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I dream awake as a silent dragon with a jade arm and no sense of one's self,
I can talk for days losing complete track of one topic to another but I'll keep you entertained
I am the child of a man of word and a woman of nature, cursed by the nine to see truth,
I welcome all into the conversation, I am trusting that all trust me
This dragon kills for what seems like no reason, he's killed kings, presents, giants, pawns, friends and even gods,
if you harm me so be it, if you touch my family I'll ******* torture you, death would be to pleasant for what I have in mind
Sometimes my dreams mash with reality imposing faces onto characters, and traits into powers,
I'm personable, and a omnist, opening all the time
This provides me with challenges everyday since no one is exactly an enemy or ally and remain as such throughout the daydreams,
I assert my presence in many forms of art
He has adapted or evolved as I have learned more of reality causing him to believe he's immortal,
I am inclined to mention that we may all look a bit crazy sometimes
The really funny thing is his day shares mine but our nights are spent in his,
I am always here for you or at least do my best
However each night he's sitting on a roof planning the heist of little importance, only to discover a powerful elven princesses trapped so he frees her and they escape,
though I may be a hypocrite about some statements
Then the dragon decides before he sleeps that night that he will help the princess find out who she is,
*I am simply me and nothing else, you are so much more
Two cardinals bathe in the creek as I'm lost in thought about how beautiful you seem to me
It's true I was thinking about you
I want this to be heard not read out like the books you reserve at the library
Forgotten as an adult willing to pay out of pocket for an escape that we all had as children, such an easy time to rewind to followed by emotions from a third mind.
Treated for the problem with glowing screens and repeated beats...
But that's past us, the history books (have been) will be rewritten by the youngsters a generation that slipped through the cracks after the X & Y before you would have heard of a millennial,
My passive aggressive ways are to think like a murderer and smile on the outside I wear a soul on my sleeve while the heart stays sheltered, remembering being curled up with that library book to read go dog go
Time escapes us when we escape from reality escaping out of dreams originally created to escape time,
A letter from Clever foxes to loyal hounds you too can be my friend to, just strip away the claims that I might cause you pain once you see who you are, then after I passed shed me the tears you would man.
The covers over our heads assure that we are in bed weighing the odds of whether that youth inside us has left.
**** the words that i've failed to Concoct
i am angry about you and hOw you think
this is not personal it Never was
sometimes things just seem Very wrong but listen
on the outside i act kinda strOng inside i'm cultured bones
nothing except atoms pLaying out there lives together
so ******* for any and all assumptions that i can't be more
just like you, just like god, just like earTh, just like the spiritual
everything is Eternal
Destined to change
Please read to yourself the last two lines one more time.
I cast a line out
                             ­  N
                           ­           T
Fishing for a thought better than the one I have waiting in the depths, floating on a stick with noodles attached, courageous in effort as the light has long since gone out,
As the buoyancy effects my dreams, My Fingers curl around the pole sensing what could happen if I let go, Still Fighting with myself arguing my existence in this empty air,
Might change the world or could end it, I am starving for a thought new as my balance is lost and the waters envelope me
Eying               the surface I see               the water     is       clear reflecting   upon   itself
  My                 body passes the               hook
Suspended by a floating rod, I turn from my life line and spread my arms hoping to slow my Faith, No thoughts come to mind,
                                ­    At
              ­                                Bottom
It's eyes locking onto mine, a smile welcoming me to lay she makes no effort to move or catch me, we seen in sync as I float over her

We embrace,

This is the thought I was wishing for? A hushed lip meets mine, our first breath in a space where I thought it wasn't possible,
Are we rising or are the waters disappearing as I catch a wink of my hook and rod, my hands press believing that this is real as I feel yours on my back,
There is so much more, the possibilities are endless, are goals may differ, but we are flying and nothing will stop us from floating among all the thoughts we once belonged to be below us.
I wrote this a little while back but could not resist the temptation to post it. Enjoy
  Sep 2016 Kyle madill Baker
I got into my 2001 Ford explorer
and lit a cigarette.
I fumbled with the radio and let the Kacey Musgraves CD play.
I didn't know where I was going, besides Starbucks.
I was feeling really anxious and kind of upset after looking in the mirror.
And sometimes all you need is your favorite treat and a cruise.
Ever since I got my first car, I have loved driving; it's always come very naturally.
And there's something about going nowhere that really calms my mind.

People created the motor vehicle because we all want to be able to escape.
Even if we never do...
We can.
Reasons why I'm only a man with culture in my bones, broken among the faces exposed by the melody hiding from the metal, something's are just more desirable, like a woman with long legs and an ***, or a smile from the cute guy who's your friends neighbor, chilling in the back porch playing the world news through a saxophone, I've only got bad stories but here's a song that will show you glory, because no matter the horrors we see there is one ******* person just trying to be... among the sheep, wearing the wolf cowl just a baby afraid of being eaten, I am the crow calling out the bluff, we will all fall to death, and thus my mind is set...
That my second reason only be my best, you all know my key to a stress free life, become the pawn, but do not forget that a pawn can become a queen but I plan to take the king, trap him in the corner make him fold under pressure, a strategy play that requires training and struggle, so in the shadows of Mordor I wait causing havoc as a ghostly rambler of fate, meeting our hero in the fields of Hyrule as a Poe, that instead of attacks questions who is really good, why is there evil? Does the relation to our past connect us on better level, simple pleasures now become concocted dreams of the could have and may achieve, we are face to face with our mirror, a figure that looks the same but never moves, now this is how I break the law, I leave my spot to move forward because my mirrors goal is only to appear in in front of me, so let it chase me I'll become the king and then let my reflection become a dream to conquer, but only with an army of you, and me.
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