It's another year coming to a close -
A time to give and sit around
Talking about all the wonders
Unexpected, and crossed fingers for - alike
A new box we now have filled
With brand new moments
And snapshots of memories
Nights we danced like crazy
And those we spent staying up talking, far crazier
Dreaming and stretching out our fingers
To grasp the distant future
And hold the best of new days close
A whole new box of all wonders
And reminders of when we were most human
To open and sift through, picking apart
And piecing together the parts
Of our lives and holding on
To the fewest, the brightest
And those we can't live without
On the bleakest of days and the longest of nights
For all we have is this firecracker of a life
The last five seconds between
Lighting and setting off
And on to the explosion we become
We've spent our years sitting and holding on
To one last glimmer of hope
A slow burn, simmering
Almost never going off
And right before we've all but given up
We're taken aback
By the loud crack and the dancing of lights,
Falling embers and exposing new dimensions
Now there is more to discover
Time to spend
And create
The next great adventure,
A hopeful new year, lasting long and
Filled with sights and stories
Two in the morning worries sitting on the roof,
Long swigs and watching the faint trail of smoke
Days for searching and nights spent answering
Questions that make up an existence
And those that give life
To the new year
And how it posits,
Theorizes all three sixty five new ways
The odds are fought, not so much as even defied
But goes down among storied days
It remains and awaits
With the grace of kind hearts and warm cheer
To be remembered and placed
On the footnotes and small scraps
Of history and the infinite loop
Of memories that together, create.