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 Nov 2016 John Hawkins
hannah way
I want to write poetry
On your hips and
Pull the words against me
Rocking and twisting
With each other
I want to make art
 Nov 2016 John Hawkins
L Seagull
Poison dripping off my chin
Little did I know when the words
Slipped off my lips
Little did I mean or maybe I did
In the darkness of unintentionality
My thoughts flow mixed with feelings
The anger swallowed by compassion
Is a slow poison
And it overflows
 Nov 2016 John Hawkins
The Ripper
The mask
              I vvear
is there
              for good
it's not
              a gimmick

it's vvho I am
I take apart
to put together

the things
   you don't
have time
to chore
What if we run into each other
And you realize you miss me?

What if we run into each other
And you realize that you had made the right choice in leaving me behind?
 Nov 2016 John Hawkins
L Seagull
Disturbed to my core
Worried about the colors of rainbow
Equality of love
Justice to see women and men for who they truly are
Despite their physical nature
Terrified for the ***** teenage girls
And their children born to be despised and abandoned
Hardworking imigrant parents
Poor starving civilians in Syria
And their children under the bomb attacks
Jails overflowing with innocent people
All the poor children who will fall through the cracks
Never cared for by neither parents nor the system
I am terrified that the world can be so affected
By nonsense proclamations
Of a narcissistic subhuman
To whom life is but a reality show
How the **** did this happen?
Couldn't sleep at all night
 Nov 2016 John Hawkins
Sarah Kunz
Cadaverous crotchety gouged out eyes.
Scalped trite and malnourished minds.
Where am I? What has this land become?
My vessel is gutted galled and splayed out upon the enflamed remains of our democracy.
I try to embody the equanimity peaceful   qualities of the lulling Gandhi characters before me...
But ****, I am angry, jolted and saturated in shock in fear.
Being an advocate for the people so dismissively marginalized, is what brings substance to my life.
I look into the eyes of my mirthful clients and future students, my heart winces.
How did I allow this to happen to you?  
A man who so boastfully incinerates and debased the citizens of our land with his farcical vitriol, is no man at all but merely an unsightly shrew, cozily cosseted in his world of soot and pooh.
The bosky gorgeous land we inhabit sobs in noxious fright.
To be despoiled and berated as some "natural right" splintered and tainted to allow the green cash river flow into the dubious maw of the man with no dignity to show.
A man who preens such a degenerated mindset is only aptest to a society in shambles.
Our global haimish home yearns for the equilibrium from which it was born.
In such a seeded tumultuous time my heart is seeped in reverberating sorrow.
Let your love and purity coat your vessel, do not let this barbaric man permeate your soul.
Hold steadfast to the testament of our land
True revolution is budded from a web of genuine connection, not devise brandished weapons.
Don't shroud yourself in misery, break free and be prepared to encite love with your authenticity.
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