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kenny Diamond Mar 2016
The door slammed
The night was cold
I can't  deal with no logic
They say  the strong can forgive
Then why are so many so weak
My heart is flawed
But yet so kind
Can this  be weakness
To my  wolf who walks alone
A heart that cares
You wanted me to be  the nail
In end you were just  the wind blowing  smoke
On this faded dream.
It  is about people who turn back and walk out for no reason. A part of person says why do care but in end you do when u shouldn't
kenny Diamond Mar 2016
We play this cat and mouse
I say hello
And  you say hello
But in end you never cared
To see who i was
I   been so blinded
I was looking for  the stars
But only saw the clouds
In end you will never see me
I am just image  you misunderstood
  Mar 2016 kenny Diamond
A train that never leaves the station
a bird with broken wings
an acid rain killing the spring flowers
I am
the clouds covering the full moon,
a funeral
the desert's freezing nights
I am
the thoughts that won't let you sleep at night
the deepest paper cut,
an illness with no cure
I am
the dust covering your lungs
the antagonist in your stories,
the cold wind hurting your bones.

I am the pain that hurts you the most.
I am the pain that loves you the most.
kenny Diamond Mar 2016
A warm touch
The voice that turns tears into light
I never seen it
Did i  miss it
Or was just stuck in my own world
The head on my heart
Hand to  hold under the stars
The missing link to my soul
I am just in dream  that never saw love
kenny Diamond Mar 2016
They say we can't  help who we love. I ask myself why did  i care?  It hard to see the moon past the sun. I had so much hope in my heart.  My heart never stopped loving you.  I wanted be  the glue to  put your heart back together. My words  were more then words. I was blind my by own thoughts but now i have fallen and see that wound will heal.
kenny Diamond Mar 2016
I am mess inside
We can't help who we love
i wish could  stop caring
My heart can't lie
You were sun in my sky
I kept this love close
it turned  into cancer
  Feb 2016 kenny Diamond
all my life, it's been nothing but the fear
living in a world where any peace is rare
when angels and demons whisper in my ear
not having what it takes, it makes it hard to bear

all my life, I've been walking in the steps
following a path that hasn't led to better yet
i'm taking bets about what might happen next
I wonder to myself, is this as good as it ever gets?
Sorry about the emo stuff. I think I will keep adding to this poem though. Hopefully with more positivity.
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