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 Sep 2015 Kagami
That One Guy
today for me was a wonderful, yet boring day. I do have many classes that I like, but the ones that are mandatory are very stress inducing. I got to see a lot of people that gave me many good and many bad glances. But, that is highschool I guess. I hope your day was as happy, if not happier than mine!
Today gave me a very happy vibe. Although, when I see Aaron and his girlfriend goofing around and flirting with each other in class. It makes me sad that you cannot be there so that we can do the same thing. You always bring out the good in me and I wish I could show that happiness with you here. I am vary happy though you found somewhere where you can feel happy though. I love you. And I hope I get to see you a lot after school hours this year.

Always yours
 Aug 2015 Kagami
That One Guy
I always thought that the best present anyone could be was breakfast in bed. But, the real best is seeing your smile, as I get to your house really early in the morning. Without telling you a word, I pick you up spin you around and kiss you on the way down. You blush and smile, as I drag you to the car.
"where are we going!?" you yell as we get to the car.
I stay silent and smiling as I put you in the passenger seat, and drive off with you.
After a while I tell you that I am going to make your day as special as mine was yesterday. We reach our destination, Lebanon.
You look a little queer, at the situation. "How is this as special?"
I just smile at the question. We get to our parking spot, and start walking towards the woods.
We walk on as many trails as we can, then decide to go off a few of the trails. only for a minute ;)
Until, hours into the journey, after passing it multiple times, we stop at the cabin we had our first date. Sitting down, I make sure you sit on the blanket I brought with me. We look out at the lake, and we kiss. Permanently making this one of my favorite spots in the world. We finally get on the path back towards my car, and I stop you. You instantly remember this spot, and you lean up against the tree, almost thanking it for all the wonderful times after that day, over a year ago.
I lean an as I tell you, this is the most perfect day, I've had sense the first time we got to this spot, on this trail.
We finally depart, as you think we are going home, and get in the car. I walk past the car, and towards the trunk. I open it up and pull out two giant towels, and our swimsuits. "I'm not letting you go yet."
Blushing again, you get out of the car, and change into your swimsuit. latching onto me I throw both myself and you into the freezing water. Like a leach you latch onto me, as we get out of the water because its so cold.
We finally make our way home. Although I wish I could have made this day better, you think that I did a perfect job of making your day happy.
 Jul 2015 Kagami
 Jul 2015 Kagami
Welcome to my humble abode
My story is often retold
People come all around to hear of my scarring
But only the brave and Daring
Would go out of their way to find me,
But only in death will you truly know
What you can't see
And here is the gift I will bestow,
You have always been alone
Only in death will you really atone

Yet through all the efforts
You still try to prevail
Searching for friends and loves
In death you will find the doves
You are always going to fail
Don't even try to give me retorts

Even when you do find friends
They Will always be there
But, even then
Who really knows when they really care?

Although, some are better
You can rely on your bettor
There will be people who love you
And even care for you too
 Jul 2015 Kagami
 Jul 2015 Kagami
You hear it
Outside your room,
Almost like a whisper.
You lean closer
Knowing no one else is home.

All night
Things have been
Out of place:
Moved, scattered, tampered
You keep looking
Over your shoulder.
Is someone there?
You ask yourself.
But only darkness
Awaits your gaze
Until now...

A figure, almost golden
Yet, you know you are alone
Only the stranger outside your room.
Again, you lean closer,
The breathing now a faint whisper:
The voice says
As you turn on your flashlight.
Shia surprise
He lunges towards you.
Slamming the door,
You are now safe
From Shia Labeouf
I wrote this after being inspired by Krešimir Kocijan's comment on Markiplier's "THEY'RE RIGHT BEHIND YOU... | Five Nights at Freddy's 4 - Part 2" video.
P.S. Thanks to Kagami for proof reading it
 Jul 2015 Kagami
That One Guy
 Jul 2015 Kagami
That One Guy
You are my world
I would do anything for you
Climb through your window
I would sleep in your bed
Cuddle up next to you
And kiss your head

You are my world
And I would do anything for you
Your life
To me
Is worth 10 of mine
If I could I'd make a shrine

You mean the world to me
I would do anything
Listen to me
When I say this
I love you
With all of my heart
With all of my strength
I will always love you
 Jun 2015 Kagami
One by one they fall
The ones I thought
Were my friends
There they go,
Distancing themselves
From me,
Until they are completely gone
From sight
But not from mind

Every night I remember
The fallen faces
Once friends
Now death eaters
Devouring my
Malleable flesh

"You will never lose me"
The newest one to the
Fallen faces said just the night before
She lied, and stole my friend

One less from my already
Tiny group
Of people who "care" for me

I never know what I do
To deserve this from anyone
Maybe its my tone
My anger
The demons that let themselves loose
On the page

Or maybe it's the things that count
The things they know and see of me
The kindness I give to them
The love I give for all I care for
Or the horrible, despicable, evil
Things inside themselves,
That I protect them from

My malleable flesh
That they currode away
The flesh that
They know is weak
And know they can walk all over
Because of my overwhelming kindness

I don't know
Why I keep believing
When people say they won't leave
When they always do

My mother
Gives me my kindness
My father
Gives me the rage I throw
On pages and pages
But never show

My mother
The reason why I'm so malleable
My father
The reason why I have the dreams
Of killing, of yelling

My depression

My mind now
Reworking all that has just happened
In it self
It organizes my thoughts
Replaying the events
Showing what to do next time

Re-Awakening itself
To now know
Not to trust those who
Show no effort
Who pretend to know
Who eventually, will be the others
In my dreams,
Of killing
In my writing,
Where all of my demons let loose.

I want to love all
Even thought I know
Not all will love me
i ******* quit... I probably have a lot of mistakes... And I would love thoughtful criticism.... I hate spelling
According to Cecil
I'm such a ****
More than slightly psychotic
Borderline *****

Cause I'm such a liar
Turn your back for a second
And I'll burn you like fire

Yeah cause according to Cecil
I'm just so rude
I'll dampen the mood
With my antisocial attitude

Don't touch me, I bite
Always looking for a fight
So don't get caught in my sight

Yeah cause according to Cecil
I ruin the art of writing
My works just not exciting
So terrible, that its frightening

Just so arrogant
Not a true artist, its apparent
Not to mention I've got no talent

Yeah  cause according to Cecil
I'm just not nice
As annoying as head lice
Cold as ice

I've got no friends,  can't you see
Cause there's so much wrong with me

And if you can see it all after only knowing me for an hour
Then it must all be true
More power to you
My 'friend' Cecil Miller.
Inspired by Cecil Miller and According To You by Orianthi
Ps I have nothing against Cecil, and I don't care how much hate I get for posting this. Anyone who wants to know the full story, need only ask.

Cecil Miller said:
"True enough. What do you do that is fan worthy? How many gigs do you play? Where might one be made a fan of whatever your talent may be? Forget it. You are too arrogant. If I could unfollow you, I would. Humility is with sincerity. You are not a true artist. You actually are pretty shallow. Now your poems, because a few of them were good...would just remind me of how rude you are. I am pleased you will not be writing, so I do not have to be reminded of how inconsiderate you are. You are the first person I am blocking. People like you would ruin the artistry of writing. I want no part of it."

Ps He actually didn't block me, I blocked him. Also **** it I'm meant to be taking a break.
 Jun 2015 Kagami
 Jun 2015 Kagami
A sea of flames surrounds you
As it get engulfs you
By colors of
Red, blue, and yellow
First like a flame from a lighter
It grows
Eating at the flesh
What was once pale
Now glows a bright red
Or decaying black
Ashes fly
Now so loose from the heat
It peels of in chunks
Showing the meat and bone beneath

A faint whisper
Off in the distance
You hear as you draw your last breath
Of the boiling air around you

ha... Haha...
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