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Crumbling cities.
Beauty in decay has always reminded me
of you.
When we were little and climbing trees
you told me of ow you would be great
one day,
like Athens and Rome.
I had laughed and called you silly.
Those were places and not people, I had said.
You shoved your tongue out and clamored:
"Watch me do it!"
I think I finally understand what you meant.
Singing songs to me in my backyard you
were amazing, thriving like you had sworn
to me
those many years before.
We danced and screamed from hilltops
with cities unfolding beneath
our mere human feet.
You weren't kind of the world, but you were
king of mine.
Later that night you dropped me off
at my front door.
Kissed my forehead and murmured
"Goodbye, I love you"
instead of wishing me goodnight.
You fell in the time between night and dawn
and when I woke up the next morning
our empire was gone.
I was dumb
Now I am numb
Dumb enough to let you in
Numb because I can no longer find a reason to grin
I no longer take blame
For what you did to me I hope you live a life of shame
Everything you said was a lie
I will hate myself for believing 'till the day I die
Closure is something every girl needs
Instead you left me to bleed
Bleed out until there is nothing left of me
You got a new girl soon to be
Let me go until there is no more blood
My emotions will no longer flood
Lifeless I'll be
Lifeless I am
 Oct 2014 Joseph Childress
The way my hot coffee
ripples in a
Sunday morning sun
Sipping every inch,
Still thinking,
What was gone

Not until when this red,
white and blue striped mails
arrived from Mr. Mail Man

No, not sealed with kisses
nor those pretty flowers,
scented like a lavender

Your name written clearly
Printed dearly
This time, no heart doodles
Just a dripped of ink
carving the word "memories"
piled messily on the floor

Left unopened,
grabbed my cereal in a bowl
But then again, I'm just half of a whole

You don't need to re-roll
back the film
to black and white
because this isn't right
Forget about what happened that night

For now,
all I can see is how
darkness covers the moonlight*


Memories will haunt you forever if you won't go any farther :{
An animal is what I am,
with fangs that bite too deep.
Awake at night, and too possessed
to get a wink of sleep.

Amused by chasing freedom
from feeling what is real.
I would go to any length,
I'd make a Devil's deal.

Corrupted and conflicted,
until I find my friend.
He's killing me, and ripping me
apart from every end.

Smoke is curling up inside.
Noise is somewhat dull.
Silent moving pictures streaming
softly in my skull.

I think the ground is quaking.
My eyes are dry as sand.
The carpet feels like metal scraping flesh
upon my hands.

Shaking within cavities
I thought did not exist.
My temperature from cold to hot,
I'm fiending for the bliss.

I wish the things I felt right now
would wound me to my grave.
But fantasies of you inside my veins
is what I crave.

I've sobered up and looked
upon my arms, who seem to yearn.
A distant scream inside my heart
tells me I'll never learn.

A bag, a spoon, a spark, a *****
and now I'm turning blue.
Blue death inside my bones and skin,
an animal for you.
As the rain came down like an ocean of water falling from the heavens
the wind blew like a million fans blowing in the same direction
I was wet, I was cold and I was struggling to make it pushing against the wind
looking up was hard but squinting my eyes I could see a few stars in the night sky
ahead of me I heard shouting and screaming
a group of people were attacking an older Gentleman
I questioned should I get involved
I feared I might be targeted
but I did the right thing, I got involved

5 people all young men started to surround me
pushing me trying to force me on the ground
punching and kicking
one of the attackers pulled out a knife
I feared for my life.

As I lay their on the ground as the wind began to ease off
but the rain continuing to come down with so much speed and force
I remember thinking one thing, at least the older Gentleman was safe
This turned out totally wrong and I don't even think it can be considered as a poem. I had the idea for this after some reports I had been reading the last few weeks it is totally fiction..

Although it turned out wrong I decided to uploaded because I had written it and wanted to share it.
 Oct 2014 Joseph Childress
 Oct 2014 Joseph Childress
they say that eyes are the window to the soul and if thats so why do we hide them as to not let them show we dip are head and dont make contact. souls connect contract and become compact smoothing and soothing windows to the soul. the eye is beautiful true but to few its a weapon bent on harming you. some eyes attack at your mind tricking you over time into keeping a calm peace of mind until its time to strike you. these eyes can leave you battered and bruised all kinds of abused and feeling used. if i look at the soul and see something artificial in those holes that are the so called souls we need to see not with are eyes but are minds or we will be blind and leave are hearts behind.
To those who say i'm perfect; i do everything right.
You have no idea, how hard i have to fight.
I work towards my goals, but my standards are too high.
And at the end of the day, all i can say is at least i try.
I never can be proud of what i do.
No matter how great it looks to you.
And how about always failing, when everyone else sees it as prevailing.
Say i'm smart; eh maybe.
Say i'm pretty; no, that drives me crazy.
Say that's amazing; i do what i can.
Say you love me; i would've ran.
So no, i'm not perfect. I do nothing right. To me, i'm just a failure; every day and night.
For all the insecure perfectionists like me.
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