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I am fruit snacks and dragon tales.
I am trips to the Cape and tan lines.
I am country music and pearl earrings.
I am black raspberry ice cream and late night drives.
I am yoga at noon and apple picking in the fall.
I am Loud.
I am Loved.
I am Alive.
Her auburn hair kisses the water
Her face softens
She drifts with ease through the waves
The warm touch of the water sets her free.
Her heart slows as the waves grow quicker
The warmth grows cold
The soft water kisses her lungs
Her eyes soften
The cold touch of the water sets her free.
The lights are silenced,
But several flames stay alight.
Reflections of the warmth flicker on her face.
She inhales with hope and exhales with her wishes in faith.
Nature's purest joy.
I have too much pride during the day
So I don't call you

And when the day turns to night
I curse out my strength  

Because maybe you have too much pride too
And maybe you miss me as much as I miss you
I love you
             The way
       the sun
          the moon

Never together

       At a distance

              Always and
 Feb 2015 Lillian Harris
They are all around us
The vibrations of a radiation
that allows us to touch one another
like ripples across a pond
Those radio waves
are floating, dancing
across every surface
like delicate dancers
But they fly like shrapnel
Colliding with antennas
that beg for the wave
the rush

And I
wait for these invisible wavelengths
like those little antennas
Wishing I could feel the
emitting particles as they
pass through me
so I can feel your message
before the specks cram themselves
into my phone's receiver
like lost souls fleeing from the dark

But I am grateful for these radio waves
for they allow me a chance
to talk to you
everyday until
we no longer need them
 Feb 2015 Lillian Harris
Every winter
I become dragon
Wings unfurl
Black combat boots crunch
Against the icy ground
Claws raking streaks like stars

Every winter
I become dragon
Because my heart is a princess
Stuck within the towers created by my ribcage
She mourns
I grow scales of armor

Every winter
I become dragon
"This isn't working out"
The sound of tears washes over the chambers of the castle
I swish my tail, I close my eyes
I can feel the walls tremble

Every winter
I become dragon
Because I grow stronger
I do so because I realize only I am able to protect myself
I curl myself around the princess and swear to do better
Spring will come, in time
The air was thick and our cares were thin.
We stared at the stars in silence,
young and reckless.
The sky was so black and yet I had never felt more light.
Breathing, once so paramount, slowed into one soft fluid motion.  
Our cares slipped through the tips of our bare, ***** feet.
Trouble with him never before made me feel so alive.
Its the color when you lay in bed with an abundance of blankets but an absence of love.
Its the color of the snowflake that tickles the back of your neck.
Its the cool breeze on the beach when you've just emerged from the water.
Its the color of his shirt when you watch him walk away.
When you grasp onto your pillow for dear life as tears trickle down your cheeks, its the color of your fingertips.
Its the color of your breath when you realize he's never coming back.
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