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698 · Apr 2017
Ivy Elise Apr 2017
The sun no longer seems to shine without you
The moon no longer as pretty too
Everyone says you're up there watching me
But I know you died that day in every single way
There is nothing left of you
And I feel pretty empty too
Sometimes I wish I could lie down on your grave
And just rot away
Become one with the earth
Melt into you
We will meet again
I promise you
549 · May 2017
Ivy Elise May 2017
You took my breath away
You made my heart race so fast I thought it might stop
I told myself I didn't want to love anyone
I had seen what love can do
But your beautiful brown eyes drew me in
Your sweet words blinded me from your real intentions
The first time you touched me you turned me into your slave
People had only ever touched me out of hate
But you were showing me tender love
I trusted you, loved you, wanted you
But something changed
Of course life could never be perfect
You were angry with me all the time
Why could I never make you happy?
I wanted to give the world to you
To show you how much I adored you
But you closed yourself off from me all the time
I tried not to worry, not to suspect you of devious actions
But I think I knew who you truly were all along
But you always came back and so did I
I tried to please you by not stopping you when your hand slipped between my legs that night
Even though you knew I didn't want it
That was the first night you bit me
Said it turned you on
Though I never told you, it turned me on too
But you always went too far
Pushing me to places I never wanted to go, wasn't ready to go
If I told you to stop, you left bruises on my skin
No one should tell you what to do and I had to learn my lesson, didn't I?
You never apologized when you let your anger get the best of you
Never even held me while I cried
So why did I go back?
Why did I always forgive you?
Why did you let me?
How could you hurt an innocent girl who was too young to understand how you were deceiving her?
Nevertheless, you eventually gave up on me
I wanted to hate you but still I couldn't
You came back to explain yourself
Told me you no longer loved me like you used to
You told me things could never be the same
But what even went wrong?
You couldn't even tell me
You made your best friend do it
Turns out we were living a lie
There was a bet between you and your friends and I was a part of it
Who would lose their virginity first?
Definitely not you because we never went that far
But somehow you did win
Multiple times
With multiple different girls
Did they love you too?
Did they give you everything you had hoped for?
Everything I couldn't give you?
440 · Apr 2017
Ivy Elise Apr 2017
A part of me died that day
Right along with you
I wish we would've been miles away from home
So the first responders couldn't have reached me in time
I never wanted to live without you
But the ambulance came
They pronounced you dead on the scene
Instantly dead just like that
They worked so hard to save me
But I was already gone too
My spirit was still with yours
Trapped in that shell of a car
You promised you would never leave me
And now I'm the one that left you
382 · May 2017
Kiss me
Ivy Elise May 2017
The kisses you left on my skin stayed with me
I felt your lips burn my skin, forever branding me as yours
You were harsh, always kissing me out of lust
Never of love
You liked to bite my lips hard enough to draw blood
Why was inflicting pain on me your only fantasy?

— The End —