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9.4k · Aug 2014
Lexi Buerle Aug 2014
artificial feelings stuffed in a room
dangerous proximity could finalize doom
deprivation brings about illogical thoughts
then it happens, and my hearts in knots
side effects may include waking in cold sweat
followed by hot flashes of regret
it seems like whenever the icing's enticing,
i can't help but take the cake.
1.8k · Apr 2015
The Roses
Lexi Buerle Apr 2015
The Roses he bought me were as red as her hair,
and brought just the same despair.
The Roses he bought me were as soft as her lips,
The petals contained the curve of her hips.
The Roses he bought me smelled of her perfume,
like the covers in my bedroom.
The Roses he bought me pricked my fingers,

As she my heart, but she still lingers.
1.2k · Dec 2014
Lexi Buerle Dec 2014
What memories am I allowed to keep?
When will I dream again in my sleep?
Secretly, effortlessly, evermore,
More and more seem to slip through my pores.
Forget is a monster who waits in dark,
Snatching up tidbits without remark.
Harmless at first, but it is bound to grow,
Until I'm unsure of what I know.
I can not remember the words to speak,
Sentences shiver, wimper and creak.
Have I not seen you sometime, once before?

Lately, it seems,
I can't be sure.
787 · Aug 2014
To be loved by you
Lexi Buerle Aug 2014
You're daring, but afraid
I know you love, beloved
but where are your true loyalties?
I step lightly, unseen, following winds
My footsteps will vanish quickly in the sands of time
I will not be remembered
I have the courage to admit that I am unimportant
Billions upon billions have lived and died
And I will be among the many forgotten who lived
You're deathly afraid of becoming unknown
You're grasping to make some difference in life
Dragged by time, kicking and screaming all along the way
Like a child's tantrum
I sit silently next to you, waiting.
My loyalties lie with you.
I cannot bestow your sought affection, but I can breathe
And my breathes will be put to use through the form
"I love you." And although it's not all what it implies
It isn't all a lie.
I will follow as long as you and time will let me.
656 · Aug 2014
Lexi Buerle Aug 2014
My life isn't empty.

It's full of echoes reverberating in the walls of my skull,
Burnt images in the soul I can't find a remedy for.
They claw me back away from the world into reflection,
To discuss the cause of my deflection.
Pride and shame is welling within,
And I don't know which feeling should win.
It's funny how life changing an event is to one,
and an insignificant speck in anothers.

I want to love you and feel your skin again

— The End —