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1.4k · Sep 2016
Naturally dying
My only death was pure,
It happen when I fell,
For an angel,

My only death was all natural,
Blood loss isn’t supernatural,
My wrists are always split,

My only death happen from heart break,
My only death happen from you,
My only death was natural.

so I sit, naturally dying.
I’m not sure about this one,
i wrote this after my English teacher saying something about love and heart breaks made people do stupid things
1.4k · Jun 2016
She saved me
Inside I died,
refused to smile,
hurting others,
with a simple file

when she left me,
I thought I couldn’t be
my life went dark,
and my cuts grew sharp

it has been so long,
I tried to remain strong,
I grew weak,
and I became wrong

my life got heavy,
people leaning on me,
should I of given up,
or played strong

no one understood,
the hurt,
but still I’m blamed,

I’ve cut and I’ve tried,
to leave the earth,
many times,
here I am 13

1st year of high,
and my girl by my side,
she says I saved her,
but she saved my life.
1.1k · Jun 2016
Laying upon the grass,
Morning dew still fresh,
I can smell a new beginning,
On that remains unread,

Laying upon my bed,
Broken hope now dead,
Life is now wrecked,
Can’t blame me, the dead is dead,

Laying within my dream,
Nothing and everything it seems,
Everyone will fall,
We are all bound to be dead
I wrote this in my English class, I started daydreaming and I just let my mind go numb and typed what I thought.
886 · Jul 2016
Why must we cary on,
Why are we told to be strong,
Why do we fight if it a war,
i win each battle,
but i've lost the war.

How can i fight,
when i have no power,
How can i be the one,
Why must i be the one to fight,
When all i want to do is leave,

Why do we have friends,
when they are bound to give in,
Why do we bother,
fighting in the southern wind,
Why, Why must we?
785 · Nov 2016
I woke up in the morning, took a pill or two, open my eyes hopeing something is new,

I look into the mirror, dreading what I might see, but in the reflection was an improved me,

I see all ive ever wanted, best part is i got it, i turn around to hug you, but u dissipate into a fresh morning dew,

I watch from the sidelines as my dreams fly away, I wish U could've been there before my life went grey, there is no life without love, if only u loved me to, we'd be happy and sky's would be blue,

You went from the apple of my eye, to the wings that let me fly, you came from The cream in my coffee, to what makes it frothy, guess i can only say, without you makes my mind stray,

I can't find any other way to tell u I love u more than anyone I've ever met, I even waited in the rain until I was dripping wet, if u don't think I'm insane, please come with me down love lane,

We shall dance in the Stars, and kiss within the rain, as ive said before, without your love id be insane, **** without you id lose my brain,

Without u I'm constantly in pain, forgive me for my lies, forgive me if I died, coz without u I have no life,

This over whelming saddness, is one caused by maddness, if only us were a thing, and you furfilled my dreams.
Me and a friend made this, her first time writing song lyric, what yall think
785 · Feb 2017
I'm Only Me
As I'm human I guess it's who I am,
only human, only normal,
with mistakes in my pocket,
failure in my hands,
but gods wrath only on me,
feel like I'm not meant to be.

do you think it's stupid,
feeling like trash in the fall,
smiling during winter,
crying in the summer,
dying in spring,
a normal person who cant be seen.

dear god I'm only me,
please don't push me,
please don't fight,
I just want to die,
let me lay and rot,
turn around just too see,

I'm only me
insired by this song
779 · Aug 2016
It started out great not a problem to be faked didn’t have the best life, yeah I lived in fear played it by ear, hiding the tear, my house lived in ruins destruction at the very least, to god I’d plead, save my soul, save us all, but it all kept coming, yeah the death kept coming, nothing stood in the way anymore, guess I better start pleading more.

In the end when we would all die, I’d stand facing the sky, nothing takes me down, immortality within my crown, Lucifer fear me, satan hear me, I’m living a life of a god, don't have time for you fraud.

Now I stand at the tip of humanity, living life like I’m a normal person you see, no need for people to fear me, they barely hear me, it's all in the way they treat me, it's all too clear too see, I’m not meant to be, but here I stand, satan in my left hand, I’m running hell, I’m the lord of all death, king of all theft, I could steal your soul, without a toll, people can call me a troll, I run their ****** soul.

In the end when we would all die, I’d stand facing the sky, nothing takes me down, immortality within my crown, Lucifer fear me, satan hear me, I’m living a life of a god , don’t have time for you fraud.

After years of life, stolen about 35 tribes, I need the sacrifice, memorize, years I had tried, to rule and thrive, failed then revived, harder but re-tried, remember when I was 5, living a good life, thought life was a ride, happiness was supplied, no longer a free ride, now I’m a god beside I’m living a free life, not afraid to take your sacrifice, yeah they might fight, but they are a dying light, no one survives.
this isnt a poem, its just something i wrote, please leave feedback and how i can improve it
774 · Jul 2016
love is more than a word
love*  *was but a word
untill you came,
you fixed my life,
and now i know,

love  *is more
love is more than a word
very short, i was just bored
743 · Aug 2016
As i sit
As i sit in my old chair,
thinking if anyone is out their?
does she miss me too,
or still, am i a dream following you?

As i sit upon my bed,
my pillows folded,
ready for my rest,
i dream,

As i lay down,
my body fills with hope,
that is washed away,
by the though

"she has another"

I try to change it,
to see her happy,
but maybe i messed it up,
now im a dreamy ******

in realality i give up,
my hope is out of good luck,
i have to stop ******* up,
or maybe ill start looking up
730 · Jul 2016
if u want to leave
if you want to leave the door is open,
If you want to leave feel free to make me free,
I tried to show you the truth,
But you blind from head over hate,

You’re mad over things that never happened,
Say I cheated I’ll say your insane,
I never cheated it was all a game,
Now u left me I seem to gain fame,

I don’t know why I bother you held me back,
Now I see you’re the one that made me attack,
I though you were the one to set me free,
You locked me up now I’m breaking out,

I can't believe I tried to save us,
You never cared about our fate,
With you anything could be done,
Now you nothing I’m f**king done,
713 · Jul 2016
how can you be mad?
You talking **** like I’m the one, who broke the truth,
You say I cheated when I loved you most,
I’m not the one, who lied during the good times,
How can you be mad when you broke me?

Honestly girl I tried to save us,
You sat their hoping id just shut up,
You didn’t like me but you’re mad about a kiss,
Get over yourself it was but bliss,

How can you be mad when u lied all this time?
I played a game and ruined my own life,
Don’t you understand you were my world?
Now you’re nothing **** shouldn’t be my queen,

You made our problems public,
You hurt me even more,
I’d love to say I hate you,
But I guess I still hurt more.
you know who you are
640 · Mar 2021
Tranquil Fights
I want to keep writing, but I'm dying to find the rhyme,
my mind is numb and on the run, and I'm feeling so dumb,
I gave up everything for a bit of fun,
a bit of dope, that made me lose hope,
I'd grab the rope and wish to choke,
letting those thoughts soak till my heart broke.
Use to wish I was famous with pockets of dough,
while out on the road living a life I don't know,
and that **** made me real,
I started turning down a deal, I don't want to be the one to ****,
I'd feel I was chill until someone would peel making me tilt and grab a knife wishing I could carve out their insides,
so I hid all my feelings and made myself a tranquil,
no emotions now and I'm thankful,
use to being so hateful, now I walk and I am faithful to a fault,
you couldn't pick me for a bloke who use to make loads selling dope,
Nah couldn't pick me for a dude who plays the guitar, or drives a ****** car Nah,
just wanna blend in,
just wanna be a face,
just want to be a nobody,
for no one to know my name,
and that's real, make no mistake, I could bake a cake and all you'd say is
"Thanks, uhhhh Blake?"
I Always thought I was useless until I found the truth,
and now I'm a short shot from being as good as you,
I always told myself, I could never be a star,
now I tell myself, that I should never give it up,
yeah, I'm use to getting hate,
use to getting blamed,
use to getting ****,
so I guess we're all the same.
(What a shame)
I'll fight to stay tranquil,
I'll decide when I'm tasteful,
If you don't like this little taste fool,
You can get out of my Facebook.© Kaleb Webb 2020
635 · Oct 2016
Addicting thoughts
When im sittin in my bed, nothin else is said, without you,
When im cryin alone, someone pick up the phone, without you,
Without you,

Yeah, i sit in bed voices in my head, fill me with dread, man get out my head, fill me with lead, pump me full, of a mean order, man dont dis no daughter, or else ill have to floor ya, kinda **** to prepare ya, cuz life aint fair yo, fill my head with air yo, aint nothin compare yo, your livin on my land yo, id happily lend a hand though, cuz nothin can prepare yo, for what your 'bout to hear yo.

When im sittin in my bed, nothin else is said, without you,
When im cryin alone, someone pick up the phone, without you,
Without you,

Went from man of my house, to a drug addict.
Use to hate dope, use to hate drugs, use to love my mates, now they find me cheap, i use to live my life, now I've ******, anti-right all I've left is to fight, for what is right, no more drugs, no more ****, these voices have exceeded me, get out my head, leave my life, you’re as addicting as my knife, but i gave that up, so i can leave you too, my heads a zoo, so leave me alone to flow.

When im sittin in my bed, nothin else is said, without you,
When im cryin alone, someone pick up the phone, without you,
Without you.
A song i made about my addiction,
I thank everyone who helped me through it.
634 · Jul 2016
i f**ked up
I’m always told to just shut up,
Like honestly can't I just stop fking up?
Like honestly fk,
I’m out of my good luck,
I’m though I could thrive,
Live an extraordinary life,
Where I went wrong,
I can see so clearly,
When I got threatened not to say,
And I listened,
I lost my girl,
We lost our love,
Now I’m nothing I fking give up,
I’m out of luck,
My life *****,
I need hope,
Getting held at a deep *****,
Drop me please,
End this ****,
I’m over it all,
Sometimes I don’t feel so tall.
i know i ****** up big time, and i know i can't have you back,
I Love my friends,
They are so caring,
They help me when I’m down,
I help when they drown,

I Love my friends,
They are so awesome,
They make me smile,
Bring out my beauty,

I love my friends,
I have so many,
They are so beautiful,
They welcome me at school.

I love my friends,
They help me achieve awards,
My school is the best,
It beats the rest,

I Love my friends,
My teachers and all,
my teachers help me when I fall,
I can’t believe I came to this school.
this poem is my sister, she is 10, and im hopeing to get her into poetry as she has been interested in it for a while, i will be passing on the comments and how many likes she gets
621 · Jul 2016
you said
You said you can’t believe me,
You said you lost all trust,
You said I left you,
When I tried to save us,

I’m sorry for the **** I done,
It wasn’t worth losing you,
I still miss you tons,
Now I feel broken,

You broke me too pieces,
You know I still miss you,
You said all trust is broken,
Even when I said I wouldn’t lie,

I know I lost my heart,
You stole it I’ve fallen apart,
You have my heart from now till forever,
Just please forever or at least forgive me
look, this goes to my ex,
i know i done something stupid, and i know you can't forgive me, i was stupid to do what i done, i wasnt thinking, i was stupid, i miss the times we had, i miss holding you in my arms, i miss you all
614 · Dec 2017
Just thoughts
You know its funny,
one day I was nothing,
One day I was no one,
Every day on my own,
Only darkness was I shown,
Was taught to raise my own throne,
Fight and be right,
War and no law,
More and no core,

Never in my life was I taught to think,
Turn around! Miss, I need a hand,
But sure thing,
I had to learn to draft my own Sphinx,
Build my own lift,
Learn my own things,

I was never taught how to drop a rhyme,
Nor how too read time,
So here in my sick mind,
I was left with torturous lines,

But hold up,
Where did the skills I possess manifest?
From the milk in my mum's chest?
The bruises on my left leg?
Or just these messy scribbles of words,

Hey, ley needs a pay of pure hay?

That's a shame, I write the same,
Nothings changed my writings still lame,
But that's just it,

When I started scribbling these words down,
I always feared my fathers sound,
The things I wrote,
The pain he took time to provoke,

It changed me,
I guess it kinda made me,
Rhyming made my mind free,
Found my tree of purity,
Or is it my deepest sympathy,
Maybe rhymes are just me?

I can't explain my inner pain, without writing a song about love,
I can't walk around, without a beat playing louder than drums,
I cant say a few words, I gotta spit them all,
I guess that's why my songs, they ain't ever small,

I won't say I love you,
Back at the start when I fell for you, never did I think I could be worthy of you, cuz
When I was younger I had a dream.
I was kicked out with nowhere it seemed.
I never thought the face I had seen.
Was the one right there, within my reach,
Looking at the girl of my life only saddens me, why ain't you my wife, years and years I Could carry on my search, for the treasure that lurks, me and you like clockworks,

Now baby,
I wake up every day with a frown cuz your not in my lounge,
I see the morning dew, and instantly think of you,
Baby this isn't 1 or 2 days of the week,
Its every day I cant see,
You or the happiness you give,
Me or how u make me free, N ill sit in bed for hours, fantasising me with super powers, so I Could, give you what you wanted, soar like an eagle if you wanted, be right there when you wanted, id be, something like how I see you, my angel, super hero, sometimes my restraints, and for that you have my forever thanks, even if I go insane, your walking me up n down love lane, my love for you, higher then any plane, top score of any game, higher then I get n thats insane, but it's true, too you ill stick like glue, call me coo coo, ill say so's you, you'll know im right, cuz together we'll fight, baby for you ill fight any blight, ill save your kite, Run through the night, all for this great highlight, of the vision I see every time, I look at you, I look at me, the only thing I do not see is the ring that shall bound us together, but I can see, you walking down the isle, then standing across from me, can I hear the vowls already? Or am I over ready, wanting you so very, to be in my arms more than any, or am I just lost again? I'm sitting here, maybe i need more pens, perhaps more friends, more enemy's, well that's a tease, for you I'm on my knees, begging please, take my hand, allow me too be your man, and protect you, never would i neglect you, even if by gods I was sent too, baby you'll never understand how glad I'm that I met you.

You know its funny,
one day I was nothing,
One day I was no one,
Every day on my own,
Only darkness was i shown,
Was taught to raise my own throne,
Fight and be right,
War and no law,
More and no core,

Never in my life was i taught too think,
Turn around! Miss, i need a hand,
But sure thing,
I had to learn too draft my own Sphinx,
Build my own lift,
Learn my own things,

I was never taught how to drop a rhyme,
Nor how too read time,
So here in my sick mind,
I was left with torturous lines,
And that's where we are today,
I write these words but these words are my shame
In my mind, all they doing is dragging my name
And here i am, i aint looking for fame,
Just wanna show people my lane,
Show you what its like to be insane, dude,
Feeling like your wrapped up in chains, rude,
Take a bullet straight through your brains, mood,
Feeling rain dripping pain, true

Now ain't nothing more painful then your mother crying,
Cuz in your hospital bed you are dying,
With the doctors hiding,
On the walls sits your writing,
A terrifying sighting,
Only inside now are you fighting,

And yeah i ain't been there before,
So you may ask what I'm spitting it for,
Maybe my sister, maybe bit more,
But I'm telling you now, were rotten to the core, of that i am sure, hents why my lines are all raw, and my mind is all sore.

And i don't plan on spiting ****,
If I'm saying it, you can assume I'm living it, and it may seem easy, the way i am putting it, but deep in my mind i'm dripping, slit
Haven't posted in ages, but i just finished this write after 3 hours
613 · Aug 2020
R.I.P Larry 11 August 2017
You know what hurt me the most, Larry's last words dying on the phone, "make it better with your dad, you know you love him son" those words stuck in my head the scars have begun, dont Think I'm writing for fun, cuz I tried, you turned your back like it was a lie, Larry's last wish I'd defied, he didn't know the real you, was that a factor, through his eyes, you were a caring chapter, the very next page and I was the laughter, the very next day was disaster, Larry had passed, I didn't do what he had asked, when I told him I would, deep in my mind I was hopeing I could, deep in my thoughts he words are still put, deep in my heart I hate you for good

Farther, mother, Brother, sis, someone pull me from abyss,
Larry im sorry soul, i tried for you but now i fold,
Farther, mother, Brother, sis, someone pull me from abyss,
Larry im sorry bro, i tried for you and i can't let go.
I kept this write to myself for a few years now but it's been 3 years now and it just hit me hard tonight.
590 · Aug 2016
(unsure of name)
There comes a time when all seem lost,
Dissolving in darkness all else is forgot,
When every speck of light seems to fade,
I know you are the one, who made me this way,

So maybe I don’t have the best life,
And maybe I live in fear,
I know that I have ****** it all,
Now I must simply pay the toll,

For your forgiveness I’d plead,
Friends at least,
I miss you laughter,
And your playful smile.
I’m not sure what to call this, I wrote it in a few seconds so it’s pretty ****.

please leave a comment and tell me how i can improve and maybe a name?
Let me go, somewhere safe, away from hell, away from pain, maybe something is to gain, in this place, a distinctive game, of blood and pain, all about the fame, I find it lame, this world in all, it makes me want to fall, and fall apart, its every day, I deal with a broken heart, I need to restart, away from life, heaven or hell, I live a ****** tale, I read back, the good days, **** I remember when we were a faze, you would talk about our kids, in the future somewhere, I always felt special in certain ways, I know now, it was all a game, not to you, but for god to play, with our hearts, emotions and all, sometimes I don’t feel tall, I feel like ****, left behind, would people notice if I were gone, I could ask myself, every day, when my heart again breaks, do they care, do they want me there, things I must know, is heaven above with heavenly snow, is hell beneath, with chains and murderous crows, making my fear grow, I act strong, high and all mighty, little do they know, I’m fallen and all pity, my life, well, no more than ******, I feel I’m falling in eternity, gods burning me, it’s clear to see, I’m a mystery, living in misery, I’m stuck In history, a ****** tree, my cuts all bleed, it sprouts new seeds, to bring me suffering, you think I’m bluffing, you think it is a game, of blood and fame, sometimes I think its overly lame.
425 · Oct 2016
When i close my eyes,
My dreams start to fly,
My thoughts of you,
Begin to thrive,

I fall asleep,
I begin to weep,
Where are you,
When i need you,

I stay awake,
I feel a wreck,
I feel like putting,
A knife to my neck,

I refuse to cut,
I refuse to cry,
Cuz when i look,
At you in the eye,

I know,
im alright.
To all my loved ones, and especially my beautiful girlfriend
422 · Jun 2016
It has been a while
It has been a while,
Since my last trial,
Haven’t cried,
Inside I refuse to die,

It has been a while,
Since my mum smiled,
Sickening by the day,
A surely long trial

It has been a while,
Mothers’ last smile,
Upon her grave,
Lays my strong grief

It has been a while,
I refuse to smile,
My mum is gone,
And so am I
my mum is not gone,
but I can’t be strong,
and no,
nothing is wrong,
I’m just like this,
and I can’t be transformed
414 · Nov 2016
I turn around to see your face.. but all that's left is an empty space, I try to go on with my day.. but the thoughts of you are in the way, I keep telling myself your happier now.. an that just leaves me in a foul, I ask myself why I can't move on.. then it hits me I was happier before u were gone.
I got this from a friend missing you tons taliah
397 · Jun 2018
(sorry its a bit long)

i wanna Jump, maybe i Could fly, atleast at this height ive already hit the sky, im sick of the drivebys, the drug flies, the beaming eyes, I'm sick of all this hussling, im sick of all the fuss im in, im sick of been who i am, so im sorry ma, n sorry pa, maybe now ill be a star, ill be up high, whats the change, u never noticed me anyways,

Im just living a dream to you it seems,
Im falling apart tearing at the seams,
Im breaking down im sorry world,
Today's the day i make you proud,

Look ma and look pa, dont u Understand who u are, my inspiration, my determination, been denied make my mind devide, ive got my good, and ive got my bad, u looked down when i was mad, id scare you, when i wasn't even bad, cuz u knew i was that sad, "i dont forget and i don't forgive", thats sometin u learn too live with, now it's something u have too deal with,

Im just living a dream to you it seems,
Im falling apart tearing at the seams,
Im breaking down im sorry world,
Today's the day i make you proud,

Walk a mile in my shoes and maybe you could see, what its like too be like me, gettin calls asking for deals, gettin fools waistin there meals, im dealing but cant provide my own oh so real, i feel like a peice of ****, I'm getting sick of living this, i just wanna shake your hand, but you've got venom on your gland, i wanna be the bigger man, ill walk away when I can, but if im tested here's my plan, pull my gun and end this fan.

Im just living a dream to you it seems,
Im falling apart tearing at the seams,
Im breaking down im sorry world,
Today's the day i make you proud,

Look im not saying imma end this ****, i may be down, but when im down my lyric is up, my verses untouched, you wouldn't think of such, but im so much, ill fill your cup, saying all that but, i know my lyric can be misread, just cuz im spitting these bars so honestly, and i know i got haters everywhere, thats part of life and part of the rap game, the walk too fame, u laugh now, but i impove with each move.

Im just living a dream to you it seems,
Im falling apart tearing at the seams,
Im breaking down im sorry world,
Today's the day i make you proud,

Im just living a dream to you it seems,
Im falling apart tearing at the seams,
Im breaking down im sorry world,
Today's the day i make you proud,

Now look into my eyes and u may see my reality, i suffer, i cry, i hate my god dam life, but i awake and thank god for my blessing, i wake up with determination, i wake up with constent fustration, and i know it sounds weak, but im on my knees, fighting a fight i cant win, the blank paper, my very own trash bin, i download my ****, so i wake up hussling, and you all say too not get so personal, but ill end with a wallet full,

Im just living a dream to you it seems,
Im falling apart tearing at the seams,
Im breaking down im sorry world,
Today's the day i make you proud,

At the age of 16 im walking down the road of recovery, from *******, and drugs, been hooked on cannabis and fun, you have a family? I have none, you have hope, im looking for some, i found a shimmering light, something too aim for, the rap career, and i know the struggle, haters, feens, losein what you think you need, but take what i have, you will be Takein the clothes upon my back.
331 · Jun 2016
For Her
thair is many guys,
many girls too,
but still,
its you,

i looked far and wide,
to find the one, to be my bride,
your the one,
to shower me with pride,

i've found an angel,
a princess too,
a true work of heaven,
my one true love,
surley, for you
my first poem on HelloPoetry,

i know its bad, im not the best at poetry
i'm not sure what to call it
297 · Mar 2019
I'm Done
Yeah im done with this world and all thats around, its a game and frankly i aint proud, and i aint addicted, im convicted, hopefully self-evicted, im a *******, shove a knife in my neck, whats the bet i'd survive, just to be deprived of what you call life, im done, where's the gun, that sounds fun, BANG wheres the pain, im sure id fail again, this game is driving me insane, i have a car, maybe in it i can become a star, i wont go far, a trip to the local bar, then a bridge, a tree, a semi is all i wanna see.

i come across a though late last night, if im not here to bring you all hate, then who gonna complain, no more sook, so whos to bring you pain? if im not around you cant struggle in this game, im the reason your all in pain, it follows me around, like a pet, but in debht, its gets me aswell, regardless how much i retreat to my shell. it creeps in, it seeps deep, i ******* hate who ive become, im a ***, a suicidal mess, this i confess, help? **** that less its a knife through the chest.
Hmm... yeah
162 · Mar 2021
waiting for an answer
Yeah, where is the award for not been home,
I'm all alone,
Mumma won't pick up the phone so slip in a zone,
shift to my own,
without a clue,
I grew,
without a way,
I would stay,
yeah when I was weak I would pray
and I was hoping for an answer,
from this so-called master in laughter,
cuz we raised with lies,
and swooped when were high in the sky,
but imma die without a tear in my eye,
imma strive to defy this mastermind,
it's just a way to escape my plastered mind,
to escape my fathers crime,
so I shine when I can with a pen,
these words I will bend to my friend,
the demons won't trend,
the feening will end,
and ill make myself great again

this **** always feels the same,
I'm ashamed of my name,
my aim is the fame in this game,
the family put Webb to shame so I'm just a noone,
trying to be someone,
and its no fun,
getting a house and a job,
the fear of the cops,
or getting jumped in a parking lot,
I think a lot,
that's just a few I thought I'd plot to prove my spot,
to stick in your head think about next weeks rent,
when u only got a dollar 20 cent to your name
but still ill write these bars
hoping that it sparks entertainment in my cause,
cuz I feel rather tainted when I'm painted with a public profile,
defying the mask I cast my words on your part since the start.
159 · May 2022
I keep on playing this game,
while going insane,
my brain feels like mush,
too much kush? Smokin in the bush,
don't push, calm and quiet,
ill throw a riot, just to fight it,

does that sound dumb?
to me, its just plain fun,
am I a **** for being numb?
pain feels like a run in the slum,
while buzzing on high lungs,
never feel like I am done,

so what's up?
in this deserted space,
because I am here,
looking for the nervous rain,
searching for minor pain,
that I would play again.

that's facts
153 · Mar 2021
Its too tough
This is a little shade of depression,
my younger days I'm remembering,
thinking of all the pain I'm in.

I'm feeling like I've been so caught up in my own dam lies,
I have never seen the fires this bright,
I burned,
I forgot all the lessons I learned,
I'm hurt,
and I've been suicidal for a while,
and still, I'm in denial,
my thoughts are being vile,
while going through this trial,
called life, it brings strife,
the trial of fire brings desire,
I'm tired, of being tired,
I'm getting told to keep on trying,
I'm fighting,
cuz there's no more hiding,
listen to what I'm writing.

(Singing chorus)
I'm hearing voices all around me,
I'm feeling darkness creep upon thee,
I'm giving up\nIve had enough
No more smiling it's too tough. (X2)

Every since day dot I've thought a lot,
maybe too much, but I Never thought of such,
don't touch,
this is precious,
I take the measures,
I curve the edges,
I burn the letters,
my verse it betters,
my curse it feathers,
the earth it tremors,
my demons are mad,
and they feen when I'm sad,
they beam when I'm mad,
but I feel kinda glad,
with a glass in my lap,
my pen and my pad,
the first smile I've had,
my rhyming is back,
yes, my demons are black,
they carry an ax,
but I carry a sword,
chop, chop I'm bored

(Singing chorus)
I'm hearing voices all around me,
I'm feeling darkness creep upon thee,
I'm giving up
I've had enough
No more smiling it's too tough.
132 · Mar 2021
R.I.P Larry (11 August 2017)

You know what hurt me the most,
Larry's last words dying on the phone,
"make it better with your dad, u know u love him son"
those words stuck in my head
the scars have begun,
don't think I'm writing for fun,
cuz I tried,
u turned your back like it was a lie,
Larry's last wish
I'd defied,
he didn't know the real you,
was that a factor,
through his eyes,
you were a caring chapter,
the very next page
and I was the laughter,
the very next day
was disaster,
Larry had passed,
I didn't do what he had asked,
when I told him I would,
deep in my mind, I was hoping I could,
deep in my thoughts, his words are still put,
deep in my heart
I hate you for good

someone pull me from the abyss,
Larry, I'm a sorry soul,
I tried for you but now I fold,
someone pull me from the abyss,
Larry, I'm a sorry soul,
I tried for you and I can't let go.
been meaning to post this
128 · Aug 2020
This is my life
Yeah this is my life

Its kinda ****** tho

I just need a girl by my side, someone too hold all day and all night, i just wanna ride or die, no more or im out my mind, no more imma walk outside, no more or imma leave goodbye.

Im done with the ******* around, i need a ***** more solid then ground, i need a ***** who don't give a ****, and i need a break from all that is fake, ill give it a shake, your the icing on cake, well mine, thats fine, i hope, your kind.
Well That can be taken in 2 ways, either **** or a golden glaze, i just hope this is a decent maze, i just hope your a great chase, might just need your number incase.

Hey, look, listen, shh, your, looking, pretty, grr,
Hey, you, gorgeous, girl, im, feenin, you aswell,

And I don't mean too be rude, maybe i seem a tad loose, im feenin a few, I'm looking at you, ill sneeze, Just say bless you, im blessed by an angel, I need too be thankful, im out for unfaithful, ill fight for my tranquil.

Ive been ****** around since i was a kid, Mentally and physically im sick of the ****, uncertainty is a crime, and pain is the time,
Unfaithful brings doubt, and i dont wanna shout, but if that be about, **** it im out!

Look i don't think that im perfect, im far from deserving, my thoughts are beserk, but your presence gives me feeling of hurt cuz I'm not in your shirt, give me that perk, im far from a ****, i remember all the lessons ive leaned, so lets read the same book for a turn,

Im changing,
Even though every day i wake up im still blazing,
Going through this **** yeah i think im changing,
This is my life but im still hating.
I'm back, I disappeared for a while... A long time, I've been dealing with stuff and I need to start getting back in here to keep myself healthy 😅😂😅😂

— The End —