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A** crazy little thing we desired to fall
Believably that it was true
Could it possibly an imagination or just for real?
Dreaming or falling on the right way
Eventually would fade or maybe would stay
Facing the love of your life it sound so crazy
Going back and forth only to see her every day
How love could mean and change the world to you
In denial at first, but **** you hate it & you love it at the same time
Just trying to catch and realize that it was you
Knowing how much it means a lot.
Love? how wonderful it is
Moved you the hard way you could get
No space that you could filled but only her that you give in.
Oblique spheroids that turn us
Questioning if its round or circle
Rapidly is not enough to find someone like you
Searching for love? you don't have to
The love will just find you at the right time
Unbelievable right? &
Very unrealistic to believe.
Wait & be patient, while
X is marking you to cross the path
You'll never know it will just knock out of your door
Zest is along the way!
Took me 1 hr and half to make it. I was kinda worry if i'm able to finish this or not but still i'm happy that i made it!

Jan 11, 2015
The snow is white, very bright
As bright as the clouds
Very soft, very cold
Very very very old

Snow is white, such a sight
So very bright and so very soft
Beautiful and filled with ice
Very very very cold

Clouds are white and fluffy
Very bright and very soft
Round, rabbits, elephants, shapes
Very very very old
Comments would truly help her creative spirit. Thanks
Hundreds of thousands of words Shouting
How can I Call you

So deep darkness all around
How can I See you

But Red Sun rises in your sky
How can I See it

Your are in full of dreams
How can I dream your dreams in My eyes

But Still,

The Words
That can say Your say

The Darkness
Forced to see the Light

The Red Sun
May expand my horizons

And your Dream
May birth to another dream in me

Yet I can't bring you

In my known tune
In my own room
In my known rhythm
In my known traverse

Yet I speak your words,
Sing your song
Days Passing to wait
Nights passing through dreams-
They were broken children
Their scissored minds ran them
In spirals
Until they sat with crossed legs
And crossed lips
To press themselves flatter
They were cut-strings marionettes
Who danced
In an attempt to wring calories
From their balsa-wood bones
Which refused to give
And who pinned their painted smiles
A little tighter each morning
They were snapped-spines picture books
Who’d been warped too far by society
And had had their pages torn from the crease
So that words hung like razor blades
And spliced from each vertebrae

They took them to the circus
Where they were the **** of every joke
But when the clowns speared them with dripping eyes
And artificial mouths that were stretched over grimaces
Like the dust-jackets from different stories
They stared back glassily
Because how can you be afraid
Of the broken clockwork of your reflection?
 Oct 2014 Latin Gypsy - Eva

Sometimes being alone is much better
than in the crowd of judgmental tongue.

© Pax
if only others think of themselves first before throwing ugly judgment.
if only they think twice before saying something.
if only they think of its effects on the person they judge.
If only they asked first, if it’s okay to throw judgment.  
'if only'
A piece of you
Reflecting back
The bitter words in your mouth
Too raw to speak
A poet is
Someone in pain
And someone in love
Someone who looks at the world
Through a kaleidoscope
Who takes a magnifying glass to each
And every
Word you say
And lets them imprint on their heart
A poet is
A star gazer
A dreamer
A chaser of
The improbable
But hopes anyway
A poet is
Tissue paper skin
A heart of glass
And a soul of titanium

A poet is
A sharp tongue
And a gentle kiss
She is a sob
He is a sigh
A poet is
The sun at midnight
Bright and
But cloaked in a darkness
They cannot shake
The brightest day
And the darkest night
A poet is
The human experience
A paradox
An oxymoron
So complicatedly

A poet is
A lover
Who refuses
To stop wearing their heart on their sleeve
No matter how much it bleeds
But rolls them up
So you can’t see
The blood stains

A poet
Is Poetry
 Oct 2014 Latin Gypsy - Eva

Love!               vs              Love?

I love you!                      I love you?
It's true, I do!                 It's true, I do
Wonder why?              Wonder why;
You love me too!          You love me too?
First published 22nd September 2014, 10:00 AEST.
I've felt a lot of pain before.
From knives
To guns
From blade
To razor
But this pain is beyond my expectation
Your words cut me
Your lies kills me
Your tounge serves as the sweetest poison.

You're my life
But you're my death.
You're my heaven
Yet you're my grave.
You're my love and my pain at the same time.
The blue skies you see
Was the gray skies for me.
Tell me I'm colour blind
But no! That's the emptiness inside me.

My shadow in the mirror
That's the blurred charrade of my life.
Horrible wounded girl
Whole life was trash and ******.

Teribble breakdown it is.
Just wanna be free from this chains.

I want it to be treated like illness.
Need to recover and be okay within days.
 Oct 2014 Latin Gypsy - Eva
The desire to love another to see that person in your arms. To dawn a new form a new horizon. But when you hold your new love all you see. Is the desire of the past. The impossibility of that love torments you to holds you back like a warden who's prison you are in. It's shackles haunt and torment you.  You need to move on you say to go forward to take that step. But all you see or want is the past. Yet even in the past it was not to be. Tormented that she was meant for another. Unknown is it to you the reason for your affection. All you know is that you want her. You desire her. You need her. You'd **** for her you'd die for her. You become obsessed. You ask yourself why?!? Why must I love this person?! It drives you insane all the while you try and forget her to leave her and never remember her. But like a mother to her child you come back. You need her. But she can't be yours. She's meant for another. The burning desire inside of you can never be quench. So you desire to forget and leave. Become a wanderer and set for the sands of time. Your love manifests itself into your world. Untainted by the its love being reciprocated. It simply because like a dog begging for its master to praise it. But you have become a wanderer you try and move away from this un evolving  love. But you can never leave. It will haunt you. You were meant to be but your half of the soul was split in two. And your other  half is her lover. This torments you. You want to simply sleep. It's been a tiring journey all you want is sleep. You were a wanderer but now. You're a warrior and it's time to find your rest.
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