you are breathing, and slowly you are able to grasp a pencil, and soon after you are able to draw these trees, these happy little trees that you not so long ago had forgotten about. And you lean your face down, nose touching the sheet of paper, and you inhale. You feel reborn. Not exactly home, because, well, you're not home, but you're comfortable in your new skin. This new skin leads the doctors to explain to you that you are manic. You nod your head, obligatory nodding, seeing as how your mind is elsewhere, many places in fact, thinking of all of the ideas you'd like to put on paper. And soon enough you're signing your name, multiple times, being discharged with your diagnosis. This is your enlightenment you're told. This is the first day of your new life.
But it's not. The cycling wasn't explained. And you failed to read the paperwork given to you that was sealed in the envelope. Instead you tore it open to procure your drawings and discarded the rest of the contents.

Those drawings lead you to college. To be the artist you know you are.
You bleed for your work. Figuratively, at first. Until you decide to find a new medium. You put yourself into your work. Red smeared all over a canvas. Curled up in a ball on the floor, losing blood quickly, eyes slowly closing. And when you wake, with tubes in your arm, and hands secured to a bed, you wonder what season it is. And what the trees look like, whether they are barren or blossoming.
Then you smile.
You smile because you remember what trees are.

If only you could find a pencil.
  Apr 2014 Melody Millett
When i think back to the day I met you, my heart explodes.
I am both the happiest person in the world, because I hugged you, and the saddest because it's been so long.
In class, I can't focus because the memory of your smile keeps coming back to me.
In my head, it never gets quiet anymore because my mind keeps replaying the sound of your chuckle, and those words I've been longing to hear.
No hug will ever feel
as warm
and safe
and happy anymore,
because no one's arms fit me like yours.
You are constantly on repeat in my mind;
your laugh, your smile, your words, your arms, your smell...

I miss you so much, my heart cannot take it anymore.
And I cannot help but wonder,
how you can be the worst thing that's ever happened to my heart when you're the best that's ever happened to me.
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