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Sep 2015 · 788
Kevy Almighty Sep 2015
Take time for yourself.
Pamper yourself.
Treat yourself.
Have fun by yourself.
Laugh with yourself.
Pray by yourself.
Observe by yourself.
Succeed by yourself.
Spoil yourself.
Live for yourself.
Sep 2015 · 613
Kevy Almighty Sep 2015
I really really try
Not to cry
When people lie
I look to the sky
When my tear ducts are dry
I just want to die.
Aug 2015 · 623
Hate It
Kevy Almighty Aug 2015
I hate when I give my all to you
I hate when put you before myself
I hate when I pour my heart out to you
I hate that I cought feelings for you
I hate that I actually love you...
Because you don't feel the way I feel so you left me heartbroken.
Aug 2015 · 723
Kevy Almighty Aug 2015
Sometimes you have to be alone
because you're the only one
that you can fully trust
with your feelings.

You can tell people how you feel
but they still won't understand.
They listen to your pain
but they never feel
what you feel.

Not even the person you trust the most.

They can be there to comfort you.
Maybe they'll even cry with you,
but their stomach won't knot.
Their head wouldn't pound.

Then you'll feel the pressure of knowing that someone else knows what's killing you  on the inside.

That's why I rather be alone.

I came out of the womb
all alone.
By myself.

So I contain my feelings all alone
bottled on a shelf
inside myself.
Aug 2015 · 447
Your Best
Kevy Almighty Aug 2015
It's hard when someone don't feel like you do.
When the emotions don't unfold like they used to.
They're just toying with your feelings like a voodoo -- doll.
When honestly, you're giving them your all.
But please baby doll,
Although you may fall, just don't break.
Trust me, you got all it takes to break all that is fake.
Giving your all is just a test
To prove to yourself, that you're YOUR best.

Feb 2015 · 4.7k
I'm sorry
Kevy Almighty Feb 2015
I'm sorry that I'm
not good enough for you.
I'm sorry that I don't
satisfy you like she does.
I'm sorry that I have
feelings and issues.
I'm sorry that
I'm not the prettiest thing in skin.
I'm sorry that I
"don't fit your image".
I'm sorry that I
don't have the best body.
I'm sorry I even
let your negative opinions effect me.
Feb 2015 · 2.3k
Because, Thank God.
Kevy Almighty Feb 2015
Because you woke up this morning,
Thank God.
Because you have all of your senses,
Thank God.
Because your heart still beats on time,
Thank God.
Because you're not homeless,
Thank God.
Because you have feelings,
Thank God.
Because you were once put in a situation where you could've died but you didn't,
Thank God.
Beause you have at least one person that you can count on in the darkest of times,
Thank God.
Because you still have hope,
Thank God.
Because you can understand poetry and love poetry,
Thank God.
Early morning thoughts.
You're blessed.
Kevy Almighty Feb 2015
When it comes to the point where you pick on others for no reason,
My friend,
You have a problem.
When you find  that you don't laugh unless someone is  hurt,
My friend,
You have a problem.
When you can't be funny unless you're making fun of people,
My friend,
You have a problem.
When the only time you feel good about yourself is when  you  bring someone else down,
My friend,  
You have a problem.
Stop bullying.
Feb 2015 · 1.0k
Feel me
Kevy Almighty Feb 2015
Please don't waste my time.
You feel me?

Don't make me feel special,
and tell me things
that you know I wanna hear,
but you don't really mean it.
You feel me?

Don't get me trip.
I mean head over heels crazy,
to the point where I'll do anything for you
if you know that you aint'  feeling the same.
You feel me?

Don't tell me that you love me.
Don't call me 'baby' or 'bae'
if I aint the only one.
You feel me?

Don't tell me that you want 'us'
If you don't understand that the concept of 'us' is 1+1
just you and I and nobody else.
You feel me?

But most importantly,
think of your loved ones.  
Would you like them to be treated the way you treat me?

Just be honest.
Don't say you can commit if you know you can't.
Don't break someone because of your issues.
You feel me?
Moral: Treat people the way you want to be treated.
Feb 2015 · 9.4k
Kevy Almighty Feb 2015
I'm afraid of losing my parents.
I'm afraid of death.
Never finding the "right one" is a fear.
Not being financially stable is a fear.
Never being genuinely happy brings me fear.

However,  my greatest fear is not being great; not being successful.
Success is a must
Feb 2015 · 7.2k
Judgemental Society
Kevy Almighty Feb 2015
Her mind is corrupted.
The thought of *** is always lingering.
She's only 16.
Why is she having wet dreams?

She's such a ***.
That little thot.

She's always wearing shorts or tights.
I mean, although the weather's hot,
that's still not right!

Her makeup looks nice,
Her curves are right.
But why does she carry herself that way?

She wants all the guys eyes on her.
Such an attention seeker!

Her hair is right.
Her heels are high.
I gues you can say she dresses nice.

But wait...

Isn't it normal for teens to think about ***?
Or even imagine it?

Everyone wears shorts in the heat.

She's not fat,
She's not anorexic.
She does have a nice figure.

When she steps out,
her shoes are nice,
her hair is nice,
her make up is right.
She looks fabulous.

She's smart
she has a good personality.

I guess she doesn't hang around girls because guys are cooler.
Most girls are just like me.

She's actually pretty.
Pretty cool too.
She's comconfident about herself.
That's all.

Maybe she does it all for herself.
I guess it's just my mind that's corrupted.
Many girls look down on other girls for good reason. They judge out of spite. However,  I kid you not,  there are many girls that dress up and show their figure for themselves. They're smart and they make themselves feel good. It's so sad to see how judgmental society can be.
Feb 2015 · 799
broken - unbroken
Kevy Almighty Feb 2015
Why is it that your first love leaves you ****** up?
Like how can something that was once so good scar you so bad?
How can someone that 'loves' you, hurt you so bad?

Crying for hours.
No sleep.
No trust.
Outrageous anger.

You left me in so much pain.

I gave you it all.

But what did you do for me?
Make me look and feel like a complete ***.

***** you left me resentful.

Now I'm not safe.
I'm not comfortable.
I feel lost and incomplete.

There's no more love inside of me.
No more trust.

I'm just full of insecurities and hatred.
I'm just numb.

Stronger than I've ever been actually.

But now you see me on my grind.
Feelin myself.
Being successful.
Doing me.
Why you coming back?
Playing like you know me?

See let me get things straight.
You might be able to crack me, but you can't break me. The horrible state you left me only made me stronger.

When a female has a strong head on her shoulders,  she can never be broken. The blood rushing through her head creates stability.
She's independent.
It might be a bit rocky at first, but trust me, she gon be good with,  or without you.
What you thought you destroyed, was just a bit of reconstruction going on. Renovation for bigger and better.

Just look at the beautiful creation you made.
Feb 2015 · 788
is it my fault?
Kevy Almighty Feb 2015
I use to be happy.
I wanna be happY again.
I still need someone to talk to; But that's my problem. 
I need people to make me happy. But then I get so attached and comfortable that my happiness is based on other people.
Its like I've been alone so long that when I find someone that gives me attention,  I get so attached to the point where I crave their attention.
It's like I'm not happy unless I get it.
I don't wanna be weird. I don't wann be clingy. I don't wanna depend on anyone for my happiness. 
I wish it would stop. I really do. But its not my fault.  I may be able to stop it but it would be hard. Be if I can stop it, wouldn't it actually be my fault?

— The End —