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 Oct 2014 Latin Gypsy - Eva
Hopelessness. Emptiness? What is it that torments me. Why are there frayed ethereal chains growing ever longer. What is at the end of this bloodied chain. I must pull but when I pull my chest heaves there blood and pain and agony soaring through my body. Why do I feel this way? What is the cause!? I see someone at the end of this chain..... No not chain, chains why are there so many? All of them hooks digging into my flesh why? Why must my body been torn like this? Brothers? Family? My love? Why are you growing farther apart from me? Why is it that the further you go the farther these chains extend and the more they pull on my body? Why? Why must I feel such pain? Don't be angry with me! But behold you are not angry with me. So why is this pain. This. Emptiness why does it still envelop me?
When I was a child,
I wanted many toys.
When I was a girl,
I wanted to have that boy.

But now I'm a woman,
And I know that life's not about play.
And that boys can't save the day.
And I wished a man would come my way.

So I waited.
And I dated.
But soon I realised,
That what I wanted,
no man could satisfy...

Every longing. every desire.
Every need for validation.
Every emotion.
This kind of drove me to depression.

A lost dream. A broken heart.
This fake smile, this calm facade.
This strong front, this high esteem.
I really wish that I could scream.

But thinking back upon it all.
The small girl of then, still standing tall.
On the outside, her frame is small.
but inside she's ten feet tall.

She is strong and matured now.
And I know she'll survive somehow.
I don't know what's ahead,
But there's no need to be afraid.

I don't know if you're just like me,
But, just know that you can be...
Very strong and very brave.
Keep going, don't lose your faith.

And on some fateful day,
You'll meet a man along the way.
And you'll be able to say..

"There was no better time to meet,
all our struggles made this sweet.
And it was all as it should be..
To make you YOU, and make me Me.
Now, we can say in certainty,
That all of this was meant to be."
Last night
I asked to the moon
If she would still want me.
She replied very soon
That she's not used
To deal with cases like me.
But she whispered
That if I wished
I could
Lift mountains.
Inspired by Indochine's song "J'ai demandé à la lune"
(Mistakenly deleted and fortunately remembered)
If my love can last like a river
If my heart when I see you, shivers
If my promises can make you better
Would you accept me in your life forever?

Abdullah Ayyash
April 24th, 2014
Please, come closer
I wish to feel you near
So I can whisper
Something in your ear.
Three little words I call a secret,
A commitment I don't dare to say
But if you press on my heart
You'll feel it anyway.
I can create your world
I can even destroy it all
I’m not a reckless man
Nor someone wants to fall

I just want to live a life
Where your light is the call
Where happiness is the pillar
And your love is the whole

Abdullah Ayyash
April 08th, 2014
What if we had met
In Florence, say five centuries ago
Would you have let
Me be your Leonardo ?
You gentle face I would have framed
In the back, a sfumato of Tuscany
You, I would have named
My Mona Lisa, smiling to eternity.
When I lay in bed,
Trying to sleep.
When I close my eyes,
Thinking so deep.
When it becomes too late,
I fall asleep.
When I dream of a dream,
I can’t upkeep.
When all my senses,
Start to seep.
To the nonexistence,
Want to creep.
That’s the moment,
I want to keep.

Abdullah Ayyash
October 2nd, 2010
My mind is not like yours
My life goes on different road
My soul is shattered in million pieces
My heart is freezing with this cold

I need some rhythm to put my soul
The way it was, the way it ruled
I need some music to let my heart
Be warm again and be restored

Are you the rhythm I’m looking for?
Are you the soul, I want to hold?
Are you the music I need it to,
Warm my heart and make it gold?

I read some words here and there
I read some words on this board
If they have meaning, let it shows
If they do, they should be told

Abdullah Ayyash
October 22nd, 2010
I can read in your eyes,
What your words would not say.
What I've seen brings me to heights,
My heart and soul so far away.
Needless to blink,
It is too late, I have guessed
Give up your paper, feathers
And ink
I know that, by the angels
You are blessed.
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