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 Nov 2016 John Hawkins
 Nov 2016 John Hawkins
I need someone who wreaks of cannabis
A guy with moscato sitting on his lips
With the stress of nicotine on  his mind
And the threat of bankruptcy in his kiss
One who makes it snow when he sniffs
And lets me go when he finally quits
Ever get curious about
how important you are?
Whether or not
you're pulling your weight
or dragging the whole world down?

For every center of a universe
there are pounds of flesh to mask it
call it what you will,

Human, homosapien,
the individual,

or Norman.

This planet is littered
with biases,

and each one
counts just as much
as the ones that don't.

"I'm gravitating
towards the shiniest
object in the store"

We say to ourselves,

unaware our consciousness
is simply a loading screen.
I erupt into the night sky and land on the moon,
with just one look into your eyes.
You handsome idiot,
keep your charm away from me,
It's poisoning my heart...
Somehow, the frost gave him warmth
It was his only companion
Through a winter's wasteland

Any whisper he would mutter
Would dissipate into a cloud of mist
Fleeing his lips,
Chasing the frozen sun above.
Only the prairie of snow heard his cries
He knew the winter would listen

So, he kept plowing
Through a world void of life and colour
While he tried to escape his own
 Nov 2016 John Hawkins
His cough encouraged him to stay inside
persuaded him to spend the night
in soft and safer beds.
Where his scarf is less of use
and two pillows mean abuse.
Where cotton without candy
feels like a contraction of sugar mixed with brandy
and he thinks more like the man he
wished he wasn't too afraid to be
less cowardly
he dozed
he snoozed
and snored
and freed his mind of every thing, so utterly vague
five plagues of insight would not have sufficed
to make him see the light inside.
I'm not afraid anymore
The sun is shining brightly while the last of the leaves fall gently
it makes me feel like breaking out in spontaneous song, all seems calm and right under the light of the autumn sun.
 Nov 2016 John Hawkins
he holds her still*
and yet
she still holds him
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