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Ephemeral Em Sep 2016
Starlight, star bright
You light up my life
But wish, oh wish, how I might
You cannot be mine tonight

I see the way you look at her
Eyes full of love and joy, I'm sure
There is nothing that could occur
So you'd notice me instead of her

I love you, my star, my love is true
I want to give my heart to you
But you trample it till it's black and clue
You track its remains on the sole of your shoe

Soulless sole, you sold my love
As you winked at me from above
But I know when push comes to shove
My starry night, you'll forsake my love

But I hide my pain, your joy I won't mar
You ask me why I call you my star
I turn away, can't tell you you are
Close to my heart and yet so far

Your starry eyes twinkle as I wink at you
And say I hope you do what stars do
Shooting stars fall from heaven, diving into blue
So you can fall for me as I fell for you

Starlight, star bright
I've been blinded by your light
Wish, oh wish, how you might
I can't stay alive for you tonight
Ephemeral Em Sep 2016
I am full of demons. They live in my throat and my blood and my ears whispering to me so quiet that it sounds like my own thoughts.
2. The monsters are waiting. They lurk in the shadows and I can feel their eyes on me, their hands all over pulling me into the darkness it takes all of my strength to reach my fingertips to the light
3. I am fading. Memories of past selves disappear as every day passes, memories slipping away I can never remember what I've forgotten until it's too late
4. It feels like it's been years. We pass each other in the halls and i can't look you in the eyes without thinking of kissing you. It's so strange to dream of having someone back you never had in the first place
5. You haunt my dreams. I see the contour of your body and your hands and I reach out for you but I am always just not close enough and your hands slip away from mine and you dance with him instead
6. I was never good enough. No matter how I tried to purify my bloodstream and my skin and my stomach and my heart I was tainted, born into sin and unable to escape it. My demons live in every cell and I can't avoid them the same way you avoid looking me in the eyes
7. I can never pass on my genetics. I am burdened by a curse coded into every ounce of me and I can never pass this down. The thought of my children crying themselves to sleep with bloodstains on their hips haunts me and I realize that my biggest fear is being as ignorant as my parents were with me
8. I can never be loved. At least not totally. Although my illness is evil it is still part of me and no one can love depression. I will always be loved despite my sickness and I will never be cured.
9. I hurt everything I touch. My hands must be coated in poison, everyone I love is burdened by my fingerprints. I want to stop, to free them but I am too weak to leave them alone. So I take them with me until they are as shattered as I am, broken and unholy.
10. I am what won't let me sleep. All of these things that make my skin crawl are part of me, implanted deep within my bones and I cannot get rid of them. I am a monster because I am haunted by them, they will forever be part of me.
I am going to,
touch your soul,
watch it burst
into flames,
flickering with
stark colors.

Scribble love
on your veins,
your mind,
your heart.

Create a ruckus,
a chaos, a mess
deep inside you.

Chase away autumn,
the falling leaves,
and withering trees.

Melt away winter,
thaw the ice
around the surface,
shower sunshines,
and rainbows,
and unicorns.

Honey, I just want to
breathe life
back into you.
  Sep 2016 Ephemeral Em
I could feel your bones as they ache
and fell in love with the sound
that they make, stretched over mine.

their moans and their whispers told
all I’ve ever wanted to know
without a word escaping your mouth.

could you love me, bare and true
without the reflection of you
etched across my forehead?

could you take these broken bones and
fix the mess that was never your own?
Because I would love to be yours.
  Sep 2016 Ephemeral Em
at times, i wish i hadn't learned to love so much.

there is always a lingering weight in my chest;
my heart, already fragile enough,
fights to carry it through every waking moment.

hellos are my favorite things, but they're merely precursors
to the poison of goodbyes, to the sickness of loneliness
and the yearning to be elsewhere
in other places, with certain people.  

tears fall as quickly as grins go from ear to ear,
roaring laughter easily fades into deafening silence,
and this wishy-washy soul is one i could never get a hold of.

but what would i be without love,
without the burden of feeling?
what would i be without the days spent day dreaming,
the moments i run out of breath
from gushing about people and moments,
the nights spent crying all alone,
and being vulnerable to the world,
but feeling the best of it anyway?

i love, but i hurt.
i hurt, but i love.
and that is all that matters.
Ephemeral Em Sep 2016
I wouldn't wish me on your worst enemy
I'm the thoughts late at night that make you cry yourself to sleep
I'm the bullet in the gun that you're holding to your head
I'm the whispers in the silence that make you wish you were dead

I'm a walking natural disaster
I will tear you limb from limb
I'm just a living fiasco
Waiting for you to invite me in

My hair shines red like the blood running through your veins
It's just a hint of what you'll see if you let me stay
I walk like an angel, but don't let yourself be fooled
There is no god in the kingdom where I rule

My lips are coated in poison
I'm told they taste like death
But soon you'll be addicted because
There's nicotine on my breath

With just one kiss, you'll bow down to me
Not even complaining when I make you bleed
You'll head down the path of self destruction by my side
By the time you realize, it'll be too late; there's nowhere to hide

I'm not your temptress
But believe what you must
I'm just my own mess
Want to turn to dust

Hell-bent on self destruction, full of shame
Don't you dare care about me or mention my name
I'll stop for no one in my way
Darling, I can never be saved

Just save yourself
And run away
I'll **** myself
No matter what you say
I am writing a short story currently and am in need of an editor. It has to do with eating disorders and depression. If anyone is interested, tell me!
  Sep 2016 Ephemeral Em
Nicole Dawn
Who says depression
Must be gray?

It's not

I see red
In the blood
From my cuts

I see,
Blues, greens, purples
In the bruises
From the

I see white clearness
In the tears
From the sadness

I see orange and yellow
From the hot
Bursts of pain

So take it from me,
Is not simply
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