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 Dec 2015 Kagami
Sticking me with needles again and again
Taking even more blood, need a pen?
To write down that you can't find the sickness
Well here's another symptom, Stress
I'll just leave I guess

No answers
No gain
No tests
No pain

Except the pain is so unbearable
Only another parable
Of doctors not knowing the cure
How many more weeks do I have to indure?
Of this sickness that won't go away
Maybe it will just have to stay

Oh great I'm feeling more pain
Maybe I should go to the doctors again....
I'm getting cut from a disease
How many more times until I appease?
Just get rid of the pain... Please!?
 Nov 2015 Kagami
That One Guy
I love all the memories we share
And I don't want them to end
For you are my best friend
A short and cute little poem...
 Nov 2015 Kagami
That One Guy
I want to write you you more
Because you are the one I adore
You are a best friend to me
And a lover
I'll kiss you free
Of pain, stress, and anxiety

I think of you as a friend
Of course I will defend

I'm going to bring you on dates
I'll bring you flowers
But more importantly
I'll be here, smiling
And giving my all
To catch you when you fall
In love with me again
And lift you up
And kiss you when you stand tall
 Oct 2015 Kagami
That One Guy
Here I am again
Trying to write something
So someone will hear
But nobody will

Here I am again
In my head
Replaying memories
Of a life I once had

Here I am again
In the darkness
Of my own room
Starring of into nothing
Replaying the future
Or what I fear to be

I wonder if anyone really cares
I sit and pretend I know who loves me
I know of only a tiny group
Not even that
Maybe two, "friends"
I know of only one who truly loves me

Even then my head reminds me
Who would really love you
It makes me think while thinking of her
I know I am not good enough
Yet she stays

Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me
Telling me that she doesn't really care
I know it is lying to me but I can't help but listen
Sometimes I believe
It will never end

I know she loves me
Yet my brain tells me
She doesn't love you
Nobody cares
As I pretend not to listen I cry

Every one wants a day away
I wouldn't know that
I'm different
It's always a day away from me
Yeah some want a day away from everything
But most, Just want a day away from me
I dont know how to write. and I didnt have anyone proofread it so thats why its blahh
 Oct 2015 Kagami
That One Guy
I felt like I've always been in the darkness
I've never seen the light myself
I was always pushed and thrown down by others
but when I saw you
I pushed myself to become stronger
At the time I did not know why I pushed myself
to become stronger for someone
I barely knew their name
But I pushed and pushed
Until, I could shine my own light
I got out of the darkness to show you my light
to guide you on the path of happines
I know why I did it now
It was to shine that beautiful light
that was hiding in a cloud of darkness
Numbing your sense of the beautiful things in life
I did this not to be with you
but to give you happiness
and show you the light.
the me now in a beautiful relationship with you.
Just makes the love I felt for you
Stronger than ever
 Oct 2015 Kagami
That One Guy
 Oct 2015 Kagami
That One Guy
Did you know that Wallmart's heart
Is two hearts put together?
Because when I feel in love with you
I now float like a feather
Please don't ever stop talking to me
I want our kids to know the birds and the bees
Before we stop kissing in trees
Just let me say this, please?
I love you more than there are stars in the sky
I love you more than money can buy
Flowers for the love of my life
I want to stay together until we die
I wanna learn by you're hand how to use a knife
So that when you are sick
I'll make you food, without your kick
Off the bed and onto the floor
Before you even think about
Opening our bedroom door
Our kids will be the second
Most beautiful things I see
The first is just a picture of you three
And me

We'll put our hearts together
And find love within one another
I don't want you to ever go
Without letting you know
I love you with all of my heart
Now please don't let out another ****
 Oct 2015 Kagami
That One Guy
I never let the wind
Flow through my hair
I never actually
Gave a care
I always hid my pain
For nothing was to gain
Until I met you
You opened my wings
And I flew

The pain I felt in the past
Will not go away as fast
As I fell in love with you
I know I showed you my light
But you gave me the gift of flight

After you saved me
From drowning in my sorrows
I can't lose you
And not have us be together
To save one another from tomorrow's
i love you...
 Oct 2015 Kagami
That One Guy
 Oct 2015 Kagami
That One Guy
I keep feeling myself
Falling into pieces
While I feel you falling
In another pattern
No matter what
I'll be here to pick you up
I'll pick up the pieces
And put you back together

I love you more than words can say
And I won't make you stay
If you feel the need
I will not fight out of greed
I'll fight because
I love you

I know the depression
Will make you think horrible dark thoughts
But those are lies
You will not hurt me
There is no way you could

I love you
And again I'll fight
To be able to never stop
Holding you tight
Please come here
I won't bite
I'll hold you
Until morning light..
I love you, I'm here. I'm not going anywhere and I'll fight and give my all to see us grow.
 Oct 2015 Kagami
I have fought hard with Anxiety
Having been swung between
Two spheres of moods
One of melancholy and the other
Of excited elated optimism

Between the two
I would exhaust myself
Day and Night
And to deal with my emotions
Was no easy task

I would cry and weep
I would feel down
And blame myself
I would apologize
For being thus
I was not in my element
I tell
When I am fresh
I feel I have lagged behind
Due to missing things while at low

It has been one sad plight
For me to have come thus far
I am still hopeful of a day
When I have overcome
These swinging moods
I hope to keep a positive
Spirit that enables me
To act constructively
When I can't be constructive
I would just start affirm
That I am more
Than I think I am
Then I start
To work like I have been
Able bodied and able minded
Sitting here
jotting down makes it all come
to view. Affirm and believe
that is what i do now
to be better each day

I am responsible
I am reliable
I ma resourceful
I am resilient

i am healthy; i am lucky ; i am virtuous; i am organized

I feel the energy when I say these
I act different when I say these
I have faith surging into my veins
From somewhere or nowhere
I create, I cook, I clean, I write,
I eat, I make tea, I feed my family
I pray, I meditate, I am not overwhelmed
i am a wonderful person
When I affirm
I can live with this person
She is good to me
She thinks highly of me
She attracts nice friends to her
She is just pleasant to be around
She is someone I could love forever
She is my friend and hero
She is my superstar and confidant
She is all I need to keep me
Close to the Creator
I love her
I love me
I love the positive me
I love the quiet me
I love the peaceful me
I love the loving me
I love the lovable me
i love all that she could be
I love all that she gave up for me
I love her day and night
I love being with her all my life
I need noone but her
I need nothing but her love
I need nothing but her assurance
I need only her
She and I
We are one and the same
We play and plan together
We are best friends
We create our good times
We are the joy of the world
We are the gift to the world
Together we conquer
Together we let go
Together we enjoy the ocean
Together we go places
Together we are I and myself
In Reply to this My friend Raji Unnikrishnan posted her Poem on FB: "Swinging high on my flimsy moods,
sometimes blue and another green.

I meditate in the depths of calm blue sea
and the serene vast of the sky.

I spring back, like a nature fresh broccoli
or a fidgeting garden lizard.

Then I go blue, gloomy and dull,
sad to the brim that it almost bursts.

Only to rebound into a harmony of
crisp green, all riveting and relaxed."
I thought you a star
Now I'm not sure what you are
A satellite looks too  similar
When viewing it from afar
I haven't posted in so long (also its late here. I'll have to read back over this when i wake up. Make sure i haven't embarrassed myself too much.) Did anyone even miss me? *crickets chirp* Oooooooook then.
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