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 May 2020 Lilly
Carlo C Gomez
the bantering of rain
the insinuation it might snow
the mirage of moonglade
the mountain drink
the desert thirst

resolves with flowers

a withered realm
a crestfallen kingdom
their copper queen withdrawing
from the bitter harvest
in the spirit of Persephone

dissolves into flowers
 Feb 2015 Lilly
Amitav Radiance
Love's misunderstood
By the heart
That’s unable to feel
We give the meanings
So many tags
Yet, love’s above all
We trivialize
And jeopardize
Expectations galore
None that Love wants
Above all our
Laid down rules
It’s akin to freedom
We seem to burden
It with materialistic
Love is rustic
Most simple of feelings
Complicated over the ages
Converted to a drama
Scripted by falsity
It’s above those words
Revealing the soul
To a pristine feeling
Thrown into murkiness
Sinister deals
Much effort to malign
Beautiful Love
Let Love be
Away from
Convoluted thoughts
 Feb 2015 Lilly
Jade Anne
it was summer when i met you.

the sun glistened off your teeth and your smile was magnetic, your hair sat perfectly around your face, your eyes were the brightest blue i’ve ever seen and when you spoke to me, i could barely breathe and my heart would pound a million miles a minute, i can’t stop smiling.

a year later and i was calling you mine, your hair is getting very long now and your eyes are still bright, you smile less now, but it’s still magnetic and when you spoke to me, i could still barely breathe and my heart was still pouding a million miles a minute, i can’t stop smiling.

it’s been two summers since i met you, your pull your hair back now, i wouldn’t know if your eyes are brght anymore because you won’t look at me, sometimes i catch a glimpse of your smile but it’s not for me, you don’t speak to me anymore, i no longer call you mine and i cannot breathe, my heart is pounding a million miles a minute and i can’t stop crying.
 Feb 2015 Lilly
Only For You
 Feb 2015 Lilly
Only For You
and maybe i fell so hard into lust
that you tricked me into believing it was love

— The End —