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 Sep 2014 Jazmin Huey
Mr X
I know its difficult to stop and let the rush in our lives take a halt for just a moment.

I know its equally difficult to stand out of our destined tracks and sit in one of those beautiful stations clouded and beautified by the fog in our own thoughts.

But believe me, to stop for just that one moment,  
Is  Beautiful.
A bogus nation.

That's known to throw the faces,

that they don't  like
inside the lowest  places.

Prisons and graves  overflowed with
Mental forces undergo  no changes.

If we don't like it,
then we fight with rage.

In exchange for our freedom
we might die today.

The sun always comes out on a brighter  day.

Ignited is the spark that inspires  flames.

The fire is alive and your minds  ablaze.

It’s hard to feel alive,
when your life is caged

Released and unleashed this is my  domain.

My disdain for you is unkind but hey,
we’re living on a globe where hope  became,
worse than smoking  dope
or slanging  cane.

But thats the way she goes,
nope I won't complain.

But I can **** the giant
and overthrow the slain.
 Sep 2014 Jazmin Huey
Caitlin S
This morning I buried my head in your pillow,
I wept some how even more.
I can barely smell your scent on it;
Less than the day before.

This morning I woke up,
For a moment I forgot that you were gone.
Just for a few sweet seconds,
I did not know it has been so long.

This morning I count up the minutes,
From the moment I saw you last.
I am not able to leave you behind,
To abandon you in the past.

This morning I remember you so fondly,
It is like you never left.
Even though your heart stopped beating,
To have known you I am blessed.
 Sep 2014 Jazmin Huey
Distract me from missing him
Because I'm missing the home
I made on his lips
And in his eyes
I'm missing how safe I felt
Wrapped up in his voice
Getting lost between his skin
Felt as if I was floating on a golden cloud
Oh I felt so wowed
And even silencing my thoughts
Went so smoothly for him
That I almost wondered if he was my Castiel
If we were ever meant to be..
If he was my Eric,and I was his Ariel
And if we could live beyond the sea.
I wish I could say that I told you I was fragile,
that the last boy who loved me left without a goodbye,
and that in the midst of trying to bring him back home
I realized I was nothing but glass and ended up falling to the floor,
left cracked and scattered.

I thought you were the broom that could sweep me back together,
but you only made a path so that you could walk by unharmed;
you left the swept up pieces in the dust pan,
I didn't know you'd soon throw them away.

There's little pieces of me still sliding around on the wooden floor,
I should've known you wouldn't try to put me back together.
I wish I could say I warned you of my sharp edges
and the amount of tears I've accumulated,
but you saw the flowers I held,
and I didn't think much of the dirt;
nor did I ever think you'd create more weight.

You watered the flowers so much they drowned,
and you left them to wilt; you left me overflowing.
I wish I told you to leave before breaking me again,
I guess I forgot.

But mosaics are just pieces of broken glass,
and by breaking me you've only made it easier
for the next person to find me more disastrously beautiful.

(NJ2014) © All Rights Reserved.
 Sep 2014 Jazmin Huey
when i was 13,
"if your friends jumped
off a cliff would you?"
was an effortless,
because when i was 13
the cliff was a tall,
piece of land
with a neon sign that said
"impending doom"
lit up at the edge,
but now im 20
and the cliff
comes in glass bottles
and the cliff
comes in thick syringes
and the cliff
is drawn beneath
my skin
in india ink
and down below it,
i can see my home town
and i can hear the patient voices
of the kids i grew up with
that never got out,
shakily shouting
"come down here;
it's easier at the bottom"
and if im being honest
im stumbling toward it
with an alarming
lack of fear
His mind: a wondrous place
His heart: sowed love
His smile: brought light
His eyes,
His eyes bore into mine.

The crystals,
The sorrow,
The sunshine,
It was all mine.

He was all mine
And I?
Well I,
I was his.
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