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May 2021 · 180
manual correct
jessiah May 2021
I don’t really write poetry
I type it

Not like “kind”
Not like unkind
Same thing

What I mean is to say
I push keys
No weight

I mean wait
Tables have turned
I’m mixed all up

I make poetry
By manipulating digits
That’s a handful of numbers

When I mean numbers
It’s not average
Wordplay savage

That’s in sensitive
Tissue in eyes ears
And no see

I’m blowing it
Again it snot what
I’m trying to say

I do poetry
Not like ***
I mean I do

Not to come off
As a ****
But I am poetry

Not literally
But I am watching
My figurative language

You could say
“Poetry flows through me”
But we’d have to hash out #firstpersonproblems

I’ve been getting it all wrong
So all that’s left to say is
I don’t really right poetry
May 2020 · 307
jessiah May 2020
I want to hold you so you know it's fine
I want to please you and your jaded mind
If I could make it better I would
If I could understand your moods
I just
I just want to talk to you without all the noise
I know that you're hurting but I am not the cause

So I tell you not to go yet you faded
I tried to let you know but it's thin air
I want to hold you close but you faded
I mean you're still here but you're not there

You tell me that it's just a phase
You tell me you've got demons to erase
Meanwhile we're missing out on our lives
And I can't keep count of all of your lies
It's like
It's like you want it all to crumble away
I know you're hurting but this is not the way

So I asked you not to go yet you faded
I tried to let you know but it's thin air
I want to hold you close but you faded
I mean you're still here but you're not there

Please don't fade away from me
Please don't fade away
I mean you're not gone
But you're faded
In every way
It's the same thing
You say you're here
But you've faded
Every day is even
More confusing
Every day is more confusing
More and more

I beg you not to go but you faded
I tried to get you to stay but you don't care
It's not like I haven't waited
For you I've got an eternity to spare
Jun 2018 · 270
Ain't Nobody
jessiah Jun 2018
"Ain't nobody
    got time for that"

So I'll hit a button.
Hell, it's not even a hit.
More like a tap.

I mean I'll search through
Some endless animated ****
When my words are flat.

But idk
I want to say more
I guess

But why bother?
Keeping up is a chore.

I mean, effort
It takes... effort

Even if
I were to tell you,
Time won't stop flying.

Ain't nobody
Gonna notice
If we all stop trying.
Mar 2018 · 249
American Braves
jessiah Mar 2018
Go to work.
Get engulfed.
Thicken your constitution.
Deaden your nerves until
feelings glance off of
your steely exterior.
Your apathy is a samurai,
deflecting emotions
with unnatural precision.
the fallen garnish your feet
like pencil shavings.
You are sharpened.

[reads a news article about people suffering]

Somewhere, seemingly distant, a voice cries or sings. It starts faint, but you know it's going to get much louder. No. That's not quite right. You know it IS much louder.

You know its volume is being filtered somehow. You know because you're doing the filtering. Or a least you're trying.
[trying is the wrong word]
fighting. You are fighting this noise down. You are an indomitable force that fights everything. Wasn't it you that moved like wind? Wasn't it you that struck your enemies true? A warrior that stands fearless above all.

[something is looming]

Of course you would want to tune this out. It's not just a loud noise. Pretty sure there's pain involved. Pretty sure you might be hurt. That's why you had to turn the noise down.
[it's a scream]
the scream down. I mean, even a warrior is scared by pain. No shame in that. The scary scream had to be muted. It's what anyone would do. It doesn't make you less warrior. I mean, did you see those moves out there?


But something is not right. This [scream] is somehow frightening. You don't feel very warrior–like right now. You feel ill. Weak. How long have you been fighting this noise down? How loud is this thing? I mean, is it safe to check or will the noise crush you where you stand?

It's considered unwise for a man to open his door when he knows a flood is on the other side.

But you need to open this door. You've been dishonest with yourself
[Sun and moon and stars and void]
You've been dishonest with the cosmos and it's time to repent. You will drown.
It will be relief somehow.

[Go home.
Get engulfed.
Open up your conscience.
Feel your scream in every
emotion as they ripple
throughout your juicy guts.
Your catharsis is a newborn fawn,
clumsily alerting
every predator.]

You are broken.
You are crying.
You are the screaming.
[steel melts]
You were cutting down yourself
with precision.

You'll wonder how it can be so,
in a fair world,
that this scream should be turned against you.

After all, you've been taught
that a warrior keeps their screams to themselves.
To all the warriors out there.
Apr 2017 · 376
jessiah Apr 2017
I don't think she was capable of love.

Just fits of lust; I was worshipped like the moon
and forgotten on a cloudy night.

Some might question the appeal, or
lack the fortitude for being discarded

But not every man can claim being a moon god.
Jul 2016 · 480
jessiah Jul 2016
What must seem nefarious to the watching birds
Is just me tending my yard

Truly it's the weeds that should worry
Or no

Aren't we all in a hurry to grow
Just waiting to be pulled

By the hands of the great gardeners
Or snipped by their tool
Oct 2015 · 441
jessiah Oct 2015
Just what is he talking about?
#secrets of the universe don't simply reveal
into an unfinished mess
of synapse and flesh

Nay, quite a complicated matter grey
that would flutter and flatter
across the toiling gases
and celestial masses

Yet these words contain no more life
than the worlds blooming
in the booming yawn of darkness

Some find their despair a slight
but when compared to the fair night
they should see the empty in eternity

Star light, Star bright
I wish you may, I wish you might
see the black reveal the white
grey together, lips sealed tight.
Oct 2015 · 404
jessiah Oct 2015
A day
They say
For poetry, not poets

Had I better wit,
My name you'd unforget
Table for two words

For words
Back, words
Infinity of notice
Jun 2015 · 17.4k
eyes eyes eyes
jessiah Jun 2015
It's amazing

How a pair of eyes can enthrall you

I've been watching hers for only minutes

And marveling at everything...

Everything indeed is there

All my terrifying needs

I am thin with worth,

And with a glance

I am pierced by demand

How can I ever delight such majesty?

Gods help me keep her interest
May 2015 · 367
man ≠ father
jessiah May 2015
A man is cool
He walks slow, deliberate
Can't be persuaded
To break his saunter

A man can't be a father

A father seeks his daughter
She is gone, he is desperate
Can't be found
He breaks into a sprint
Scoops her up in his arms
His tight embrace betrays his cool

A man can't be a father
Wrote this Mother's day but never posted. Witnessed a guy in the mall lose his little girl then reunite with her.
Apr 2015 · 570
jessiah Apr 2015
I see the stars in you

They light similar to mine

We could ponder

Whose side awakened the day first

Else we could vanquish

The aeons of darkness between us

In a choir of lumens
Apr 2015 · 610
jessiah Apr 2015
Blessed light
Men's hands were not made
For carrying dreams

Swift winds
Men's feet tire before
Hope is reached

Bring the message to me
Spirits in the smoke purer
Than men's speak

Thankee kichigouai
While I temper the stone,
Tender the crops,
Fend the wolves,
Your day burns bright
You speak in dreams
Remind me of the great uncreated

His path was longest so mine could be certain
Jan 2015 · 504
jessiah Jan 2015
Your griefs
List of parts unliked
And states abhorred

All conditions

And I have chosen
To love you unconditionally
Dec 2014 · 473
de anima
jessiah Dec 2014
There is thunder expected, crescendo
:power, spectacle

A parted sky
Should alight a blade
In your outstretched hand

Perhaps lightning for effect.

Surely this is the manner
In which we were meant to face
Our vile enemies


Eyes that burn,
Words that bludgeon hope,
Hands that hold too long.

These are the weapons
To get us through the battle
The only thunder
Is the low rumble
From the vacuum
******* at the breach
In our tattered souls.

As we cower for the massacre
There is a flash in erroneous time

Forwards and backwards
Reveal our feelings made us real

Forgiveness is this power
Almighty and righteous

Palms and face to the sky
We die
Nov 2014 · 515
jessiah Nov 2014
gentle dreams
daybreak and remtime
valuable by no measure
like god talk
we keep but forget
we keep by forgetting

if it repeats repeats we are scared how it wears
don’t get it *****, soiled or torn
or worse yet
by stillness we see the flaws
that were there from the get
and how do you now shine
before previousness yestearlier
after nextnous tomorrowizes? and I commit
how do you now shine
other than shining now?

do your best forgetting for this
for this is the needle
that played your groove to a groove
some moments need repeating
before they retire from action to fear and loss
and play again
repeat repeat
Nov 2014 · 510
jessiah Nov 2014
I’m holding a quiet revolution in my heart
At times it seems unlikely to ever start

What’s in yours then, fair reader?
Have you struck always true
And remembered the face of you fathers?

All the love in my soul
Will never be enough to keep the power on

So I cash in dreams for WiFi
Kids need Netflix

How have you defiled your hope?
****** on your dreams?

Let’s cozy next to this keyboard
And blast out cries for help

Maybe someone else will put their dreams aside
Take the time to put all we desire
Right in our laps.
Nov 2014 · 569
Nothing part IV point 0
jessiah Nov 2014
I have examined the concept of eternity
It does and does not go
Put more plainly
A battle of tos and fros
***** headed cosmos
***** strings strung into dark matter
Woven wormholes
Like to have seen you all here before
Forgive me if I'm not surprised
Forgive me if I'm not moved
By anything but the struggle to comprehend
The actual effort to collide with thoughts
The manifestation of compassion
When there is so much blackness
******* on blackness
It's a miracle anything survives at all
It's a ******* error of probability
That a few muscles can upturn lips
To a smile or a kiss
A ******* travesty of galactic proportions
That light was allowed to break the curve
Speed into my eyes
Blasphemous tears
So beautiful
Wretched waste of a soul
Touch your forehead
And be blessed
Touch your heart
And be God
Touch the earth
And be gone
Bah baggum gom baggum
Waste of waggum wu
Shocckou ta cocmutu
Quasaratus ben voyutan
Vesu ta eturnas u ves obsidas
Obsidas yet obsidas
That's what she said.
Nov 2014 · 580
jessiah Nov 2014

The almighty knower,
The unlucky ever anon,
The beast of the feast,
The shaman of the famine,

Ripples in togetherness
Became words

"Have you forgotten your studies, child?"

I must admit, a meditation short
Of enlightenment am I

It did seem linear for a bit.
Excuse me for that,
I had to get my swagger back.

Together words
Rippled with becoming

And here you are
And here I am
And there and there

And there

Nov 2014 · 361
jessiah Nov 2014
If you don't ever feel the urge to tear it all down
Stop the machine and stifle every moving part
To bring the universe to a grinding halt
Then you haven't lived

That urge will pass
Then you will want to tend to all
Promote life and fulfillment
Yet you will not regret your previous torrent
Of destruction
Knowing it brought you to this point

It's important to feel in charge
As long as you feel it cower in the realization
That you direct nothing that can endure
Yet I encourage you to rip and ravage
Perhaps you will prevail after all those who failed
Nov 2014 · 289
jessiah Nov 2014
There is so much more room
Here outside the lines
Sure we're drowning
Just barely within sight
Off the coast of what's right
Scribbled in the white
Thought it would be obvious
Guess the rules made you blind
Nov 2014 · 400
jessiah Nov 2014
Never thought a mountain could move
Much less crack like a snapping bone
The remnants of majesty are littered
All within my suffering heart

Never thought the seas would sieze
Dry up within an instant
No regard for the long, slow recipe
That made the world wet

Never thought I'd see beyond catastrophe
But you know, mountains grow

Rains fill the reservoir

Beginnings end.
Oct 2014 · 525
dream over
jessiah Oct 2014
Half hour past
the witching hour

Got my pumpkin back
Mice back
Work to do
But lost my slippers
Oct 2014 · 771
jessiah Oct 2014
Someone said the truth
         sets you free
So I try to be
     the shoplifted spirits

Irony poured me out
          a little for my home
needed flattening
     having wrinkled in time

Here's a reason
          here's a rhyme
There's a fate
At my gate
He didn't knock
But dropped a line
There's a gun
In my fun
It doesn't stun
But blows his mind

Here a fate
There a fate
Everywhere a fate

Oh my darling
What a charm

Free I, free I, oh!
Oct 2014 · 619
ugly things
jessiah Oct 2014
She says I'm beautiful
But I would scrape off my perfect face
To see the truth of her

The truth that she gives her ugly man
That she does ugly things with
When she thinks my pretty eyes
Are distracted by her gorgeous lies

I miss when it was just us
I wonder if it ever was
How many ugly men does it take
To fill in the ever-empty space

I'm sorry I can't be everything
I'm sorry I'm no good at ugly
I wish I meant more to you
I wish that beauty earned your truth

And your ugly things
Known to me all the while
Will be punished justly
With a pretty smile
Oct 2014 · 822
jessiah Oct 2014
funny to think I have been so caLm and together
amidst the greater untogetherness of my life
the laughing audience in my head cackling
at the laughable audience following my cracking

if it were set in sides of a scale
I'd be afeared to watch it balance

mayhap some creature of diRe
would erupt in a tangle of talons

that's what I'm afraid of after all,
that I am the pungent void that consumes
the eyes that glide low in the grass
and rise up with hate and ******
the teeth that bite with unclenching malevolence
bite biTe BITE YOUR WEAK ******* FLESH

yOu alloWed to hIM to iNFLict On me...

but dEath still coils a leaf slowly to the ground
even for such thiNgs
Sep 2014 · 452
jessiah Sep 2014
What you see here, my dear
Is mere mierde if I dare
It does compare not a hair
Not worth a tare or pinch of air
To what lies beneath
I might bequeath a brief peek
To see the sights you seem to seek
You might suspend disbelief
If you could peep how deep
The iceberg creeps
You might weep
You might cheer
To know it all
Does not end here
You might smile
You might despair
All the while
It does not compare
To know the completeness of a creature
Is no feat where feet could span the feature
Noses, eyes, hairs and thighs are not enough for believing
Toes, ears, fingers and beards are actually quite deceiving
They in no way describe the tangled mass
Of love and hurt that's stored within
It does not compare, it's much too vast
This universe we grow inside our skin.
Give someone a hug.
Sep 2014 · 608
Hocus Pocus
jessiah Sep 2014
People with their painted faces
Pale in comparison
To those with false embraces
Swallow bad medicine
For strength to your heart
Held together with untied laces
Oh where oh where did you find that brush
I noticed the handle happens to be long enough
To paint your insides and complete the bluff
Temple worn from indifferent paces
The human marathon
Rush to fill empty spaces
With emptier icons
That come from the part
That the icon ironically defaces
Oh how oh how did you empty your head
Descartes tried for years but just ended up dead
Makes me wonder if it’s even worth what I said
A chivalrous stride still loses races
Mind over matter
But money puts you in the highest places
I’m sensing a pattern
Every end needs a start
But if I break the mold others will make traces
Oh when oh when did I lose focus
Guess we never know when life will try to yoke us
Maybe it makes sense that our defense is hocus pocus

Another old one, but still relevant when reading Facebook posts today.
Sep 2014 · 879
jessiah Sep 2014
From one obsession to another
Dyslexic manic depression
Like infinity
From the ocean cool serene scene
To the traffic packed fact sack
I am constantly dead
And having to wake from this
Into a skydive
Just so I believe in the Earth
That I’m playing chicken with
May I say that “chicken ****”
Can be a commendable description of character?

This whole world love love is a drug
And God the unbeknowing pusher
I felt his behemoth hands in my back
Before my fall

I think they made wings
Sep 2014 · 378
jessiah Sep 2014
Word, Word Word
Trying to get out
To be completely free
Plentiful shared
Word will share
Make you still
listen, learned
is bond
Word is free
but not complete
Word is thanking
slipping out when you’re weak
holding strong and marinating
in your mind
Word is
viciously kind
whatever you want it to be
soldier on the front lines
or General building a fort behind
It is your tongue's exercise
and nothing more than word
Word comes from spit
Mucous lung ****
Makes a man a hypocrite
Makes a god a prophet
Makes a poet
Makes love inadequate
Made nothing yet
So when I say to you:
"Word word word, word"
Please believe more in something there
Like my hand through your hair

Yesterday's daily made me dust off this old pome
Sep 2014 · 1.3k
jessiah Sep 2014
Scream firelight electric skies.
Scream torrential sideways winds.
Scream nonsense and fortified lies.
Scream names in vain and horrible sin.
Scream ****** ****** and bravos.
Scream lightspeed ways that rip the cosmos.
Scream a universal chunk from your mortal throat.
Scream jellybeans, sweet and sour notes.

Scream and I will hold you
            like you were dying
Scream and I will kiss you
            like it were initiation into the unknown
Scream and I will need you
            like you were never coming back


Or don’t scream at all

I’ll still do these things
Sep 2014 · 589
jessiah Sep 2014
what a wonderful heap of molecules
.i love every quark of you
and how you culminate my thought
,as if the wind stolen from my lungs
was decoded into something
greater than I can breathe
Sep 2014 · 323
jessiah Sep 2014
Man forgets that he was made to forget

he uses books for tools to remember

Another man burns his book

it's a futile ceremony

hardly a stone or a stick

because words will never heal thee
Sep 2014 · 4.0k
jessiah Sep 2014
Perhaps greatness is in the way you yield
The way you stopped reaching
Settled in to greatness

Perhaps it is exemplary in your plan
The constant pushing away
Greatness can wait another day

Perhaps your incomplete work
One unraveled drawing
Half a turn of dance
Some desperate note
Poem of

Unknown greatness

For those that still feel they are meant for greatness...
Sep 2014 · 919
jessiah Sep 2014
Workers jump to your hoses
Poets jump to your pens
The men with guns are sure to jump
Before the crisis ends
They subtracted from 8 million stories
For the glory of one
Attacked innocents
Retrained our eyes to comb the distance
For incidents involving incendiary elements
An attack with no relevance
Just bullies stuffing our will
Into the locker of remembrance

Nothing to fear when space is still darker
Nothing to fear when the sun is still hotter
The Earth will turn the darkness
Over their heads
The light will make it
City of Martyrs
Never a truer hero than time
Who fights for our honor.

A bit reactionary, but how I felt at the time.
Sep 2014 · 322
jessiah Sep 2014
perhaps we'll be fine; without line breaks; staring,coping,adjusting who really thought a standard forever, who ever thought a word blooms? into? an? unstoppable? language? without letting go past the lips, speak now or forever hold... perhaps we'll be fine repeating, growing, sharing perhaps perhaps the untied tongue will create a totem of memories where darkness splits against held hands protective, warming, sooooo tender with dreams perhaps there's you perhaps there's me
Sep 2014 · 527
jessiah Sep 2014
Meaning was the rabbit you were chasing
Some dark hole later you'll wonder
With wide eyes and empty hands
Was there
Ever a hare?
Gleaming in its shiny new casing
One sharp pole waiting to plunder
This idea tempts every man
There was
Therefore I am.
Sep 2014 · 638
jessiah Sep 2014
You hate bare feet but there you are...
Some soft dress you would never wear
Yet it's flowing from the wind over your shoulders
Tucks under your legs like a child at play
Your arms bent against themselves
Insecure yet comfortable
An impossible smile
The sun reflects off every thing in view
Creating sparkles, twinkles, flashes

Your hand pulls back the hair
That got in front of your face
And at once there is no sun
Those eyes
Those eyes
I've followed their light from dark days
And I'm pleased to find them here
The cause of such lumens
Sep 2014 · 2.5k
jessiah Sep 2014
The crowd will think it grace
But I can hear the wind assaulting my ears
I can feel the strain in my fingers
The skin is worn from holding on

My body twists and tucks
The crowd will think it a feat
I'm just surviving the threat
Of constant gravity
Just routine

I barely notice the effort anymore
They will label my instincts majesty
I'm just trying to stay up
Having felt the bottom
I no longer believe in the net
Sep 2014 · 717
jessiah Sep 2014
Methinks I need an outside day
To ponder the days of June
And how they so stealthily became
The days of July and
Nights of July so hot that
Everyone complains in
Sweat anchored softy-clothes

Here in a cape of Florida
A mosquito named Beauregard Bountiful Belly
Becomes the happiest creature in the swamp
Then became the deadest
Black stain on my arm gallery
No blood to spare, poquito
Blood is thick with boredom

It was so hot today this seemed appropriate...
Sep 2014 · 896
Proletarian Pleasure
jessiah Sep 2014
Dastardly shovel
Mine blister inaugurator
Hand twisting back blazing wretch

Oh, the oasis pool
Cool; are you crystal clean, heaven seem
To this pyramid bottom letch?

Dean swims jolly fat
Pharaoh tan lazy landlubber ham lover
Fat ****** life quite a catch

Shovel I should launch you
Waterwards rust absurd curb lust
To watch you bust in a watery death

Maybe not before a cannonball
Six-foot tall water wall a lot of gall
You got kid, did you learn to save your breath?

Hide away from this blue collar day
Backbreak reality returns, furnace fanfare
Sailor sweat jumping ship not a hand left

Thought this fit a Labor Day theme if any
jessiah Aug 2014
I just want to go 200 on the interstate
and see if the world still wants me

My skill is wasted on slowness
Underappreciated and mistaken for arrogance

Behind the wheel I am confirmed
Decisions here are not the customs of monotony

But a nuanced puzzle of physics
I am a navigator in an ocean of outcomes

The engine is roaring with me
We were made for exploding
Aug 2014 · 3.1k
jessiah Aug 2014
Sleep like when quiet
Monopolized your ears
Except maybe a ting
An occasional ting
Of a wind chime

Sleep like when diligence
Granted you rest
From your day of completions
You were so thorough and
Always on time

Sleep safe
With the noises and clatter
Of all you hold dear
Knowing they are close

Sleep like when exhaustion
Squeezed the last lucid bit out
Made you pay for your excess
With a punishment
Kinder than most

Sleep with innocence
Not only in the night
But when dust swims across
The warm, thick daylight

Sleep in transit
While the bright yellow dash
Unzips dark highways
And your warm forehead
Bounces on the cold window

Sleep like the way
It takes me now
Lords over all
You ever become
Written some time between the dark days of 2008 and 2011
Aug 2014 · 438
Drunk Revelation
jessiah Aug 2014
Rain on the outside
Pain on the in
Never let them catch you cry
Because it's a big ol' sin
Show no feeling
Or a pinch of passion
Take fate's blows to the chin
And roll with a toothless grin

I pounced on a trampoline
But couldn't reach the stars
The people underneath me
Conspired to be stellar
I whispered folk tales
And played a vague guitar
Every event I inhaled
Surprised the fortune teller

The rain remained a drizzle
But I felt fear fizzle
To a tolerable tumor
Obsession became a rumor

Calm, cool, collected
When I felt my legs again
I called them prophets
Who herald the road Armageddon
And exercise apocalypse
Aug 2014 · 612
The Shepherd
jessiah Aug 2014
     A man called me a poet

And in return, behind his eyes,
     I twitched a little,
          knowing smile
In regards to:  
If only he knew how insignificant poetry is and
How small a figment it makes me to be a poet

But then the clouds
     then the clouds
     then the clouds today
Hustled by unnamed

And I suppose

I suppose it was explained...
Aug 2014 · 410
hello insanity
jessiah Aug 2014
All pleasantries aside
What are we really here for?
Sure we compliment and fawn
And hey hey ** ha ha
But we would resurrect old, destructive gods
To see a pillar of acknowledgment hoisted to the stars
As if only our loves were the lovest
And only our pain is the greatest explosion
(Not that cheesy fireworks looking **** but
the new, hot planet-bursting with a ring type
which I guess denotes some serious matter displacement)
And only we know eyes perfect eyes
And only our hearts ever tried

Or maybe if we are careful readers
Some digital tome
Will reveal the location of the stone
That holds it all in its little, unturned
Mass of earthen bone
Humming by the park path
In plain sight
So unusual
Yet so

Save your elemental thoughts
I already picked up the rock
And when I threw it in a pond
Everything shattered and fell
Cracked into the black waiting behind
And the last thing on my mind was to
Save your elemental thoughts
I already picked up the rock
And when I threw it in a pond
Everything shattered and fell
Cracked into the black waiting behind
And the last thing on my mind was to
Save your elemental thoughts
I already picked up the rock
And when I threw it in a pond
Everything shattered and fell
Cracked into the black waiting behind
And the last thing on my mind was

Perfect, perfect eyes.
Aug 2014 · 374
jessiah Aug 2014
Frozen sunlight still trees
Dandelion fuzz and yard bits
In the slow breeze

Time to think comfort to know
Calm disease of wonder
Caught in limbo

I've been the wind
I've been the leaf
Eternally switching
With no relief

Some fear the end
I feel stopping is resolute

I wait patiently for you
To lay me gently on the ground
Jul 2014 · 610
jessiah Jul 2014
And the new day begins
By some man’s whim
In the middle of darkness

Fitting, this prison
From which to break free—
An optimist’s dream

And the coward’s light
Will shine ridiculously bright
All through the events of a day

But give me, say the cynic
The dark, remote cell
Where no rays of fawning ever fell

Not for complimenting solitude,
Not for breeding distrust and attitude
But the darkness is challenging

When my eyes migrate through the black
My heart teams with Courage
Who promises rewards of pride, happiness, and love
Jul 2014 · 456
jessiah Jul 2014
Maybe I take comfort in the idea
That a straight line upon an infinite plane
would eventually
Pierce these flat layers of cosmic malarkey
Some black hole could speed us
Out of range of our guilty hearts
Our minds could come to rest
In a cove with a stellar view


Where time gently laps at the shallow shores
And my fear of deeper troubles includes not our demise

Just our hands gently never untouching
Jul 2014 · 665
she lives
jessiah Jul 2014
She barely lives yet she does
At the bottom of a bottle
A djini who softens the sharp edges of reality

She's barely romantic yet she is
This game of cat and mouse
I can never truly have her though she's here

She barely breathes yet she does
Her exhales are never the screams
That could loose the rafters of the world

She barely loves yet she does
It's hidden deep within her guise
A routine played so long she has forgotten how to play
Jul 2014 · 1.3k
jessiah Jul 2014
I used to fancy myself worthy of bulletproof skin
I wanted to be a super hero
Impress my friends.

Although not completely devoid of good intention
My ultimate need was next to zero
Just for pretend.

I thought it unfair at the moment
Not to be powered
By such a skill.

Until I read on the internet
About some cowards’
Attempt to ****

I was thankful my power
Had not been devoured
For whim of comic book trends

For in the vale were Swat runs
The ultimate bully was stunned
By a heroine with bulletproof skin.
10/10/2012 for Malala
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