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934 · Dec 2016
Old devil town
Joshua Mahoney Dec 2016
Living with the ******
In an old devil town
Gettin high on everything around we're just digging ourselves into the ground
No matter the distractions along the way, they help pave the pave the way, to where Im not supposed to say
Now I'm as wicked as your smile when I was blessed that day by night the devil got the
Best of me cause now I live in this old devil town..
702 · Dec 2016
Small things to think upon
Joshua Mahoney Dec 2016
It's the little things that I know is true
Its the little things I saved that make me kinda blue

Told me I need to grow, my roots develop before forming my soul..
Craved who you are and who you will be

Hit me like no other drug
Too much, too soon
Too little, too late

head full of better off dead
not enough days left in this bitter memory....afraid to lose you until now
685 · Dec 2016
Crimes against you
Joshua Mahoney Dec 2016
As above so below
Skipped your sideshow
To Be rid of your blue eyed mess
Instead I'm falling through you
Call it a crime
Say I stole you whole
Butterflies and all
Maybe then I'll belive less
And think more of that blue eyed mess.
372 · Dec 2016
Don't know if I can...
Joshua Mahoney Dec 2016
Never have, never will love you again
Not my choice but by yours
Could I blame you? Put that name to bad use, words I didn't mean in arguements, words I didn't mean to say,
You acted tough in front and I thought you unaffected by a person like me...
366 · Apr 2018
Spilt milk
Joshua Mahoney Apr 2018
Take me as you want me
Take till i am empty
Feelings hit the table like spilt milk
I walk away leaving you with the mess that is
And i
Puddles of white color the floor around your feet
My life is not so neat as i make it seem
I wear my heart on my sleeve like it's going out of style
Threads coming loose at the seams
Eventually i am left sleeveless
Standing on the table now
Holding my heart in one hand
An empty glass in the other
I start to run
Run from
Spilt milk.
This is how i feel my feelings are when i have someone important in my life but am trying not to scar them away
307 · Apr 2018
Focus on your problems
Joshua Mahoney Apr 2018
You must have some kind of illness sticking your nose in my business a whole lot of shade thrown at me lately
Been catching a lot of hate daily
You been saying my name like it's going out of style
Take a page out of your book
If you wanna make a joke at my own expense just save it and say it to my face
I have 8 years
Show me what a real convict is
I am the one who has to face my consequences yes i am powerless but i dont need it shoved in my face every day
306 · Apr 2018
Real talk
Joshua Mahoney Apr 2018
i realized today its easier for me to put all my love into someone because i dont love myself then i get attached and they push me away..can't help it but get hurt
And continue the cycle of self loathing will i even know real love when it happens or will i be too destroyed by then to give myself to somebody

Am i damaged?
Not a poem just a conversation I had with a great but beautifully damaged person. we are all damaged we just have to realize when to pick the pieces back up
299 · Apr 2018
Your move
Joshua Mahoney Apr 2018
Been high the past three days obsessed over your evil ways
Paying devilish games
Your act is getting old
In fact i am starting to see mold
You may think you're all fun and everything under the sun But it's really starting to be overdone
I'll play your game
I call this a hit and run
If you see this i don't hate you i just want to know the whole dark part of you that you feel the need to make dumb little lies about i am not here to judge you but to embrace you so drop me more clues and breadcrumbs

— The End —