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 Nov 2014 Julie Butler
Sydney Ann
As I cry these mental tears
I realize
what I miss the most
Is the warmth
And your eyes
Those beautiful eyes                                                                
And most of all
The way
I  could feel your heart
                                              your precious life so close to mine                  
I was so touched
That you would open up
And let me in
And I feel so bad
That I tore your heart up
Instead of protecting it

And  now the tears come
In my head
 Nov 2014 Julie Butler
Trouble, love...
You drown me in
Palpitations of my
Red *****.
My waters run for you.

Tied with
Ribbons of
I shout proclamations
To the clouds who
Threaten to rain on us.
Do you think God wanted to hold Eve's hand,
Whisper into her ear and tell her,
"I know what you did, and I know Adam doesn't know how to,
But I still love you and that's all that matters."
 Nov 2014 Julie Butler
 Nov 2014 Julie Butler
there is a courtyard
behind the abandoned hospital.
vines crawl up the walls like cancer;
like a sickness that cannot be contained.
just like my irrational eagerness for pertinence.
disconnect my conscious thoughts.
*make this infection disappear.
the cicada's cry
    drills into the rocks.
Caught in rapture from your Witchy spell
Balanced emotions have gone to Hell
Was careful but I still fell
Kiss me please I won't tell
Immune I thought these Wizard lips
Enchanted by those Witchy hips
In your valley I will dip
Releasing magic from my fingertips
I must've drank your Witches brew
Thoughts of you makes me drool
On my mind is only you
Doing things I'd never do
I too am dark I share the night
My magic hasn't reached its height
Bring the spark I will ignite
Full potential of this Wizards might
We can ride on your broom
Our silhouette tattoos the moon
For black cat there is room
Cross our path meet your doom
I'll run the West you run the East
Draw the signs..Mark the beast
I'll be War..You be Peace
All feel our power when this spell unleashed..
M.A.N 11-24-14 "Wizard of Word" is I..Magical flow "Poetry till I die!"♏
Photographs sure carry a weight, don't they? The black and white and sepia tones speak with a voice that has known sorrow.

They tell the story of fifteen minutes between small talk and bad news.
      Of a motorcycle, a truck, and a bottle.

They inform wary viewers of a Saturday funeral.
       Only six sunsets after a Saturday marriage.

They advise a newlywed widow to let go, to open her heart to love once more.
        Although they know she can now only live in fifteen minute increments.

"But maybe," they say, "she will never take 900 seconds for granted again."
This evening, my grandpa and I were looking through old pictures. One was of his friend Rodney and Rodney's girl, Karen. My grandpa attended their wedding on a Saturday. The next Saturday, he was at Rodney's funeral.
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