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 Jun 2015 Kodis
Ellie Geneve
You were aiming for the moon,
lifting your head as high as your neck would let you

But as you were walking,
you forgot to look down

so you slipped and fell
Two birds, one stone: a metaphor about the importance of modesty; another metaphor about keeping a grasp on reality, no matter how far you aim.
 Jun 2015 Kodis
No name
 Jun 2015 Kodis
No name
The road is reflecting the noise of our cars a thousand times.

The leaves are crying out in a whirlwind of emotion.

The flowers are withering from the ice of a cold heart.

My demons are escaping from all the openings I secured.

It's darkening.

Everything I built is breaking apart.
Nothing but my memories remain.

I'm a walking shell, a soulless corpse.
I have no dreams, no future.
No hope, no faith.

This is the end.

I'm giving in.
She was my first kiss
But not my first love
Not love at all
 Jun 2015 Kodis
can you ***** my finger and measure the dopamine in my veins? collect my teardrops and tell me if i'm going to be okay? can you light up the darkness with magical pills?
decide if i'm too sad to go to school?
can you tell me if i'm just being melodramatic? measure my blood pressure, maybe that will work. write me a prescription for 5 Happy Days in a row, and 3 hugs from Someone I Love.

doctor, doctor
i'm not feeling well today
doctor, doctor
i don't know if i should stay

sadness isn't a sickness, but it's infected my mind. can you write me some antibiotics to get them out in time?

sadness isn't sickness, but i think i might've caught something from doing a little too much of Having No Friends. don't you know how much i've been Laying In Bed?
sadness isn't sickness, but i think i'm coming down

doctor, doctor
i've got a severe case of the I Don't Want To Lives
can you write me a prescription?
make it go away?

doctor, doctor
you've let me down this time
doctor, doctor
i'm not in my prime

can you tell that i'm not healthy?
'cause i don't think you can
oh, sadness isn't sickness,
but it's fatal,
if all goes according to plan
 Jun 2015 Kodis
It's near impossible to pinpoint the exact moment you died inside. It's even harder telling your parents that it's not the boy making you crazy but the malicious voice in your head telling you, you're not good enough. You will never be good enough. And what's most difficult is trying to explain to them that he makes you feel whole inside and like you're not damaged goods. He drags you out of No Man's Land where there's nothing but your demons hiding around every corner, waiting to attack. To tell you you're not good enough, smart enough, pretty enough. The ones who make it hard to get out of bed in the morning. You're not good enough. They stole your happiness long before you noticed it was gone. You're not good enough. They lured you into that back alley and robbed you of your soul. You're not good enough. So someone please tell me, how do I tell you that the lights left my eyes long before he came along?
It's 5 o'clock and my world seems bleak once again, surrounded by the same ecompassing shade of remorse that it was last year

It's five oclock and I think I've remembered the art of despising myself but most importantly someone else too because sometimes I forget good enough isn't possible

It's five o'clock and the shadows surrounding my room are that familiar kind of inviting - the kind that doesn't need make up and cheekbones and ediquette and good grades

It's five o'clock and I just want a ******* break for once in my life
 Jun 2015 Kodis
i hope my shadow follows you through the rooms of your house
i hope my perfume lingers in your bedsheets and my naked body lingers in your mind
i hope that when you look at your backyard, that all you can see is the red hammock that we broke
and we laughed and laughed
i hope you sit in your living room and remember when i counted the fourteen fake candles. i hope you count them and find fourteen and remember when we kissed on the floor
i hope that blonde hairs litter your possessions. i hope that you find them on your clothes, in your car, in your room, for months after i've left
i don't want to be so easy to get rid of.
i hope my voice has stained all your family photos so that all you can see when you look at them is how cute i thought you were
i hope that the sight of your empty passenger seat physically pains you and i hope that every day you feel as if something important is missing
and i hope that that something important is me  
i hope your lips burn bitter with my aftertaste and your hands grow lonely just like your friday nights without me

i want you to miss me
even if you won't
i'm sorry i wasn't enough
 Jun 2015 Kodis
Mercedes Faust
"And in the end we're all just humans who are drunk on the idea that love could heal our brokenness"
 Jun 2015 Kodis
Doesn't it bother anyone else: that by simply participating in our current culture of mindless, resource exhaustive consumer capitalism, we're directly perpetuating a model of conduct that will eventually lead to the loss of our habitat, and the decline of our species; one whose remorseless self indulgence now guarantees a rise of global sea level up to 10 feet?

Doesn't it bother anyone else: that we live in a society run by people who we don't know, who don't care about us, but only their own short term gain, regardless of the negative impact that their actions may and often do have on entire generations of people, present and future?

Doesn't it bother anyone else: that our economy thrives on war, and has since the 1940's, that the total for defense contracts this year has been $253,802,074,353, and that 19% of our federal budget goes to defense, with a meager 1% funding education, that we have a president who calls our congress "ceremonial," wins the Nobel Peace Prize, and then unilaterally commits acts of international terrorism without breaking a sweat?

Doesn't it bother anyone else that we're on camera all the time, that our government spies on all of our communications 24/7 as well as those of other countries, or that people who reveal these injustices are shut up in prisons for life, tortured, or exiled?

Doesn't it bother anyone else that our police force is increasingly hostile to innocent people, that they carry AR-15 assault rifles to peaceful protests, and that they constantly abuse their power? I have never ONCE consented to search, but has that ever stopped them?

Doesn't it bother anyone else that our lives are essentially meaningless in the grander scheme of things, that we all dance like puppets, and jump through hoops like dogs, working at jobs we don't like for people we can't stand, to earn money that often barely supplants our basic needs?

Doesn't it bother anyone else?
Doesn't it bother anyone else?
More of an editorial than a poem, but I had to get it out. I lose sleep over this stuff. (Edit... THIS started trending?!?!?! You guys are awesome!!!!)
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