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JWolfeB May 2016
These words have bled through my mind for two years
I love you I love you I love you
The constant thumping rhythmic sounds of your heart beat
Filling the jagged corners between you and me
We became two in one
A Formation of unconditional
There will be no boundaries between today and tomorrow
Lets create our eternity
Fill it will elation
Become everything we were meant to be... like whole
From present to future
We will live without restriction
For this love we share
Is without limits
Been long time since I have written anything here, feels delightful to be back
JWolfeB Nov 2014
Cancer took your life

It did not take your name
Nor did it take your fight
Left with us your legacy
We will strive toward sunrise
Living life twice as hard
To honor your absence

Cancer swallowed you

I will watch it regurgitate
The lives of millions
Into the air over our bodies
Letting each one of us
Live in the world
Created by those fallen to your mercy

Cancer *******

You will not let you control my heart
My mind watches you sleep
I will haunt you in your dreams
Each morning I will greet you
Until you give me back what belongs to me
You will reap from your destruction
JWolfeB Nov 2016
It has been 4 years
your name
yet to fall off my lips
4 years since my mother passed
JWolfeB Dec 2016
Allow me to be found
Between book ends and whiskey bottles
Creating mishaps between the both of us
Dreaming of a chance away from here
Echo the hallow chamber of our bedroom
Finding every lost chance we had at communicating
Hoping someone will take notice
I am here
Just a passing ship in the night
JWolfeB Oct 2015
I will not allow you to become a banned book
In an unknown library
Somewhere lost in my thoughts

I have read you over and over
Each time learning to not read the ending first
To use my book light during the day
For sake of not being afraid of commitment
Used dictionary definitions
For loving you doesn't always make sense
My dreams have become chapters
The ring on your finger
A ******
And the family we will someday have
The happy ending

You are my library
The words you speak my light
A leather bound promise of elation
JWolfeB Feb 2017
The cracked corners of her spoken too many times mouth bent just far enough upward to be called a smile
Teeth yellow from a coping mechanism you can't quite understand yet
Holding back each breathe just enough
For it it were not for the power in her lungs I wouldn't be here

She says "Boy you just don't understand"

Four years later,
This jigsaw puzzle is slowly compiling itself into a fading picture
54 years of back breaking uphill climbs
Two children who are still on a search to become men
Zero men that deserved her heart
A single mother conquering the branded arms of poverty
Days weaving together begging for refuge
Finding empty responses

She is the shore being abused by the ocean
Never once asked consent for what the body of water has taken
Her framework eroding from view
She has given too much too fast and it will not be given back

Cancer has a funny way of taking something that does not belong to it
Ending stories before they are finished
Cutting to the credits earlier than expected
We are powerless power lines being controlled by the wind

Four year later I hear her saying
"Boy you just don't understand"
You are right mother
I still do not understand
Why you are not here
JWolfeB Jul 2014
Your sun shining on my face through the tinted windows of restraint. Walls broken down though drop kicks and hammer hits. Crumbling to the ground with an earth shattering I love you.

Arms open take me home to somewhere unknown. To the distant unfamiliarity that I call comfort. Trust fall, head slamming smitten. Dazed as a tacky cartoon character. Blistering wind of happiness content.

To where I will go as the heart I carry. As a rock in my chest waiting to be moved by the storm of absolute ness. Walking through a curtain of shivers. Drop me to my knees as I fall forward. Catch me with your strong will and acceptance.

Be able to take this to a different dimension. Somewhere far away from what it once was. It being the thing that is not clear. The pure feeling of electricity in your touch of eel shock. Breathless and abandoned in pure form. Leave me elated again and I promise. I promise.... Ill show you
JWolfeB Jul 2014
Feels like you.

Or a whiskey bottle.

Two things.

I get drunk on too often.
JWolfeB Oct 2014
Im going to Alaska.
Away from all the things Ive known to harm me,
things like alcohol,
intermittent friendships,
and above all else

Leaving behind everything
with a whisk of fortunate flights
downed with a dash of relinquished hope.

Bringing the most harmful of all things with me
tucked behind reasons to live
and a view of astonishment I carry,
my thoughts

The one thing that has broken me delicately
I fester into my own brain stem
break open the doors and
flood my neurons to the point of drowning

Not a moment is left to breathe
To open the flood gates for release
My mind sits filled with thoughts of
everything about nothing

Giving me no reprieve to freedom
My thoughts and I sit
discussing things that make no sense to anyone
but us.

This is what Alaska has taught me.
Harvesting a neurological disease
with all the symptoms to show.
I broke down

I fell into Alaska
stumbling over my own pain
finding that my brain is
a rebellious sabotage of my freedom
running from all that I know.
The mind is a tricky thing. Convincing me of things I don't know if I truly feel or not. A great depiction of the roller coaster of emotions taking place while living in village in the arctic circle for a year.
JWolfeB Dec 2014
Listen to this one thing
If you learn nothing from me

Please learn this

You are worth more than your price tag
One day you will be a mountain
A force to be reckoned with
The scars of your past dont predict your future child

Please learn this

Knowledge is power
But they don't know that yet
So power up with your charged haunches
Spring yourself out of this village

Please don't learn this

Let got of it
Don't wear it like a bronze metal
Apathy and irony hanging on your chest

Please learn this

A man leads by example
Choose your next words wisely
Think before you unleash your palms
She does not deserve it

You are only my student for 9 months
Then I am off to who knows where
But please
Learn this one thing from me

You are better
than the broken branches of your family tree
So act like it
This is more of a frustration of culture more than anything. But I guess you could call it a poem as well. There is a learned disposition here and it is one of learned helplessness. And It is a rather difficult disposition to teach.
JWolfeB Nov 2014
I saw a tree today

In the arctic tundra

For the first time in four months.

It reminded me no matter what happens around you

You can always grow.
I forgot how beautiful trees are. Living on an island for 4 months makes you treasure the simplicities of life
JWolfeB Nov 2014
Learned lessons from a distant father
My father taught me how to be a man
The delicate ways to hold a flower
When flight is more beneficial than fight
And what alcoholism tastes like

Now he was able to teach all of these things while being absent
Away in a managed life of self loathing
over different reasons to be addicted and falling back on his word
These words fall from off lips, waterfall from lips and hail down on those who believe them

Promises are meant to gods diary entries from his day off
Something strong enough to hold us through the floods of broken bones and motel bibles
Words that con construct the elevator in your spine giving enough electricity to elevate your spirit.

We lean on them.
Like towers.
Galloping through the darkness protecting ourselves with words like.
I promise. I will. Guarantees. And count on me.

I have awoken to realize this is all a dream
We can no longer depend on these words imploding this society
These are false idols begging for your forgiveness in placebo jackets
But you promised. Everything will be alright
That you would be my architecture when the foundation gives

This is an 18 floor elevator free fall
Careening toward gravity with no expectation of a warm embrace
Reaching for words with ghost tongues
The crash will be better with an apology anyway

The constant sorries that fall in forests with no one listening
Hypocrite. A harsh word
My father always told me, nothing
But, when my father was still the father I never learned him to be, he gave me something

A false promise.
I still hold onto it
Tattooed on my inner ear
Reminding me to never leach onto words alone
My body has become exhausted
From hanging onto nothing
Learning to be better than the man of my past.
JWolfeB Oct 2020
It was abruptly apparent to myself
Slapstick honest in the chest
Reality became emperical
When pull yourself up by your boot straps
Became an invitation to self destruction
A boot lace golden ticket
To a counterfeit perception of relief
JWolfeB Jan 2015
Words hang full of weight
Cement filling hollowed out bird bones
Represent this moment
When we started flying planes
To liberate the regret of our potential
Walking into brick walls
Excited because we broke ourselves first
We are always first in the afterlife

These painted billboards are holographic images
Of plea bargains we made with the devil.
In this case the devil looks like
A society with more money than love
More violence than conversations
Enough hatred to fuel an economy

I hate that we are taught as children
To be helplessly free
We are liberated
As long as we stay in our boundaries
Don't be black son
You must be a carbon copy
Of the white out in our past
Please don't stand up for anyone
But yourself
JWolfeB Feb 2015
Today she is iceberg present
Holding her bones still
Showing 20 percent
Hiding the rest
Freezing in time
Slowly shrinking down
Into her surroundings
Out of sight out of mind
Inch by inch
She forgets herself
And became an ocean
Freshly tainted
Another part of the whole
JWolfeB Dec 2014
Her hope
A moonlit nightmare
With all intentions
to never return

The phone call
Innocent vibrations
Crumbling a foundation
His name felt jagged in her universe
Solemnly swearing
In tongues of past

Diluting words
Sifted through expectations
She remembers his breathe
As a torch
Branding sadness
Across her lips
A girl experiencing tragedy.

Losing herself in herself
JWolfeB Nov 2014
As I watched her cut the turkey. Her hands moving like a locomotive. All the drive with direct intentions. Wanting to do nothing more than to serve the present hearts. Wrists wrapped in forgiveness. Wrists that have bent backwards like iron boards melted into spinal chords. Giving light to the veins tangling up here telephone pole arm ensuring that each moment she makes is electrifying. Work horse working at the jaw bit. Feeling freedom elbow down. Fingernails maroon layered. Tattered with stories of long days between selfless moments. Her hands had touched more lives than god can count. We lose touch of ourselves. To find star points in the sky waiting on us to make the first move. Her fingers bolted through gods carpet creating stars, moving the moon, and painting constellations over our heads. I am thankful for her giving. Not that she gave her life for me, no that was taken, by medical books and dictionary definitions. It is that she gave me life, so I shall bleed life through my pours. My bones will tremble with her presence releasing all forms of earthquake. 2 years ago. She did not cut the turkey. Her hands too weak to hold the air above her lips. Two years and your name has still not left my lips.
This year is a hard one for me.
JWolfeB Nov 2014
He fell from his crucifixion

Pure in his scars

Mountained on his sternum

From the moments

Words were trapped

Behind the dam of his cave

So he continued silent

In sacrifice for her happiness
JWolfeB Oct 2014
I think it really comes down to what you expect of someone.
That you want all these needs filled from artificial people who have never seen the checklist of your heart.

People that want nothing more to see a smile on your face.
A smile they can't purchase because they don't posess the currency.

I am my own country. I govern my laws. I am the one to control the happiness between my borders.

I shall not be dependent upon another being.
I shall only be held up by the same expectations that has kept this country strong and bold over past decades.

I will stand my fortitude.
Allowing visitors all the while.
I will never turn down a caring heart.
Although I will turn down yours.
JWolfeB Dec 2014
Darkness engulfs the morning
Letting the sun rest for a simple moment
Slighting the thought of commitment

On the edge of the earth
The arctic circle spins madly in love
Tilting the earth drunk

Just enough to admit she is shy
That attention never came easy
Going unnoticed
Tucked under the drab sky
Only 3 hours of sunlight each day here in the Arctic circle. It is an interesting thing to adapt to.
JWolfeB Jan 2015
Mouth please listen to me
You can't turn water to wine
Stop trying to convince me of myself

Ears please recover your authority
The world is happening before you
Slow down to hear the earth's axis creak

Eyes absorb each ray of unthinkable
For there will be a time of darkness
And I still need to stay on path

Body don't fail on me now
We are moments from disaster
And seconds from arrival
My body distracts me from the present all too often.
JWolfeB Jul 2014
This is the picture painted to represent years of learning in a warehouse hidden in the hills of yesterday. We gain knowledge by digging neurotic craters, filling those holes with interesting things like the evolution of humankind, the platypus, or how politicians sleep at night.

Arts not the same for all of us. We all know I'm better with painted fingers, because then I can redesign my scars with regrets i have not learned from yet.

I will be able tell you every detail of why, just not now. Attempt to Imagine art so intricate that we never let anyone see it, we keep it locked away for years and years. Stored away in a dome of stay out of my occupancy.

I Built barriers buried under burned books and belated beautiful bones that never knew who they were in the first place. Praying to a god that doesn't speak to me in the first place. That guy hasn't said a **** word since I went deaf.
JWolfeB Sep 2014
The moon collapsed.

The sky fell numb.

Plentiful stars watched eagerly as the earth floor unfolded.

Our worlds slowed down.

Long enough to enjoy this catastrophe.

To reach into our throats and pull out promises.

Deflate our lungs with good intentions.

Fill our eyes with things to remember.

And to flood our ears with words unspoken.

Time stood still and glanced in our direction.
JWolfeB Oct 2014
A teachers heart is one of learning.
Of constant modification.
Lending pieces of it at the sound of a child's voice.

What is not seen  
Are the broken parts.
The times when my heart falls out of my chest.

My child, I am sorry
My child, you don't deserve it
My child, here is safe

A heart of protection.
Showing each student their worth
Value more valuable than the words of this poem

Without you my child
My heart
Would simply

Thinking about my students and how much they mean to me today and how much they deserve and how much some of them don't actually get.
JWolfeB Sep 2014
Every year September 8th takes us on more year from the last.
We age, like broken toys that are kept around for too long.
Not her though.
no this woman defined ageless.

My mother, on her birthday she lights up like a child.
We go to the fair and spend time looking at forgotten things.
like wolf blankets and cleaning supplies no one will buy.
We get lost and hope that one day we will also be forgotten.
Forget about it.

Every year her cheeks would stretch out like green fields on a warm summer day.
Beautiful and full of excitement.
Her eyes dripping with pleasure from a family mended through a date on the calendar.
The sons only fighting when mom didn’t know.
Because no on fights on moms birthday and gets out alive.

Two years ago. September 8th came around.
Mom rolled into the fair on the wheels of cancer alone.
They creaked through the fairgrounds with a hollow echo that year.
Her cheeks, droopy with chemo. Her eyes help open with attempted happiness.
The air on that day stood still. Our palms, sweaty. Our hearts, broken.

Every year on her birthday I am reminded of how happy we use to be.
I entered the fair on my oiled up kneecaps and the courage of a lion.
As brothers, we walk through the fair.
Looking for things we can’t forget. Like wolf blankets and cleaning supplies we want to buy.
Anything to fill the emptiness.

Every year, september 8th takes us to a memory of what once was and will forever be a day of her.
We age, like toys that she watches down upon to ensure nothing breaks.
Yes, this woman defined us.
My mother passed about two years ago and her birthday just passed. This was a poem that helped me deal with some of the emotions of that day.
JWolfeB Aug 2014
Head first dive bomb.
Absent lights.
I see your tread away from here.
Footsteps full of water.
Evaporate your insecurities.
Exit through the windchill in your spine.
You will find fingerprints.
Laid upon the insides of your eye lids.
Left there to remind us that we are real.
That those fingers have imprinted hearts.
Dusted mine off already.
Please don't give in to what society told you.
You're more than that.
Drift into excellence.
It's where you belong.
Full of extraordinary and singing.
Your voice.
It tickles my mind.
The way I hear you sooth the broken in me.
To think you were broken.
You have mended the most jagged.
So straighten up.
Belt out your heart.
You already awoke mine.
JWolfeB Jan 2015
We are all sitting books in a library
Falling off shelves in angst
Looking to be checked out

Begging for someone to memorize our favorite line
Realize the intricacies of our language
Check our glossary to understand us

Too often we are returned with broken spines
Torn pages
Coffee stains

When all we want is to stay on your bookshelf
Broken yet complete
Exactly what we are meant to be
JWolfeB Jan 2015
Each day my heart grows more fond of the way you love me
I find myself constantly in awe of how phenomenal it is to be loved by altruism itself.
You have redefined beauty for me.
Because it is no longer just the perfection in your body.
It is not how perfect your hair always looks.
Not just how much I love your style and the way you dress.
The way your fragrance makes me weak at the knees.
No, Beautiful has turned into a word defined by complete.
Something that is all encompassing.
Beautiful has to do with your always loving heart.
Your complex and constantly working mind.
The voice that will forever change this world.
Beautiful has become something so much deeper than appearance.
It has become the hearts that will benefit from your presence
Beautiful is a reminder that we can always do things a little better.
I don’t think I can simply use the world beautiful the way I use to.
It has become a word specifically designed for you.
Not sure if it is a poem or simply a ramble of words. Some of the feelings I am experiencing as of right now.
JWolfeB Jun 2014
You never want want to listen anymore. I couldn't tell  you everything I never knew you wanted to hear. Things about moments I wished I could burn under a magnifying glass. These were not ants. These were regrets. Lions in dens that couldn't remember to breath. laid down sulking over memories of feeling alive, licking their paws waiting for the world to spin fast enough that a gazelle might stumble in silly and dizzy. There are days I still don't see straight. Broken cave roof tops drizzled full of saliva from every time I didn't open my mouth to tell you the debts of heartbeats I owe you.  The days split in half like a curtain before a bad play that no one came to see. Self loathing is a term we avoid in these parts. A town full of mirrors hoping to find the reflection I want to see. You are so beautiful. There was a moment of silence. I spoke. You weren't there. You never will be. Pillows full of feathers that hold every word you spoke in that bed. A memory that has been on repeat in my head. Every time my head hits the pillow I hear your voice. It's almost like the cold side of the pillow. Shivers chime down my spine with eccentric rhythms. Speak into my breathe. I've been dreaming.
JWolfeB Jun 2014
I was there.
Never left.
Consciously waiting.
Waiting for that break in a second. The kind of break you feel when you see a window obliterate into a thousand images of its former self. The break you see in a bad romantic comedy.
That moment.
I was there.
Standing firmly.
Chest out.
Arms open.
I've desired under my skin for decades to be wanted. For someone to pick me off the top shelf. Back left. Tucked behind the bandages. Hoping to be picked to cover up someone else's mistakes.
JWolfeB Dec 2014
We are birds, plucking each others feathers
Complaining about reasons we can't fly
Tearing each part of each other off
Allowing us to come together as equals
Naked, afraid, and without hope
JWolfeB Nov 2014
My hands still fall asleep when I am writing about you.
Reminding me that your galloping blood was a national geography marathon I never wanted to go off air.
I can't face my palms upward anymore. Every time I try my hands attempt to grab yours.
God is a selfish man.
One I will never understand.
He has left me hear.
The power has been out for 2 years now and my circulation falls somewhere between ice caps and snow fall.
Leaving my movements rigidly slow.
Dripping notes into an empty orchestra waiting for you, a conductor to spark my fire.
This month is 2 years of my mother passing. 24 seems like a young age to live without a mother or father. Missing her each day that passes.
JWolfeB Jan 2015
They called him a black hole
A collapsed version of his former self
Exhausting all energy found inside
Absorb nothingness
This is universal rock bottom
Gravity can't grasp this freedom
Releasing all forms of attachment
From here he evaporated
This is everything he has ever known
JWolfeB Feb 2015
Every thing you left behind is still here
Collecting parts of individually wrapped humans
I refuse to rearrange the furniture
It helps convince me you're still coming back
That you have forgotten how to love
Taking a hiatus to expunge selfish
There is a spot reserved here for you
I am the only one that can still see it
JWolfeB Aug 2017
Our blood was laced with alcoholic excuses from bad fathers neither of us signed up for
We traced our lineage to find disadvantage for the hopeful
And in the end I found a brother
Who was more like my father
A missing backbone
Crutches to limp check his empathy
A hard lined depression drenched in self-loathing
The man much more a hollow cage
Leaking from his seams
Not wishing to get better
A ghost in the shadow of today's tomorrow
We are blood, my brother and father
And some days
Blood is the only thing we have in common
JWolfeB Jun 2014
It is still blurry,
The times you held me helplessly. Holding this flesh that blinked with desperation. The glasses of problems brought to bed. Complete care with a side of beauty. Electric fingertips flowing along my sides. Stunning the flow in these veins.

It is still blurry,
The words that pressed off your tongue. Words that finished sleep and solid thought. The same mouth that has changed lives, comforted family, cursed like a sailor. Giving strength to simply continue. Moving mountains, depending on your approach. Making mornings sunlit on cloudy days. Your sunlight showed this life dissipated darkness.

It is still blurry,
Angst and tension between bones. The tension that can't be resisted nor denied. Giving me the strength transverse miles each way, just to sleep next to your breath. Open this heart, cuddle with its inners. Cut this tension with your actions knives.

It is still blurry,
The elation you delivered to my doorstep. Served purpose in my life. Giving me a chance to release all those dusty window sills in the attic. I complied an archives of you in my senses. The way you gave that heart of yours.

It is still blurry,
The times you settled the fears resting on your ancient dresser. Yeah the one you brag about. The one that held our water during rest, held our alarms to begin another day, and even our books of education shared. We have split these lives in so many directions. All ending in the same bed. Closer than my skin is to its bones. We were one in that bed. One after a life lived in every direction.

It is still blurry,
Your purpose. Actions and words in separate realms.  All it would have took was a phone call. You insisted the benefits. Leaving us in seperate beds, different countries, different mind sets. Why not just enjoy love. Love lost in a storm of self discovery.
A poem written about hearts heading in different directions
JWolfeB Feb 2018
I am on a floating vessel and I'm drowning
In a sea of far too loud cries with horn disguises
Begging for an audience to listen to their bravado chest pumped up sililoques
This is the too loud neighbor
The wishing well spell of more wishes falling in an echo chamber
Now is too much and forever enough
We will bend the fabrics of history
Gladly begging our children to swallow our smog
And praise us for our ignorance
One day giving us the proper burial ground in carbon laced clouds
Knowing we were just too much
JWolfeB Nov 2014
Tattoo your passion onto my tongue

Give me something to talk about

Brand the heart in your chest

Into my fingertips

So I can write about love

Implant your smile to my eyelids

Then I will dream of reasons to wake
A short poem
Feeling good today
Might add more later
JWolfeB Jan 2015
Teachers are working organs in a sick body
Constantly challenged out of our comfort
Lungs expected to pump blood
A stomach that can't break down
Hearts begged to filter water
Diluting our true purpose
Administrators cannot function without us
A body is working system
Not a conveyor belt of replaced organs
Death is known from organs going on strike
Sickness can only last so long before we pass
As a teacher it is more than frustrating to see a administration abuse good teachers and run them out of districts. There are so many great teachers out there making changes in children's lives without any recognition. They are simply evaluated and not assigned a new contract. Yet this is how it continues to go.
JWolfeB Apr 2017
Thank you father
You were never the man we needed you to be
But you did leave me this gun
In the shape of a bottle

Genetically manipulated to magnetically stick to any addiction within reach
This bottle is strong arm robbing me of reality
Creating blasphemous momentary relief of my pretty great life

I am presently attempting to place bottle caps on broken bottles
Trying to put spilled liquid back into my mangled mistakes
I never wanted to be like you father
But here we are
JWolfeB Jun 2018
I have decided to give up eating shotguns
Instead i have allowed myself to consume glass land mines
Now I realize this is not a positive thing
But at least one is socially acceptable

Defining depression and alcoholism can be difficult

One is told to **** it up and get better
Everyone knows life can't be that hard
Please don't share your issues here and now I am too busy
Continue chewing on shotgun shells
Convincing yourself things are improving
Shot shot shot
A conscious barrel bottle battle

One is swallowed in crowds of too many happy people
Everyone knows life is better after a drink
Please display your guts all over the bar floor
We know you'll forget by tomorrow
Continue tipping your chin to empty prayer halls
Convincing yourself things are improving
Shot shot shot
A conscious disillusion of distraction
JWolfeB Nov 2014
Her fingertips smelt of ashtray
The air stale like the dentures in her purse.
We try not to talk as much in small rooms
Everything seems to get complicated
Too busy
Words wrapped around our throats
Choking our ability to speak honestly

The stone slate she laid upon was once called a bed
Sleep can’t happen on such a platform
Stiff as the pain she feels on days
Like everyday
She told me the dreams she had once
The ones about living her life

These dreams were filled with elation
Something to fill the empty side of the bed
Her tongue was dry
From talking about these dreams
The ones that never happen
They were stolen from her
Stuffed into a newspaper article

Her dreams reside in the morphine drip
Clenched deep inside her fist
Holding on to anything
Onto her sons
Gods gift upon this earth
A reason to resist deaths shadow

For another chance to say I love you
Be strong my boys
Be wise
Treat your woman like you treated me
Love the way I love you
Smile for it gave me a reason to live
Missing her as 2 years approaches.
JWolfeB Dec 2014
I will elaborately devise a plan to fulfill the broken parts of tomorrow.

I am but one man, with a dream of fixing broken things.

Broken things like hearts and people.

Although, I am broken.

And I can't seem to fix it.
We all have the intrinsic value of wanting to help those around us. Yet I can't find the correct tools to fix myself first.
JWolfeB Dec 2014
Can someone choke me
And remind me how to breathe
JWolfeB Jul 2014
My brother,

You are my brother. A man of bones and too many cigarette ashes lacing your lungs.

My brother,

We are a bond. One that got chewed up by the next door neighbors dog but is still his favorite toy.

My brother,

I am so sorry for the things I believe you can do.

My brother,

From the second she left I have been saving my water for the day you run dry.

My brother,

Drowning is not the cure.

My brother,

Distance can sometimes be the best thing for someone. It gives you perspective. And the further away something is the bigger you feel.

My brother,

Please, be my big brother. Be bigger as I go further.

My brother,

Let me crack your back. Stand up straight and look me in the eye. Wash this moment with the idea that we are water. Running through a valley of flash flood and we will overcome everything here.

My brother,

Take my hand. Let's snap this broken wishbone in half and make our own dreams come true. Let's become everything we thought we could be when we where five. Let's fight like tomorrow is waiting for us. Like mom, maybe like mom can hear us. Let's show her how much we truly love her.

My brother,

I know this is not easy. No one ever said it was. But pick up your bootstraps. I need you... My brother.
My brother does not handle tragic situations well and is struggling.
JWolfeB Feb 2015
So let go of all the words I have built with

Allow the only structure we are safe in

To collapse upon itself

Laying snow storm covered

In the mess this tongue has created
JWolfeB Oct 2017
I have built you

With every word that has dripped dry off my cracked lips
You have come to
In the fabrics of my exhaled breathes
Becoming condensation on my snow globe dreams
Begging to seep into the soil of these neurotic tissues

My mind has grown monuments of you
Built with products of the moments
Glorified bombshells
Floating to our Earthbound desires

I have built you
Into this moment

This building we have created
We call home
I find myself here
Cracked skin
Broken shoulders
Exhausted self
To be
JWolfeB Jun 2014
A Ball of flame stuck above the spinning overpopulated ball of mineral.
This is a letter of appreciation to you.
To show the abilities you possess.
To your boring appearance.
To gas, from me or you.
To orbital seasons.

A letter of the heat you have allowed for my skin to absorb.
The heat that tells ice to run free.
The heat allowing the helpless to survive.
The heat giving power to a solar panel in a 3rd world country.
The heat taken for granted and cursed after a forest fire.
In denial that you are simply allowing a rebuilding of nations.

A letter created because of the light you provide my fingers.
Light that refuses close quarters with darkness.
Light providing rays of D to flow into happiness of flesh.
Light showing beauty on the faces of those on this bruised up earth.
Light giving life to all forms.

What about that time you gave me false promises?? The sunrise dissipated by clouds and loneliness. Or how about when you burnt my skin. I remember that vividly. Lobstered up walking like a robot. I know the feeling because of the skin on my body told me so. I see straight through you, go pick on someone your own size. There's an entire universe out there waiting for your powerful engulf. ******* and up instead of down.

Or maybe you can turn off. We can pollute the ozone, block your outrageous rays, and slaughter the heat you produce. Then maybe we can live somewhere where feelings don't melt so easy.
A fun poem I wrote when it was way too hot one day.
JWolfeB Jun 2014
A Ball of flame stuck above the spinning overpopulated ball of mineral.
This is a letter of appreciation to you.
To show the abilities you possess.
To your boring appearance.
To gas, from me or you.
To orbital seasons.

A letter of the heat you have allowed for my skin to absorb.
The heat that tells ice to run free.
The heat allowing the helpless to survive.
The heat giving power to a solar panel in a 3rd world country.
The heat taken for granted and cursed after a forest fire.
In denial that you are simply allowing a rebuilding of nations.

A letter created because of the light you provide my fingers.
Light that refuses close quarters with darkness.
Light providing rays of D to flow into happiness of flesh.
Light showing beauty on the faces of those on this bruised up earth.
Light giving life to all forms.

What about that time you gave me false promises?? The sunrise dissipated by clouds and loneliness. Or how about when you burnt my skin. I remember that vividly. Lobstered up walking like a robot. I know the feeling because of the skin on my body told me so. I see straight through you, go pick on someone your own size. There's an entire universe out there waiting for your powerful engulf. ******* and up instead of down.

Or maybe you can turn off. We can pollute the ozone, block your outrageous rays, and slaughter the heat you produce. Then maybe we can live somewhere where feelings don't melt so easy.
A rough draft but a good perspective of how the sun is taken for granted.
JWolfeB Feb 2015
Her exterior showed defense
Allowing only the boldest to get close
An example of fear
Representing weathered
With a side of independence

So I bit into her pain
To find life inside her hollow
Water waiting to be swallowed
She is a savior in a barren desert
Waiting to give the right man life
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