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Mar 2022 · 170
Psalm 119 Forgotten
EK Mar 2022
I am walking, looking, searching around,
looking for truth I may have already found.

I keep asking questions,
I keep losing answers,

Am I strong for searching or weak for being blown off-course?
Should I have gripped more strongly on my long-held beliefs?

Is my fear rational or blind?
Am I Afraid of Something New or was I just Right All Along?

Is there something for feeling in knowing?
Can one trust their intuition?
Mar 2022 · 215
A Break in the Rain
EK Mar 2022
I went on a date with my ex
A day after what was supposed to be our one year anniversary

It’s almost like it was a first date, that the timing said the clocks reset and it was all new

Everything was perfect, between the tears.

The sun was gentle enough to be warming as his touch, as his fingers danced over my back as we sat on a log, talking non-stop like making up for lost time, but feeling that no time had passed at all.

The wind was sweet and blew my hair just enough for him to brush it away, and his eyes were more beautiful than ever before, though lacquered in tears of longing.

Every silence was punctuated with an “I love you”, sometimes said, and sometimes just felt in the tightening of a hug.

Everything fit together just right, and there was no awkwardness between our bodies as they settled into their comfortable familiarity, his shoulder a perfect rest, and my waist a home for his arms, it was so perfect I almost didn’t feel it at all.

I can’t even write about our kisses, punctuating pauses like commas, illicit like a last cigarette.

Coming out of the conversation, nothing really changed.

Everything he said was perfect, and without a shred of begging or manipulation. Everything was said with deep love and care, but no pretension. No gesture was performative, no sentence rehearsed, but everything he said was the most beautiful poetry.

I knew that while we had both changed so much, although our paths crossed so sweetly, we still were going in different directions.

We walked through an unfamiliar park, somewhere we hadn’t been before, and as we walked back to go, I thought about paths crossing and looping. Maybe we’re on a little loop that will rejoin later, maybe we’re going to just keep getting further apart.

Sometimes I see a tree or a branch that makes me think maybe we’re on the same path again — maybe the wait is over — but I’ve never been here before. He’s never been here before.

We both know what we want (each other), there’s just still something in the way.

I’ll love you forever, and I will treasure today so dearly.

We can’t be together and we can’t really be friends, but I’m not sure how to be apart.

I’ve never really understood running away, but I sometimes feel like I could give it all up for you.

I know you would never ever ask me to, and that’s part of why I love you.
Aug 2020 · 190
glinting little end
EK Aug 2020
It's so very tempting to love,
even when a clear end is close at hand.
What if I just never reached for that clear end?
What if we just walked along forever, with the end forever close at hand?
If the distance between here and the end can be split in two and twice and thrice again, isn't the end an infinity away, even if near?

what if I never reached out for the end?
What if, instead, we just walked hand-in-hand, looking past the end, reaching around it for another rose?
What if that glinting little end floated along nearby, but never came between us?

Is there such thing as a "dealbreaker"?
Does it HAVE to be?

What is greater, what has more power over me? My desires, or my other desires?

If he's not right, does that very certainly make him wrong?

How inconvenient is awareness, and how very fleeting is bliss.

I wish I could turn a blind eye, but now I've thought about it too much.

It's so foolish to ignore a deadline, to procrastinate on heartbreak, but I so wish the Monday Morning of reality weren't so near.
Nov 2019 · 369
rain of pain
EK Nov 2019
of pain

fell down

i feel the same
out in the lane

sent from a place safe
to a place


unknown i am
to myself
who am i
where am i

i feel unknown and all alone

the raindrops have their friends,
not alone in their despair

i am but a lonely rainbow.
this is so sad alexa play despacito
Feb 2019 · 280
A Little Girl's Poem
EK Feb 2019
It’s hard to write happy –
It just gets sappy.

I can write sad and I can write mad,
But my poems about you are just so BAD.

I think about you and am filled with joy!
Fancy that! All this for a BOY!

Together, forever, wherever, ALAS!
This feeling, I think, will never pass.

I like you, I like you, I like you a lot!
Our future, I fear, I am beginning to plot!

We’ll get married and say our I do,
Pack up our things, and go somewhere new,

You’ll be a good father, I’m sure that you will,
You’ll hold me tightly, even when I’m ill.

We’ll have a child (a boy or a girl),
Our lives will spin into quite a whirl.

They’ll grow up like you, thoughtful and kind,
A flaw in them I shall never find.

We’ll have our fights,
Hushed ones in the nights,

I’ll won’t find the words for why I love you,
But I never knew why, I just knew that I knew.

But perhaps with space, or maybe just your face,
I’ll be reminded of your goodness and grace.

But maybe, just maybe, when we’re old and gray,
I’ll get it, I'll get it, I’ll have found a way.

I’ll say--
Scraps from some notes from little me's journal sewn together anew. Tried to hit that childish excitement about life that is really so beautiful. I'm a grouchy cynic now who just writes sad and mad, and that makes me sad and mad.
I talked to my young cousin who often fancies herself in love, and nearly forces young boys to her will, proclaiming herself engaged to them
Feb 2019 · 196
Winter Romance
EK Feb 2019
The Snow falls

One cannot help but notice the snow,
one cannot help but remark on its beauty,
yet one cannot help but notice its biting chill.

You're remarkable and everywhere,
undeniably lovely,
undeniably everywhere.

Your beauty and your cold are overwhelming.
As much as I awe at someone so violently gentle,
I can't get too close.
Ventures in the snow leave me with a chill and dripping socks.

We're incompatible, you and I.
You with your blustery flurries and I with my weak immune system.
When with you, I 'd shield myself with coats and gloves,
I'd want to be near you, but still apart;
warming my hands as I protect my heart.

I want a love like a cup of tea,

I want a love like a cup of tea,
warming me and banishing the memory of the cold of snow.

I want a love like a cup of tea,

I want a love like a cup of tea,
No one chooses tea for what it looks like, but rather for what its made of.

I want to love someone with the passion of chai,
the forgiveness of chamomile,
the strength of mint.

Soon you'll disappear in the sun,
too weak to stay.
Jan 2019 · 408
A Liar's Tell
EK Jan 2019
I cough when I lie,
it's like the idea of deceiving you is sickening.

I don't make eye contact when I exaggerate,
I don't want to be able to tell if you see through the story I'm spinning.

I want so desperately for you to see me and love me for who I am, not for whatever picture of myself I paint.

I feel like I see you, the real you, when you focus on something or someone else and forget to compose yourself for me.

I wish I could just say "I see you, and you're beautiful".

I crave authenticity, yet keep authoring falsity.
I'm never really able to confess my feelings, it's a problem, lol.
Oct 2018 · 257
EK Oct 2018
Forwards, backwards, anywhere,
imperceptible -extremely everywhere.
All powerful - an enemy or friend?
Time keeps running to my end.
It's all around and not here.
It's pushing us forward and never back
the time is pressing.
time is gravity - it's pulled down and pulling us.
time is gravity - it's dependent on space but untouchable.
time is gravity - it's serious, but unproven.
We know time but not of it.
We think in time and are bound to its chains.
We cannot be outside of it - but our soul is eternal.
We need to be forever - but our forever goes one way.
We may go on forever, but we will never return.
I move on past the glory, the pain, the past.
I move on from the happiness and my time with the blessed.
I leave behind me times with people now long gone, I left behind the chances to make their smile true.
I might have been better, if I could understand I wouldn't return.
We may get a forever, we may just get a day,
but no matter what, either way,
we will never get to stay.
Mar 2018 · 361
City of Fallen Angels
EK Mar 2018
LA is grey.
All asphalt and concrete
High rises
Dirt-tinted buses
The colors are too bright, in an unnatural way.
Smiles are fake and the thrum of life is auto-tuned
“Natural” is skimmed and trimmed and clipped
“Healthy” is shiny with oil  and goo
“Pretty” is doing what you’re not supposed to
They’re different because they all are - and thus surprisingly the same.
Empty, searching, tired of life’s game.
Feb 2018 · 483
EK Feb 2018
Her tears were rainbows,
a rainfall commitment to herself.

Never would she let that pain
again bring tears to her eyes.

Tomorrow was an olive branch --
a beacon of hope.

She'd long chased a raven --
a deliverer of despair.

So she resolved to become a dove,
to be strong in resolve
and a bearer of hope.
Feb 2018 · 339
EK Feb 2018
Every thought, every sight, every idea is built by WORDS,
You see a LEAF in color GREEN,
But music is not so limited--
it is just sound, just pure emotion.
It does not go FEAR! CAUTION! WAITING!
but somehow, it's ***-Plulum-AaaRRUM speaks those thoughts far more clearly.
It filters between the lines of language like light through a cracked-open door
it drips from heaven,
Jan 2018 · 428
EK Jan 2018
I smile a lot
and never cry
my heart is soft,
my mind is sharp,
my eyes are dulled with truth.
Jan 2018 · 383
EK Jan 2018
My mistakes, shortcomings, errors, and failures, are as sand by the sea.
As his voice raises an angry wind, the sand hits my stinging eyes.

Other times, the waves of his affection wash wet and smooth the sand down, and we walk and look at the falling sun.

But even as we stroll, the sand sticks to my feet,
I know that sand will stay stuck to me.
I have to admit, these feelings are unknown to me. I just wanted to be edgy like the cool kids.
Jan 2018 · 349
EK Jan 2018
The eyes are the greediest of the body.
The legs run to bring the eyes to see new things,
The heart pumps that the eyes may live to see another day.

The eyes, his, and all their organs search for her eyes and serve her constantly.
His hands work to bring music to her ears,
Sweets for her tongue,
All for a twinkle in her eye.

When his eyes saw hers catch the glisten of a tear,
His mind raced for an answer,
His arms drew her closer,
But alas: the tear was for him,
As her mouth told him that her heart was another’s.

And at that Truth,
While his heart dropped,
And his hands fell,
It was only after his eyes had clearly seen her leave,
That they blurred with tears.

Perhaps, the eyes are not the window to the soul, but, rather, the soul itself.
Through his eyes, he had seen all,
And because of what he had seen,
He was who he was.
And when those eyes blurred and crumpled and crumpled as his soul,
His body fell too –
Waiting for the eyes to see something new.
Dec 2017 · 640
EK Dec 2017
My lashes love each other-
-they’re beautiful, delicate lovers.
Every few moments, they steal the briefest kisses-
If separated for too long, they weep!
Each night they fall together in love,
Together in blissful sleep

— The End —