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As a child I told myself
I'd never hurt again

Be here I am
At 3 am
Stone cold in my bed
Waiting for the sun to rise
Waiting for some hint
That a new day has started
And I'll be reborn again
Until then I have the night with me
It's velvet dark engulfs me in waves of sadness

I don't think I've ever felt this way before
I must have never
Seen someone like you
Because at 3 am
You're all I think about
And it burns me with a bitter rage
A rage that screams "I've lost you"
And the hardest part
Is trying to figure out
If I want you back
Or if I should let you fade away
Christopher Zaghi 2014
  Nov 2014 kevin hamilton
Poetic T
The Bell tolled and death did
Look upon the masses below
"Deeming all unworthy"
He did reach in
Of a age before, like seeds he sewed
Those below, The bell chimed
And the Clapper greeted the sides
Of the bell, and below coughs
Brought forth, the
Now in to growth, as death perches
Up above, With each stroke
Is now counting down,
Chimes were heard though no longer
there, And the seeds flowered
With the final ringing of the
So death had claimed many in one go,
And in a final exhale
Each did spew forth
Had his opening, with each breath
Which was their last
Did they spread the seeds
That like dominos
Claiming more for the  
River sticks,
And with each one seeded
Chimes were heard as they counted down.
  Oct 2014 kevin hamilton
discordant qualities
- a layered beauty
worn casually

- a complicated
pretty lady -

i paint her black
lace *******
- i praise her
on her knees.

r ~ 10/24/14
: )
  Oct 2014 kevin hamilton
Poetic T
Two drips hang from opposite taps
Debating if they should just
"Hang around"
Or if they should take
"The fall"
The moments past, silence
Between both, then one spoke,
"Don't you wish to be more"
"More than what"
He replied,
"More than what we are"
"We are what we are, drips"
"But if we were to let go, a leap of faith"
"Faith in what"
"We will be more Than before"
Silence one again fell,
Neither wanted to fall first
For what if  they released upon white
Upon the basin, then nothing,
Just evaporating, Less than they were before,
"I may be a drip"
"But hanging here looking at four walls"
"There is more to life"
"Than just hanging around,
"I want more"
And with that he edged closer now
From that burden called the tap,
He slid down
Porcelain white,
Then down the drain out of sight,
Echoes heard from down below
"Come on join us all"
"Just let go"
But he was scared, he feared letting go
"I cant, I won't, I'm scared"
And as the echo's faded,
He stayed still
"I'm afraid of heights"
"I'm all alone"
Then moments past, and another
Drip did grow from the opposite tap.
"So old timer what do we do for fun"
Debating if they should just
"Hang around"
Or if there was more to life  
"Why not fall, see what is beyond
"The plug hole"
The moments past, silence
Between both, then one spoke
"Don't you wish to be more"
**And so silence did fall again once more..
kevin hamilton Oct 2014
the archers have their fingers
pointed squarely at the hotel singer
smoke on the edge of their mouths
coiling sweetly all across the house
and the trees will part
for a song and a blood sacrifice

bowed low over a guitar
trying to teach himself the meaning of pain
sitting in the dark of a car
doing his best to convincingly feign
the long-suffering fool
with everything to gain

her ashes sunk in the sand
and the rest went over the electric dam
in the dark the mournful loon calls
as trumpets echoed in the concrete halls
and the rapids will churn
with a growl and the whisper of a lovely fern
  Oct 2014 kevin hamilton
Wang Wei
Down horse drink gentleman alcohol
Ask gentleman what place go
Gentleman say not achieve wish
Return lie south mountain near
Still go nothing more ask
White cloud not exhaust time

Dismounting, I offer my friend a cup of wine,
I ask what place he is headed to.
He says he has not achieved his aims,
Is retiring to the southern hills.
Now go, and ask me nothing more,
White clouds will drift on for all time.
  Oct 2014 kevin hamilton
Poetic T
I walked entwined in nature
as if a was sewing around trees
My fingers they thread as I
The cold bark upon each tree,
Aged, majestic they reach tall
As if trying to reach that which is
But still every  moment reaching up,
I see there yield of green now
Fallen from branches up high,
Colours like a carpet, natures painted scenery  
I clasp my fingers gently
Different shapes are seen
Natures way of being part of
A leaf like
A snow flake,
May look the same, but its the
Smaller changes you don't see,
Wild flowers grow
Weeds some are called but I see there
Beauty, petals grace the air
As autumn winds blow through,
I leave nature behind
Leaves and flowers I take with me
Leafs for a daughters scrap book.
Flowers for my wife to see,
A memory of my walk, with nature trees & me..
An autumn write
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