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 Jun 2015 JRL
 Jun 2015 JRL
Is it trust? Or is it pain?
Belief or a chain?
Is there anything to gain?

Those words flicker,
As sadness gets thicker,
And loss comes quicker...

Yet hope remains still,
High atop an empty hill,
With paper and quill.

It rewrites your fate...
But is it now too late?
 Jun 2015 JRL
 Jun 2015 JRL
You endure the pain of laboring words from your insides
Like giving birth to a new life
Bare your whole soul and let them bleed into a piece of paper
And this process repeats over and over and over

But then your precious child was stolen
You're slowly eaten by anger, your teeth gritted
You're reminded of the emotions you put into creating that child, including the pain
You want to vent the anger, your hands shaking

But you cannot do anything but to punch in the wind
Though your patience is weighing thin
You felt molested, violated
You're just hoping they wouldn't forget about the rule that is golden
“Don't do unto others what you don't want others to do unto you.”

― Confucius

So this is how it feels to be plagiarized. I know my poem was just appreciated, that was why it was copy-pasted and posted, but you can re-post a poem or like it if you really appreciate it. Not in that "copy-paste" way. I hope no one will ever do that again to a co-poet. And I hope we, here in Hello Poetry, as well as the administrators of the site, can do something about plagiarism.
 Jun 2015 JRL
 Jun 2015 JRL
I dream about your eyes staring into mine
As if there is no world around us.
I dream about your lips pressed against mine
As if there is fire burning between us.
I dream about your fingers interlocked with mine
As if no one can ever stop this love between us.
I dream about you all the time
Because only in my dreams you are mine.
 Jun 2015 JRL
 Jun 2015 JRL
You are a firework,
Big, colorful, beauty, bright.

The only problem with fireworks,
Is that they always fade to soon.

don't fade away, please
 Jun 2015 JRL
Negosyo at Lotto
 Jun 2015 JRL
Ang pag-ibig
Para yang negosyo
Namumuhunan ka
Investment kumbaga

Ang pag-ibig
Para yang lotto
Tumataya ka
Sumusugal sa walang kasiguraduhan

Ang pag-ibig
Parang negosyo
Minsan nalulugi
Kaya minsan, kailangan magsara

Ang pag-ibig
Parang lotto
Madalas talo
Pero muli ka pa ring tataya
 Jun 2015 JRL
To be a good writer or a poet
You have to be good at wearing shoes other than your size
Size 1, 2, 3, up to size 10
Even if it falls off your feet or too tight, you just have to try

Not only shoes, also all other kinds of footwear
From socks, sandals, flip flops, and slippers
High-heeled, boots, flippers and sneakers
Even barefooted, if there's nothing else to wear

Then, walk with it, run with it
Feel the calluses and feelings it brings
Up until its soles are wearing thin
Then, write the experience
“Always put yourself in others' shoes. If you feel that it hurts you, it probably hurts the other person, too.”

― Rachel Grady
 Jun 2015 JRL
V Fairies
 Jun 2015 JRL
Once upon a time
There were fairies called, V fairies
Fairies who were so beautiful and fine
It was magical, their existence

They lived inside maidens
Who were ought to protect them
In return, the fairies embodied them
With purity as shiny as a diamond emblem

These fairies were sought by every men
For they are the greatest gift that can be bestowed to them
That's why they seek for the perfect maiden
From whom this wish, they can attain

The maidens were set on a journey
To find warriors who are worthy
Warriors who love sincerely
And will vow to cherish them for eternity

The fairies those times were well-respected
They were treasures almost impossible to find
The fairies were boldly protected by their maidens
They are only given to those truly worthy ones

Fast forward to this generation however
Through time, the maidens eventually are weakened
They have let their guards down
And thought all men were worthy of the crown

The V fairies are not given anymore
They are forcefully taken, oftentimes with gore
They are taken due to curiosity, or worst
Taken because of lust, then perpetrators disappear like ghosts

Fairies became men's collections
More fairies, more rights to boast
More manly they are than before
More wins at the competition they build on their own

Maidens lost their credibility as the fairies' protectors
They didn't care about them, like they're not part of them anymore
Throwing them away when they're bored
Not caring if many men do hoard

V fairies were not gifts anymore
V fairies were taken away even without the promise of forevermore
V fairies were simply picked up like on a shopping galore
V fairies were disrespected, to adore no more

But there are beliefs that some of the fairies survived
Living within maidens who stood firm and with their best, tried
To find worthy ones and battle with the wicked
To let the fairies stainless and protected

There are beliefs also that worthy warriors are still there
Who still respects and cherish the value of the diamond emblem
Who knows how to wait until the fairies are given to them
And knows how to take care of their chosen maidens

With these beliefs there's still hope for the future
That the responsibility of a maiden to its fairies will be nurtured
A hope that this will be passed on to generations after
In a hope that V fairies will have a happily ever after
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