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2.2k · Aug 2014
Original Sin
Mary Generic Aug 2014
I woke up adrift this morning
Guilt a million leagues deep

Nothing done is undone
This Morning
Apologies do not come free

The sun which glistens
Upon the drops
Between my moistened

Carry this morning's

Trembling ashamed
Of the lust which came
Into me last night

My mouth has forsworn this place
My darling, forgive me

Of the low hanging fruit I partook
Above the devils knees
Writhing snakes within me bid


The meat is
ripe and sweet
1.9k · Aug 2014
Mary Generic Aug 2014
Today I swallowed a hole
It voraciously
Devoured me whole

Insidious pit

And you
Moist pig

Fell inside of me
Exposing entrails to
This Gnawing

Gluttony for what it's worth
Is only a problem

And what I know
Is you too are a hole

And two empties
Does not a whole
978 · Dec 2014
Baby Days
Mary Generic Dec 2014
I count the hours in diapers, wipes, formula and tiny prepackaged jars of mashed food.

I count the weeks in early morning babble, and bedtime stories. In cuddles.  

I count the months in doctors appointments and milestones; first teeth, rolling, talking, crawling, walking.  

I count my heart beats when they stop because of tumbles, rolls and kabonka bonks.

I count my smiles in discovery, first aided and unaided steps; when small things to me seem so big and new to him.

I count my tears in sleepless nights, upset tummies, and runny noses.

But if you ask me the time, or what day it is, I won't be able to tell you. Because I count time in moments. They go by so fast, and if I stop to blink or give you the time I will miss them.
933 · Sep 2014
Tonight I will Dream of you
Mary Generic Sep 2014
Where does solitude go
when I close my eyes at night
When the lights go out
does it disappear
Or does it cuddle up between the sheets
If so, who are all of these people I see
as I sleep
Are all these faces solitudes way of trying to comfort me?
Mary Generic Nov 2014
I came to a field where the winds echoed the sound of your voice

And I wept

Sowing the seeds of sorrow with regret

Wait for me

But your voice fell upon deaf ears

I am asleep at the helm of my ship

Covered in mounds of vegetation not fit to feed even the wicked


I cannot hear the sound of my voice, neither can I dig you out from this sick soul pit

I fear you are drowning

How do I pull you to shore when there is no shore to be seen?

How can I find you inner child, if you are so unwilling to find me?
716 · Aug 2014
Creative Introspection
Mary Generic Aug 2014
Whenever I think about writing
I always think about water
Drip Drip Drip
An ebbing tide
My thoughts melt and disperse
A damp day
Soft drizzle
I am the fog carried listlessly over an open ocean
Just a random free-write. I didn't put much time or effort into this...

— The End —