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Hell, I loved the sly smile
That emerged from his eyes
Then slowly spread across his face
Til it was perfectly wide.
I loved how it showed in his grin
When he would laugh at my awkwardness
Like we were both children again.
I admired the seriousness
That would spawn from within him
When I begged him to stay with me.
I cherished the moments
When he would accept my heartfelt invitation
And just hold me quietly to his firm chest.

Thoughts like that
Are the kind that will remain
Encapsulated in my mind forever.
I haven't seen you in awhile my dear
And now there's something I've come to fear
That I don't remember the smell of your hair
But at least I'd recognize that smile anywhere
And I might not remember the taste of your lips
But I still want my arms around your hips
But your laugh, now that is unforgettable
And every moment we're together, is un-regrettable
Oh I miss you with every fibre of my being
And I'm jealous of those friends, whom you keep on seeing.
 Apr 2014 Jazmin Huey
 Apr 2014 Jazmin Huey
I'm afraid to stand out
And be different.
What if I look odd?
What if I'm judged?

I'm afraid of using big words,
Even though they sound beautiful.
What if I use it wrongly?
I'll be thought of as a fool.

Most of all,
I'm afraid
Of telling you
That I love you

It's meant to be a cute,
Sweet gesture.
A way of
Reminding you
You're the best thing
In my life.

But what if
It slowly becomes a mere routine for me?

Worse still,
What if
One day
Your reply is,
"I don't, anymore."?
First poem in my A to Z collection. Let's hope this lasts. :)
A whisper escaping through ruby lips
and echoing through my fragile heart
A simple pact by a fool and his folly 
lays bleeding at my feet, betrayed.
With every second chance
        I'm given,
                        I only
        make another mistake.
when will I
Found this in my notebook.
I forgot I wrote it.
He tapped me on the shoulder
Before he had to go
Said I'll be your Guardian Angel
I just wanted you to know

He said he knows no one who went
That came back and then complained
So he guessed the place was pretty nice
And was sure he'd want to stay

He knew he'd see my grandma
Who had went three years before
She'd been waiting for him patiently
To walk him through God's door

Then he asked us not to worry
Said he knows what is in store
He was pleased with the life he lived
And knew God would show him more

Spent his last three weeks with family
Where he said his sweet goodbyes
My final memory of this man
Was the brave ending to his life

He would give to me this passion
But to the world he gave much more
The life he lived was one of love
He was the gift I most adored

In Memory
Sgt. Harold Addison Yates
My Grandfather

*Carl Joseph Roberts
A true story written with tears.  I miss this man who fought in two wars, was a prisoner in World War 2 then came home and served as a Sergeant with the Columbus Police Dept.  My Grandfather gave to me my Love for poetry. He passed several years ago but is missed every day.
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