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lins Jan 2018
exhaustion drives me to write
while stripping me of my words
lins Jan 2018
Snuggled up and cozy
I wait for sleep to meet me
My mind begins to wander
This won’t end well
I can already tell

I think about my life
My every joy and strife
Then your face appears
Here come the tears

I think of our relationship
I wonder if this is just a blip
You confuse me daily
So every night I review
To try to understand you

The tears are here
Because I’m filled with fear
That nothing will be changed
That we will always be strained

Your voice echoes in my head
But tonight it only evokes dread
I am begging for sleep
But only to wake up to
Another day of suffering over you
lins Jan 2018
In the mirror I see a person
Often I recognize the face
Often it’s something I can’t place
In the mirror I see a person

In the mirror I see a girl
She doesn’t know where she’ll go
She doesn’t know how she’ll grow
In the mirror I see a girl

In the mirror I see a teen
She looks scared
She seems unprepared
In the mirror I see a teen

In the mirror I see myself
I might seem unsure
But I’m hopeful for the future
In the mirror I see myself
wrote this about a year ago and yet it still applies
lins Jan 2018
I want to create something
beautiful and true
maybe from nothing
pulled from out of the blue

I can’t rhyme worth a flip
my words keep on trip…ing
so close yet so far
they won’t flow from the hear…t

this is one big joke
I’ll probably get chok…ed
everything sounds choppy
because my mind is all flip floppity

oh yeah this is the stuff
writing from the heart is rough
watch me rhyme your socks off
then your heart will get soft soft

I’m honestly killing this
I’m honestly feeling this
this is flowing nicely
just don’t think about the rhyming -_-

okie dokie glad this is done
enough of this fun
time to get serious
theres work to be done
lins Jan 2018
Sick to my stomach
Thinking about you
Wide awake in bed
What more can I do

You invade my thoughts
You crash into my heart
Wreck my sleeping patterns
Tear my mind apart
found this in my drafts
lins Jan 2018
Whispers echo through the empty halls.
As I wander to my door, I hear your voice in every foot step.
Your laughter fills my mind as I stand looking in the mirror.
Are you laughing with me or at me?
Your sweet words bounce between my head and heart.
As I lay down tonight, a tear slides down my cheek and into my hairline because after all this, I can still hear the words that hurt me.
As my eyes drift close, your name repeats as the only thing I can hear.

"Goodnight ___"
lins Jan 2018
It just doesn't make sense,
I'm sorry.
How I can miss you so much,
makes me worry.

Speak with you daily,
I can only hope.
Feeling that pull on me,
like a thick heavy rope.

This shouldn't have began,
it causes fear.
That strong desire,
I want you here.

My heart starts skipping,
this could be a mistake.
Let's see where this goes,
at least for my sake.
for jmb
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