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lins Oct 2018
good thing you were just a crush
so that I didn’t get attached
heart not invested
nothing like that at all

I can forget those thoughts
they weren’t a big deal
you just caught my attention
nothing deeper than that

except my chest still hurts
when I imagine you holding me
but I’m not invested
I can forget you easily

I’m just curious about her
what’s her name?
you smile when you see her
even from across the room

but, I’m only curious
just as a friend because
I’m not attached to you
no, nothing like that

I can be around you
and be totally fine
acting natural and friendly
remember, I’m not invested

your smile hits me hard
and that little laugh too
but I'll be okay because hey,
at least I’m not invested, right?
short lived but that's okay
that's what crushes are for
lins Oct 2018
sometimes you just have to write
a super ****** poem
just to make the words
get out of your head
and sometimes your words
flow so effortlessly that
the poem brings tears to your eyes
either way, keep writing
writing trash
writing amazing poetry
do it because it’s a necessity
do it because that’s just how it has to be
flow or don’t
rhyme or don’t
use stanzas or don’t
do whatever feels the best to you in that moment
friend, just write so that
those of us who can’t voice
the pain or the joy
have somewhere to find those words
we need you to write it for us
we have to relate to you
I beg of you
write for us,
your fellow poets
feb. 5th
lins Oct 2018
I’m not sure how you feel
I mean how could I at all
know what you’re thinking
when we rarely talk

I think your smile says more
than your words ever do
but then again that could just be me
reading into something too

when you’re around
I catch myself smile
because I like you near
even just for a while

you’re tall and kind
funny and smart
you have big plans
and a caring heart

I like your beard
and your dumb headband
the way you laugh
even the way you stand

I notice you often
every word you say
I want to be a part
of your day to day
lins Sep 2018
"aren't you cold?"

the small shiver
and the line of goosebumps
gave me away

I was freezing
but I welcomed it kindly
with frozen fingers

it felt fresh
like the beginning of a memory
long forgotten

my smile emerged
and I gazed out at the gray sky
"yes, so cold"
lins Sep 2018
a steal really
so much for so little
an amazing treasure
among lifeless others

chosen for its beauty
threads perfectly imperfect
worn and stretched
a comfort fit

holding a story unique
to a previous owner
taking it for my own
history in my hands

once home with me
it becomes new
beginning a fresh life
with a stolen history
lins Sep 2018
you're like caffeine in my veins
the way you get to me
stop me in my tracks
make it hard to breathe

when I'm near you
I can't feel time pass
you make my eyelids close
and my heart beat fast

a moment with you
is like a single drip
of that strong coffee
that you love to sip

I need you closer
I'm getting addicted
this isn't healthy
look what you've inflicted
lins Aug 2018
you write beautiful words

you always amaze

the way your mind
forms each intricate phrase
to put on paper
for my eyes to gaze

some of your poems
are well thought out
others are thrown together
simply, without any doubt

you write beautiful words
they expose you
every little detail
exposes the reader too

you write differently
than I ever could
you speak honestly in I way
that I never would

your words are as beautiful as your mind
unfinished from months ago
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