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 Sep 2018 Lilywhite
Eric W
 Sep 2018 Lilywhite
Eric W
I don’t want to be left drifting again,
compared to shadows when
there’s no comparison
to you.
We speak truth in our actions,
and we have found ours
in the patterns
we behold to the other,
somewhere in the space of
the morning air and the starry night,
we place our whispered thoughts
into the universe to be heard
so that we can ease our troubled minds.
Be mine,
and I’ll be yours,
and let’s run from stepping stone
to trails covered in pine needles
where we bed for the night,
only us,
under the stars and heaven
 Sep 2018 Lilywhite
we lie
in love's
past illusions,

in speckled

a greed
of loves
drives us.

under a
slice moon

my hollowed
self shimmers
in your

I cannot
hide from

though light
beckons us,

over the

we will have
none of it.

we slumber
in the
of the
that engulfs

to move
or be
stirred by
the morning

a abandoned
tea ***
off key
in the next

it will
have none
of this

and as I
lie in your
and you
in mine.

life is


we pretend

 Sep 2018 Lilywhite
Down the back alley
on the cold winter evenings
your eyes stared only at me

I didn't smoke
as my father gave up
yet i didn't dare disagree

you parted your lips
you drew in a breath
and your body relaxed in turn

exhaling slowly,
you grin and you show me
how much your body did yearn

for the taste of a cigarette
the embers and ashes
matches and lighters, causing flickering flashes

you said I didn't have to
but I said I didn't mind
that the smoke in your mouth would soon be in mine

I did not draw back
my mouth- under attack
I just had to last the duration

because I didn't smoke
the taste scorched my throat
and gave off a burning sensation

It must have felt different
as just in an insant
You stub out the cigarette with a hiss

silently relieved
and now more at ease
oh, the things that you do for a kiss
 Sep 2018 Lilywhite
talk to me
the way you spoke to your god,  
with your eyes closed
and tears on your face
 Sep 2018 Lilywhite
take me
back there
when it’s winter
and am happy
because of
 Sep 2018 Lilywhite
I've touched you
by my poetry
you smiled at me
by reading it
you still don't know me
but i think i love you
 Sep 2018 Lilywhite
What would occur if gravity failed me and I was lifted far into the heavens,
Past the clouds and into the dark abyss of space?
I would have nothing with me but my mind to reflect the world we all know.
I wouldn’t think for long however,
I would be to busy dancing around with the planets, to remember the harsh words that were said that night.

I would be found hopping around on Saturn’s rings, giving her all the love I could.

I would be found  talking to the Sun,
telling her how we all missed her when she went away for the nights, without her we lay restless and cold waiting for her return.

I would be found comforting Pluto,
See he as well was easily forgotten.

I would meet all the stars that make up the night sky,
and say how we are all inspired by the beauty they give off,
how we all glance up at them at our greatest moment of weakness and remember we aren’t alone, whispering to them all our troubles knowing that they will always be there to listen.

And while everyone goes to sleep, I will finally join them and dream of never leaving this world that I have entered.
I will finally forget you and the lies you told, laying restless no longer.

So if you need to contact me,
I can be found  floating across galaxies, talking to the asteroids, sharing stories of how I thought it would be the end if you left, laughing about the fact that everything was actually better.

I will be among the stars, searching no more for love, because I am loved by the planets and all the stars. I no longer dread on not having the love of another, because there is far more love out there then in you.  
The Earth still spins and the Sun still shines, the only difference being I don’t love you anymore.
Centered as always, but focused was true
Determined as always, but focused on you
Unwritten words in my head
Turn unspoken instead

The darkest of places of every corner in my mind
Has morphed you into something unkind
I've wished that time could rewind
So I'd remember those beautiful words
it's actually unfinished, but I thought it'd be poetic
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