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 Feb 2015 Ordinary
Fidgety Midget
Cry all you want, I have shed my tears
At times, I still scream to the sky, WHY?,
but still no one hears.

You're gone, you're dead, you chose not to stay
You made your bed and there you lay.

My life moves on, slowly, and in no direction
I often sit and stare blankly at my own reflection

Truth is you hurt me, you killed me
At least the part no one can see.

The dark rings around my eyes come as no surprise
Now that my lonliness is realised.

I miss you
#sad #sadness #lonely #loneliness #love #death #suicide #relationship #heartbroken #heart broken #heart
#love   #suicide   #sad   #lonely   #heart   #sadness   #death   #relationship   #heartbroken   #loneliness
I am an addict
Can't live without
When I stop using
I feel down and out

Did try it for a few weeks
Went into total lockdown
But after a while
I started to drown

My palms got sweaty
I started to suffocate
Couldn't breath anymore
And I lost my faith

So then I started using again
I just didn't know what I could do
So I decided to be an addict for life
Because I'm just too **** addicted to you
licked my wounds today
and they taste like you.
Sweet blood oozes and
there's infinite pain
in every squeezes

Memories keep these wounds
open, susceptible
to the bacteria of your lies
of the infection brought by absence.
Plagued by unacceptable reasons
of not having you.
There's no cure to this gangrene.  Amputate this heart of mine pls.
 Feb 2015 Ordinary
Kimberly Rose
We always talked about watching the sunset,
Laying on the roof
Watching the lights of the city below us
As if they were stars forming constellations,
Pointing out people walking by
As if they were ants below our feet on the sidewalks,
Tracing each other scars
With the tips of my fingers
And your smooth, perfect lips.
But we never talked about the sunrise.
The moon doesn't stick around for the morning,
But neither did you.
and to think for a second I thought I loved you more than the moon
 Feb 2015 Ordinary
I wish I could be there with you
and wipe away your tears
and go pummel whoever made you cry
in the first place

and I wish I could help you
make your dreams come true so you
would believe that all you ever needed
to do was believe in yourself
so you could fly

and I wish that I could tell others
of how wonderful you are
even with all the scars of the past
and remind them that they have pain too
but not to let that get in the way
of the light your bring to the table

and I wish oh how I wish you knew
that you are loved and cared for
and designed for a greater purpose
than the bleakness in front of you now..
I hope one day you realize these things.
Let me just say,
I'm sorry for all of this:
The lack of appreciation and the disrespect.
All the times I put my tongue in my cheek,
or my head up my ***.
I never looked in the mirror and saw
someone I didn't like...until now.
I see weakness in my eyes.
My bones feel paper thin.
I may not be perfect but, baby I was trying!
It hurts more than you know,
to come to our empty home..
and sit down all alone.
Yet I did this to myself?
I just ******* miss you.
If I abused anything, ****,
it was calling you mine.
I said it like I knew you'd never leave me.
and it didn't change a thing.
You walked away like I was nothing.
I watched the videos of us,
printed the pictures.
Torturing myself for no reason.
A moment of happiness has slipped.
through my fingers. Or has it?
I'm confused about life,
about who I am.
Without you I'm nothing,
I'm not who I want to be.
I keep telling myself I don't need you.
I don't, okay? I don't.
I wanted to grow old with you.
Never lose those precious butterflies.
You always gave me butterflies.
Sometimes I miss the constant attention,
nagging, screaming, cursing..?
I regret the arguments and I never
wanted to hurt you.
But I did. I did and I understand I
Can never take it back but at least,
can you forgive me?
I'm terribly sorry.
For all the nights I slammed doors,
pushed you out of the room, screamed back.
I'm sorry for crying so much and nagging.
I hate myself when I look back,
I still cant believe I said some of the things
I screamed at you.
I just needed you to hear me.
I loved the way you laugh,
disappear for 30 minutes,
even that stupid ******* smacking
of stupid ******* peanut butter.
I would rather hear you smacking,
than the silence that is now my life.
Does that hurt?
How could you be so dumb?
I just wanna come home, slip off my shoes
Play Diablo 3 with you.
But **** it, I don't ******* need you.
All those nights I waited for you to come home,
Every time I called and got your voicemail,
Every ******* inaudible voicemail I left.
Had I known, ******. Had I only know.
You were never alone.
You were just a ******* L I A R.
And you'll never be any better.
Everytime I woke you up because I
had thought you had slept long enough
just because I missed you that much.
How could you be so dumb?
I loved you like no one else ever will.
I thought that was bad, this is worse.
You are a *******.
How did I love you so ******* much?
I must be missing something here.
And  mean literally.
I'm missing my other half.
Or am I really? Maybe,
just're missing me.
Missing the all night phone calls,
the chats over lunches, smoke breaks
and texts back and forth.
The cute pictures we would take,
I'm sorry for always being so specific.
I remember how much you hated
my selfies with you. I'm so sorry
I wanted to show the world that I was yours.
You made so many arguments and it kills me now.
How could I be so dumb?
I know I can change and, I was trying.
But it wasn't going anywhere. Yet.
And it didn't need to. I was good for you.
Still, I know I can make a difference in myself. someone you would like.
Someone you could truly love.
But I'm good how I am.
You always said I tried to change you,
yet it was you always picking at my flaws.
Oh, am I not the same?
Not that 17 year old with pink hair.
Goofy, care free, college bound.
Not that young, quiet, shy girl from 1300 miles away.
No. I became the loud, nagging wife you lived with everyday.
Have you ever thought it was because of you?
You stole my young heart, took me from my home,
showed me what a man's love was and then,
you just ripped my ******* heart from my chest.
And I will never, ever change. Not for you.
I'm sick of thinking, sick of feeling.
Away from you, my mind is reeling.

It's because I'm finally seeing that you,
you are the one at fault here.
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