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5.3k · Apr 2015
To Each His Own...
kjforce Apr 2015

  This is the story of two lonely souls....
Who found each other, without cajoles...
Neither had ever had a mate....
Yet Jack and Gill decided to date.....
They felt an instant connection....
As both were Chefs and had a fixation....
One for Chicken the other for Bacon....
And so decided to take their direction....
From what they had learned in life....
Party animals that they were....
And perhaps now you can concure.....
Their feelings for each other....
Was so far from any another....
People just didn’t understand....
Why when they walked, it was always hand in hand....
They never strayed and held tight to their ways....
Believing their world was just another phase....
But eventually the world would accept you see....
That what they had was called * “ smaltzy “....
*Yiddish word for rendered chicken / animal fat or a garish over the top fancy party...
Who are we to judge others ? We should treat all like Sisters and Brothers...
kjforce Apr 2015
Sometimes we have a life long dream...
but not sure where to start....
and sometimes we must go to the extreme..
with a thought that's not so smart....
It started with an issue..
she knew she had to resolve..
Unaware of her options, but knew it had to be solved..
He destroyed the girl that she had been...
destroyed the world she had lived in...
She weighed the pro's and the con's..
and concluded it had to do with ponds...
So she set out on a mission..
and decided to save for her own condition.
A well deserved vacation in the " Florida Keys"..
for her and her honey , and with his money....
The months how they passed...
So slowly, then at last...
The day they left was 20 below..Brrr..cold
Soon they were driving down Old Cheney Road..
A backwoods road where the St. Johns' River flowed..
I hear the fishing there is great...
You'll get a bite with very little bait..
They reached the lake in the early morn..
and that is where her plot was born..
She poured the coffee she had made..
and laced it with some " gator aide "....
Here my love she said so sweetly..
I made this special for you my sweetie..
The cast was made, the bait was set..
No reason for her to sweat or fret...
Eyes did close and body went limp..
She started to shake and then thought..
Come on girl be strong don't be a wimp..
No one knows we're here or where we're at..
She rolled the body to the edge of the water...
heard a splash ! was only an otter...
Within a flash, the body was trash...
there must have been 20 gators below..
ripping and flipping the body about..
She packed up and decided to go back the scenic route....

post note: I've always wanted to be my own boss, and now due to my recent loss..
The Insurance is an assurance and I don't have to wait...
I'll open a store and call it " GATOR BAIT "
We'll " rip 'n' flip" and in a flash... you'll be trash..20 below can be a temp......20 below can also " tempt.
kjforce Mar 2015
The wind was blowing when she left the city...
I believe it was twenty below...
Where she was going she already knew...
But... first she had things she had to do...
Get rid of the body that was clear....
There were no options, it had to disappear....
The heater was broken and blowing cold air...
She could feel the ice, building up in her hair..
She had cleaned up the blood as best she could...
As she had hit him hard with that log of wood...
All she had asked him , was to light a fire...
To take off the chill in the house....
Do it yourself if you are cold...he snapped
And while you’re at it get me a cold beer...from the fridge..
It was early morning when she finally arrived at the bridge..
This was his favorite fishing spot...
She pushed his body off the pier...along with his ice cold beer..
And suddenly began to shiver and sneeze.....
Oh well, she said...this too shall pass..
When I get to the Florida Keys..

PS. This is  # 1 of 5 in a series titled “ Gator Bait “.  
Be sure to check them out...
Sometimes we have an issue that is best dealt with " in the mind "
kjforce Apr 2015
It’s that time of year when I think of you....
And all the strange things we used to do...
We were young and cast our fate to the wind...                                                  
Regardl­ess of the message that we might send..
Out to the world , cause we didn’t care...                                                          ­            
And that’s what brings me here to share....
You treated me just like a queen honey bee..                                                            ­    
And I believed and worshiped thee...
We shared our ups and downs together...                                                      ­                  
In thick and thin and stormy weather...
What was mine was mine and yours was mine.....                                                        ­
And we never ever crossed that line !
I assumed it would always be just you and me...                                                            ­
As no one else appealed you see....
My friends said you will break my heart...                                                         ­             
But I told them that, I was just too smart....
As I remembered , what I was taught....                                                       ­                 
That no one could control my thought...
And then it happened I lost my heart....                                                        ­                  
My bracelet, my watch and my college  ring...
And then you did that awful thing...                                                         ­                     
You lied , you cheated , you  had stolen my bling...
And that’s why now you aren’t around....                                                       ­               
Plus no way... will you EVER.... be found....
sometimes it's the little things that tend to make us SNAP...and she's done it again..
kjforce Apr 2015
Broke the Rules...
Left some clues...
I'm a fool...
Now...Living in a cesspool...

I hear the economy is bad...
And getting worse each day...
Although it hasn't affected me in any way..
I can even keep Kosher if I choose.
So what do I have to lose ?...
I get three meals a day..
And sometimes a snack...
Clean clothes everyday I put on my back..
Exercise is a daily routine..
that I choose to do ..and it keeps me lean..
My quarters are small..but after all..
We have a room with a big color TV...
And a place for family and friends who visit me...
Healthcare ? not a problem you see..
As I don't pay for insurance like thee...
Problem with teeth...rectified
Education, Degree, I can even be Certified..
Because unlike you, who lives outside..
You need to work to survive...
Now I'm a part of the system you see..
And have it much easier than any of thee..
I broke the law and now pay the price...
But I'm still better off than your lousy life...
And when I'm released, I will qualify for...
Medicaid, Medicare and even more...
So you may have done it different than me...
But in "old age ", we're equal you see...
A mistake is something you do with consequences...or is it ???
643 · Oct 2016
Ode to the Orange Gourd...
kjforce Oct 2016
It’s that time of year again...
When family and friends gather together..
To share and give thanks for all that they treasure..
The young and the old, the tall and the small..
The Vegans and the Carnivores, come one come all...
There are dishes of tradition, like Turkey and stuffing..
Mashed potatoes, gravy, and cranberry muffins..
Green Bean casserole, and corn soufflé...
Are just some of the dishes of the day....
And of course a relish tray to take off the edge...
With that awesome Spinach dip in Pumpernickel bread...
So many desserts at this time of year...
But the favorite of all , synonymous of the Fall..
Is that Jack’O ‘Lantern, Orange Gourd.....
  known as Pumpkin Pie...
As the children play a game of touch football...
Something that is 24-7 on this day in  Fall..
As Grandpa sits in the afternoon sun...
Remembering back ..when he was young...
Then the words of “ Let’s eat “ fills the air...
And everyone sits down in their chair..
Who wants the first slice ? Dark meat or White ?
Grandpa asks...then proceeds to take the first bite..
Everyone fills their plate, till it can’t hold no more...
Yet some still go back, for more and more....
Finally everyone is full...can’t eat another bite..
Till the smell of fresh coffee brings on a plight...
Aahh  dessert ..and the best part of all....
“ PUMPKIN PIE “ !!!! ....It appears was a” Majority Call “...
This is “ MY “ favorite time of the year....
When you mention MY name, everyone gives a cheer
So without  further adieu  ...Grandpa picks up the knife...
As I am the “ MAJORITY CALL “ and received the first slice.....
Nothing like getting together with family...
550 · Sep 2015
Knowing You are there...
kjforce Sep 2015
Together we guarantees we care..
I know I can do anything, as long as you are there....
Standing my ground on things that I care...
You give me the strength to speak my mind...
We are two souls, which have intertwined...
Our journey began when I was born...
On that bitter cold September morn...
You gave me a bunny, that played a tune..
It was about the Sun, and not the Moon...
Then you gave me a hug and a sweet little kiss...
And told everybody you just got your wish...
You make me smile when I have a bad day..
And always have positive things to say...
I dedicate this to you my Brother...
As you are not like any other...
Your love for me has helped me grow...
To become the best Sister you’ll ever know....
                                                         By kjforce
Everyone needs that special someone...
kjforce Apr 2017
I've been there for you since the first...
With sustenance you offer that quenches my thirst...
Although , we are so different in many ways...
I look forward to your visits, on hot or cold days..
I never know when you are coming, my dear...
But certainly relish when you are here...
We've been doing our thing for a few years now...
There are no suspicions and yet somehow...
With all the technology , and environmental issues...
It would be our luck that , TV reality yahoos...
Would discover our secret of which we share...
Of ridding  the world, of abuse and despair...
So victims can move forward and not have to fear...
Consequences and options...are made very clear...
So with this in mind, I think we should wait a bit more...
On the opening of another “ Gator  Bait “ store....

copyrighted 2012
having a olan is half the battle..doing it is the FINALE...
kjforce Apr 2017
It's that time of year again,
When eliminating unwanted baggage or trash(your choice)...
We have ALL the options available to you...
Start  your " New Year " with a clean slate....
Thanks to all for a dream come true...
I couldn't have done it without all of you...
So jump in your car...and bring a friend...
Make all your troubles come to an END...
Wahoo.. Wahoo... we opened store three....
So hope you'll join  us , so you can be FREE !!!!!
Looking to get rid of unwanted, useless baggage...?
Due to abuse, you have an advantage...
Mental or physical it doesn't matter...
Or just not meeting your criteria...what's sadder ?
Having to live every day when not happy...
Doesn't help your attitude , makes it rather ******...
Look no further... we have the solution....
And can bring the " issue " to a conclusion....
Call today for the information....
As we now do business throughout the nation....
No mess, no fuss, just leave it to us...
will make sense...
No questions asked, as this is a simple task....
So don't wait, and do not hesitate...
All this compliments of " Gator  Bait ".......
* limited time offer...recommend a friend...and get 60% off each one you send...!!!!PS: do yourself a favor and read the previous writes regarding the " Gator Bait " series and hopefully all
Copyrighted 2012
Sometimes  we " crack "

— The End —