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You think you're so cool...
Bad boy, detached.
Nobody knows you
like you know yourself.
Leather jacket, crooked grin.
Only few deserve it.
Pocket-watch, single hoop earring.
Vintage, vintage...
How did you get so great?
Perhaps you stole the lost souls
of fragile beauties.
Perhaps you aren't so great after all.
Or maybe
you just got so sick of hating yourself,
that you decided
to hate everyone else instead.
Or it's possible
that you lost your own soul
in the eyes of a fragile beauty...
And it's possible
that you're too far gone
to be saved.
Literally just wrote this on the spot. I don't know.
I am surrounded
by people
by people
By people
of strength
They have
The people
are everywhere,
and sighing with fatigue
I watch

Fearful of people

There is nowhere to hide.
I shall have to bide my time
and one by one they'll leave

I now understand
the reason why it is called
falling in love

*because it hurts.
To take a stand you must get on your feet,
Through waves of contention you must compete.
Change can only come through those with strength,
With hope and faith, defying any length.
To one without motivation,
I administer to you a simple invitation.
Remember the man who gave his life,
The man who conquered and calmed the strife.
In hopes that we may return to our father above,
He gave his infinite and everlasting love.
All that he asks from us in return,
Is to love one another and his mercy we’ll earn.
So come unto him and take a stand,
Spread bravery and fervor throughout the land.
Justice and mercy we shall stand behind,
Creating an Earth, in which heaven is aligned.
What is a man?
They would say a man is tough
I would say a man is strong
They would say a man is rich
I would say a man is rich in heart
They would say a man has many women at his fingertips
I would say a man will love one woman for all his life
They would say a man is dedicated to his job
I would say a man is dedicated to his God
They say a man is tough
I say a man is strong
 Apr 2014 Lillian Harris
She was so generous
that she left me with innumerable sorrows.

I was so selfish
that I couldn't give her anything but Love.

El egoísmo    

Ella era tan generosa
Que me dejó con incontables penas.  

Yo era tan egoísta  
Que no le pude dar nada excepto amor.
I just came up with the translation in español
Another day my dear,
he shouts with the volume of a whisper.
Pre-destined love
designed to be apart
She is pale beauty designed to be gazed upon
Not knowing her allure.
He is blinding to the eyes.
Nevertheless he loves.
For the sun loved the moon so much
he would die every night to let her live.
Another night my dear,
he shouts with the volume of a whisper.
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