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 Jun 2015 JRL
Hindi sa gusto kitang sumbatan,
sa mga bagay na 'di mo masuklian..
Ang pinagtataka ko lang,
bakit hindi mo man lang subukan?
 Jun 2015 JRL
Oh my darling,
your beauty comes in many shapes.

You are the Sunset;
you are the beauty before the darkness.

You are the Moon;
you are the beauty in the darkness.

You are the Sunrise;
you are the beauty before the mourning.

You are the Rainbow;
you are the beauty after the rain.
Compilation of my 10w poems, Sunset, Moon, Sunrise and Rainbow about beauty.
 Jun 2015 JRL
Crab mentality
 Jun 2015 JRL
Hi Sir,

You're reeking with hate
Don't dive into that fate
Free yourself from rage

We are all here to write
We are all here to express
Oh please don't start a fight
Because we're all here to just express

So what if their poems always trend?
Is it an enough reason for your anger to vent?
Why wouldn't you just feel happy for them?
After all, we should co-exist 'cause we're all poets

Yes, we are poets, not *****
Don't go pulling others down
That's just not the way to the top
Yeah, I might get into trouble for this. But, let's live in peace. This is the only place where others can escape to. Peace please. Just sayin'.
 Jun 2015 JRL
Bad Internet!
 Jun 2015 JRL
Bad internet!
Feeding you with many things to compare to.
Like someone else's relationship, degree, traveled places, and many others. Thus, making you think that yours is a miserable one. Worse is we all know its effects to us, but we keep coming back.

— The End —