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jules Mar 2017
the fleeting signs of an unrequited love
cross my mind
feelings filled with regret
how did i let it come to this?
got attached way too quick
the opposite of bliss
of a feeling i miss
jules Jan 2017
I feel a deep, deep longing in my soul
To make something more of my life
To turn my story around
To do something productive and of importance
I feel a deep longing to be surrounded by nature, in the calm of the forest everyday
To release all the creativity I've kept buried inside because of my lack of motivation
I feel a need, in my bones, to let all that creativity out onto a sheet of paper.
To let all those thoughts and feelings flow from my brain, to my fingers and out onto the page
I have a deep longing to be free
To be happy
Totally and completely blissful
And content with myself and life
I want to fall in love
Not with someone
But with myself
With life
I want to fall in love with it all
I want to notice the beauty in the small things
I want tears to flow from happiness, not despair
I want to live the life I've always dreamed of: a happy one
jules Dec 2016
my head is pulsating
with the sound waves of your beating heart
that used to lull me to sleep
back when i resided in that
angry basement you called home
  Aug 2016 jules
Red Bergan
As the Night is drawn,
In the spectacles of my mind.
I stand alone,
In the shadows of light.

My eyes turn to the moon,
Whose gaze is pallid and ghastly.
Now they shift,
Becoming Scarlet irsises.

I am a beast of the night,
The nocturnal moon is my call.
To summon from sleep,
And all.

Nocturnal forever.
A girl of the night.
I am the one in the shadows.
I fight for that right.
Rawr Night owl!!!
  Aug 2016 jules
I love in entities
Absolutes, certainties
Without exception or question
Reservation or contemplation.

I'll love you in whole hearted hurricanes
Tongue tied tsunamis
Forest fires and floods
A thousand thunder storms
Eternal earthquakes
Volcanic eruptions
Days of droughts
And months of torrential rain
I'll love you in hail storms and heatwaves
Slowly, softly, subtly, in solar flares

I don't wear my heart on my sleeve
I tear it right from the centre of my chest and place it beating, bleeding in your hands.
I won't ever take it back.

I'll love you with my own reckless disregard.
*I know no other way.
jules Apr 2016
I'm afraid to talk
And to open up to you
Because people have always used me
like a cigarette,
throwing me away once they're done
and lighting a new one.
jules Apr 2016
Stuck in an endless dream of melancholic desires.
She screams into the darkness, but nothing comes out.
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