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 Mar 2015 Lizzy Jovanovic
I live in a constant fear of what I might lose tomorrow.
The thought of waking up one day and everything I thought was worth living for is just taken away like that.

I live in a constant fear of losing who I truly am while trying to chase my happiness.
I fear that one day I might look in the mirror and not recognise who I am.
 Mar 2015 Lizzy Jovanovic
My dad loved the idea of being different.
He would say "Make them remember you!" or "Let your light shine!"
He always told me to never do anything "half-***"
He wanted me to work harder, reach higher, and see beyond the horizons of society.
He always said "never look down! That's when you'll fall!"
He always knew what to say but he ever knew how to follow his own advice.
I watched a scary movie
the night silver girl ran away
because I knew nothing could scare me
any more.
I never said no, I just said not now
I never said I don’t, though I never told you I did.
But I do
Always have, always will

It’s no longer "Will you wait for me?”
We’re way past that
It’s “Wait for me. Please.” now
I promise it’ll be worth it.
I’ll be worth it.

**We’ll be worth all this
 Mar 2015 Lizzy Jovanovic
I am the book in the back of a library
Lost and hidden away collecting dust.
Spine broken; pages torn and faded
My cover ripped away long ago.

A story once filled with brilliant vibrancy
Now damaged beyond repair.
I am nothing but an unknown story
Forgotten and left without a title.

The distance between             meals have become
l   o  n  g  e  r
The thoughts of running blades across my skin are getting
The bruises on my body have stopped being accidents
The grip I had on happiness is s
                                                               ­  n
                                                               ­    g
 Mar 2015 Lizzy Jovanovic
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•play me a
tune of sweet serenade
•sing me a song of wistful
melody•recite me the words
you would            have said•
now whisper me your sighs
tenderly•paint me the
colours of night and day•write
me the poem of your heart•send me
your love on which I lay•make me the
end to all your starts•strum me the chord
of hopeful bliss•compose me a ballad that
sets my innermost free•so play me your
tune, the one that I would always miss
•and keep singing of us in a song,
so we'd be immortalised in
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