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Jeremy Rascon Aug 2015
How quiet the night is
I say as I loudly tap
On my phone
Erasing and rewriting
Only to realize
You can't be profound on facebook
Society has made sure of that.
This handy dandy
Mini pocket computer
Connects me to the world,
It assures that never will I
Never can I
Be alone.
Yet as I scroll
Through the friends list,
The contacts,
The snapchat stories,
Endless feeds,
Its clear I am only one person
Out of billions.
Barely noticeable.
Its hard to be unique
When all the clever usernames
Have been taken
And you don't know
How to use emojis.  
I do not compute,
Nor do I really want to.
Jeremy Rascon Jul 2015
I am the world
Lost and alone.
Parasites rid me
Of any precious
Resources I create
They torch and scar my flesh
I choke on the toxic fumes
They send to my atmosphere
I grow dizzy
And spinning
Until I finally lose control,
My fate is self destruction
Suicide by loss of my emotions
I will end my short life
Rather than have the parasites
End it for me
I am the world
And the universe will continue
Without me
Jeremy Rascon Jan 2015
Je Suis Charlie
A new artist motto
An age old fight and cause
Simple marks on a paper
Can arouse barbaric
In this world
No room for the blood shed.
Wage no war
   With bullets and bombs
If you must,
           Use your words
Retaliate the art.
We, intellectuals, know just how much
More powerful
  This type of warfare is.
We the unafraid artists know the
   Danger of our work
   The risks of comedy..
You **** for your aging beliefs
We sketch for the future...
   Je Suis Charlie
Never, will the pen be put down.
Jeremy Rascon Nov 2014
Coffee must always be hot
  It warms the soul
     And awakens the body
It fends off the sleep
   Like a dragon's
       Fiery breath  
A drink for the gods
    A magic elixir for man
But it must be hot.
      If it were to be cold
It would only numb..
The world is cold enough as is.
No no, brew a fresh ***
   Let the smell
Dance through the air
    And fill a morning home.
Like Jesus,
   Mr. Coffee
Will transform water
  Into something more
But even better,
       It will be hot
Coffee must always be hot.
Jeremy Rascon Oct 2014
Today I thought
   About dying,  
And was humbled
     By death
  My end will
But hasn't yet
    And I
Am forever grateful.
Of being deceased
   I am home
Today I thought
   About dying
    But didn't.
Jeremy Rascon Sep 2014
As frantically
As he ran
He could not escape,
No matter
How many branches
Or logs
He was doomed..
For the dark presence...
Jeremy Rascon Sep 2014
The time
I'm dying
as the
Clock ticks
I'm crumbling
Time kills
I'll be dead.
To disappear
In history..
I'm dying
And painfully
Each second,
An enemy..
How much longer?
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