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 Jun 2015 KB
 Jun 2015 KB
People spoke about how cigarettes **** people
I never smoked, but I still feel a burning sensation in my lungs
People said alcohol tears people apart
But I didn’t need it to push everyone away
People never talk about how one day I would want to rip my body apart
How you’d become trapped in your own head
They never talked about the things that hurt the most
Things that take you by the throat and never let go
How being alone became the only thing I know
I only ever allowed myself to bask in people.
I sunk my teeth into them like a snake releasing venom
And allowed myself to be consumed by them
I was never one for drugs or money
The only things that have ever hurt me,
Had eyes littered with stars, and hearts filled with dust.
 Jun 2015 KB
If you want to know what I see,
Take a look around when you close your eyes.
If you want to know how I feel,
Think about the last time you cried.
You asked me to show you what it’s like on the inside,
But from the looks of my body,
You already know.

With my eyes closed, all I see is red.
Hurting seems to be the only real thing I feel.
My arms and legs outline my internal damnation
I wish I could ask for help
But I guess it’s too late for me.

My sorrow tortures me, but I can’t express myself.
The transfer from my mind to my fingertips is lost somewhere between my mouth and heart.
My words get twisted up and I just spit out foolishness.
I feel everything so deeply
Just I have nothing to show for it.
 Jun 2015 KB
I look around the quiet hallways and all I can think of are what flower is your favorite. I haven’t said a word in over an hour, but the screaming in my head is making it hard to concentrate. I've never been good at saying goodbye and I don’t think I ever want to.
 Jun 2015 KB
I am your closet,
Full of bones
I am your darkness
Full of souls
There’s no escape,
Just stay awake, and you’ll make it home sweet home.
Don’t under estimate the degree in which we’ll suffer
It’s an ocean
It’s a sea
There’s an entire world, you’ve never seen.
Dragging us down
Squeezing our throats
Do you think that it’ll ever leave us alone?
I’ve been hoping
I’ve been praying
That I’ll make it home sweet home.
 Jun 2015 KB
I look in the mirror
And all I see
Is this girl
Who doesn’t know me
She asked why I look tired
                  Why I look like a liar
I said I’m just fine
          I don’t want to die
She said people care
               It doesn’t seem fair
To want to live
To want to die
Why do you keep up the lie?
There’s a knock on my door
There’s a crick in the floor boards
With nowhere to run
With nowhere to hide
All I remember is saying goodbye
(disclaimer: i'm not suicidal,and i'm not planing on doing anything of that sort. everything i write is exaggerated to seem more dramatic and so i am able to use more descriptive language and keep the original meaning.)
 Jun 2015 KB
When I look in the mirror,
The girl who doesn’t know me
Tells me everyday
There’s two voices
One tells you that you need it all
                                                    Grab it with both hands and never let go
                                                    To make it your own
The other part says to give it time
                                                    Don’t let it consume you
                                                    Leave it be
The war in my mind
The battle's being fought
                                                  Are creating chaos
                                                 I have too many thoughts
What she doesn’t know is
When there's
The greed
And pride
There is also,
                                               The part that says “**** it all”
                                               The part that wants to leave
Darkness is all I see when it rushes over me
The girl in the mirror
She says to me
                                                Not to worry
                                                Not to mind.
                                                There’s a way out
That never occurred to me
                                                I have to figure it out
                                                I have to open my mind.
Until I do,
                                               The war will never be over
                                               The fight will never be done
                                               The chaos will wage on
I will never be fine.
 Jun 2015 KB
Mateen Manek
 Jun 2015 KB
Mateen Manek
The **** on her heart
tore open, and spilled into the sea--
I had seen this and dove in.

Her heart was a fountain, and I looked to it
as a source of purity.
 Jun 2015 KB
Mateen Manek
Haiku #18
 Jun 2015 KB
Mateen Manek
We treasure the sun
The moment we realize
It's about to leave.
 Jun 2015 KB
Mateen Manek
There is a great big lantern in the sky
That shines through my bedroom window
Onto the darkened floor.

I see life in its reflection, and it terrifies me-
I see a pool of water, and a midnight secret;
I see a hand caress a cheek, and a love
That is only awakened by the midnight moon. 

The water tells me of this tale and i,
I am captivated by this lantern light.‎
And I find its source; it is not the moon;
I had seen a projection from my hearts ruins. ‎
 May 2015 KB
Mateen Manek
Haiku #17
 May 2015 KB
Mateen Manek
I've seen their love bloom
Like a spring morning with no
Fear of their autumn,
As if it could not exist.
The title suggests that this poem is a Haiku, but I would like to clarify that it is not. It is called Haiku for the reason that I released it in a series that was predominantly Haikus, and the form of this poem was based off of the structure.
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