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Three small chunks of my soul
Ripped right out of my chest
          Every weekend

       The same **** thing
The hugs, tears and kisses goodbye
               With them
The screaming, mistrust and hateful words
               With him

The pain seems neverending
And never getting any better
       All the bridges burned
          a single

But regret can build and build
When you realize some bridges
             Can't be rebuilt

And yet
         I can't regret him
Or the pain he dealt to me
    Cause he helped to create
Those three small pieces of my soul

          And they may be small
      But put together
   They create my life as a whole

    Every Weekend
The same **** thing
        And it hurts
   Finally having that feeling
Like you're actually whole
         Then all three pieces
       Right out of my soul

And until next weekend
**I cannot feel whole
For Krystalyn, Klairety and KJ, my three beautiful children that I love dearly and miss even more when they're away from me.
Update: I haven't seen my children on two months, please copy and paste this link  read my story and help if you can, thank you.
He traced maps
on my back
with the tips
of his fingers
as if I was
the whole world
 Mar 2015 Jesica Dittemore
The driveway curved and bent,
A stream of black asphalt
made its way toward the doorstep,
Sundays were always the warmest,
chalk marked the pavement
The neighbors conversed from windows
about the new girl down the road,
Cages for backyards
held the gardens for ransom,
Explosions in the sky
colored the black of the night
Just like the chalk on the pavement
 Mar 2015 Jesica Dittemore
You killed the music
In my head
And replaced it with
Screaming instead
I stroll daily through the Garden of Rhyme
Picking from the fruit of the vine
Making sure it's perfectly ripe
Where I slice it into poetic line

Then take it and bake it into Poem
Out from the oven the moment it's done
Sharing it whole while it's still warm
So others may enjoy the taste of the Poem

And when the Poem has all been given away
It's back to the Garden for more of the same
She loves how I act,
                                   But I don't see why.
She loves how I talk,
                                    But I hate it.
She loves how I think,
                                     But I don't get it.
She loves how I look,
                                     But I never saw it.

She loves, and I will never see,
Being all in love, and yet so unworthy...
I just don't get it sometimes. :)
 Mar 2015 Jesica Dittemore
I hate being
And when I'm
I hate being
And when I'm
I hate being
If my mind were a galaxy,
You would be every twinkling star,
Every asteroid in the belt, every racing comet,
And every moon orbiting the planets.

If my mind were the ocean,
You’d be the billions of water molecules,
The crashing waves, the grains of salt,
And the infinite number of fishes.

But if your mind were either of these,
I’d be but a speck of space dust,
And a creature in the deep abyss;
Invisible and almost non-existent.
So Don't.... Thx
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