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Jan 2016 · 1.0k
An inconsistent mind
Jamie Jarrett Jan 2016
Sometimes I feel
That I'm going to fail
Doubts creep in
"My minds to frail"

I keep it to myself
Not showing any fears
My eyes may not weep
Doesn't mean there's no tears

Lost in emotion
Feeling so naive
Let me take a breath
It helps me to believe

You are my biggest weapon
Why step out of line
Become my worst enemy
"Yesterday I was fine"

Thoughts can be fragile
Feeling so alone
Tomorrows another day
And I'll get there on my own
Jan 2016 · 1.6k
Technology slaves
Jamie Jarrett Jan 2016
Why do we all prefer to stare
At a 42 inch flat screen glare
Manipulating our thoughts
Stealing our mind
Subliminally corrupting
The whole of mankind

Checking our phones
100 times a day
Leading our consciousness
Miles astray
Technology's surpassing
Our human interaction
Perfectly designed
To cause a distraction

Can we not see
We're being restricted
Gradually all
Becoming addicted
We need to slow down
Or we'll all be convicted
Of being exactly
What Einstein predicted
Einstein's supposed quote " I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction, the world will have a generation of idiots"
Jan 2016 · 471
Poetry ....
Jamie Jarrett Jan 2016
What are poems
Just lines on a screen
Or the deepest places
The minds ever been

Feeling the emotion
Feeling the pain
Reading what flows
From a writers brain

It's a way to release
Not a chance to impress
A way to unscramble
A way to express

A beautiful connection
Between thought and line
A unique way to show
That this minds mine
Jan 2016 · 1.1k
Consumer culture
Jamie Jarrett Jan 2016
Have you ever wondered why
We consume like we do
Have you ever wondered why
We always want something new

Do we really need to buy
Or is it just for show
Does it bring us happiness
Does it help us grow

I wonder what it is
That gives us this obsession
Maybe we feel successful
With a life full of possession

But what if we are wrong
And we really should be giving
What if that's the happiness
In a life that's worth living
Dec 2015 · 6.9k
A Waterbug and a Ladybug
Jamie Jarrett Dec 2015
The waterbug and the ladybug
Fell in love with each other
But they couldn't work it out
They couldn't get it together
Ladybug said " I can't swim "
And water bugs can't fly

Ladybug swung down like a swing
Kissed him with her wing
One touch and the connection was made
Ladybugs love was real
Waterbug cried tears of sadness
For the first time he could feel

The day's turned into years
Ladybugs memories grew
She took her love to the waters edge
She didn't know what else to do
Waterbug was there in his lillypad home
So much his
But still he lived his life alone
Ladybug lived in his mind
There's nobody like her in the water to find

"Ladybug, I'll always love you"
He said very sincere
Waterbug then whispered in her ear
"If you ever need me, I'm always here"
Dec 2015 · 555
Jamie Jarrett Dec 2015
Along comes a baby
So innocent and pure
No imperfections
Or problems to cure

Now 5 years old
It's time for an education
If your child shows resistance
We'll get them on medication

The government curriculum
That's what you need
Take away your individuality
We'll plant the seed

There's no room for critical thinkers
Not in our schools
We'll all stand together
Ridicule them as fools

What we need is grafters
Just intelligent enough to breathe
50 hour working week
And a job you'll never leave

For this you'll be rewarded
Of course you will
A life full of debt
And a never ending bill

You can retire at 70
We'll give you a pension
Now do as you're told
Or you'll be getting detention
#sad #life #thoughts #feelings #society #change
Dec 2015 · 455
Dear Father
Jamie Jarrett Dec 2015
Father, I was wondering
At a quarter past eleven
Do I have a place reserved
With you up in heaven

Tell me what you have done boy
In your life for this
Have you brought enough good
To make it on my list

Father, at times I have sinned
But ultimately I love
Please tell me you can feel this
From high above

Through life I have done things
That are not good enough
I sometimes blame you world
As it is mighty tough

But I'm always trying to grow
And I do try each day
To be a better man
And follow what you say

Although I hold now religion
We instinctively know your law
If I follow this alone
Will I get through heavens door

I am genuine with intentions
And here I'm being sincere
Can you answer me honestly
And help ease my fear

Be patient and strong boy
I have heard no bell
I'll reserve you a place
If you continue to do well

**And when the time comes
If you continue to do well
You'll be worthy of this
As you've done well through hell
Dec 2015 · 478
What's it like?
Jamie Jarrett Dec 2015
What's it like to share a life
What's it like to have a wife
What's it like to fall in love
What's it like to have faith above
What's it like to live alone
What's it like to be a clone
What's it like to be content
What's it like to pay rent
What's it like to grow old
What's it like to do what I'm told
What's it like after we die
What's it like not to cry
Dec 2015 · 1.1k
Jamie Jarrett Dec 2015
Life is hard if you don't conform
But it's not in my genes to be the norm
We're taught to follow the status quo
What if you're not born to follow the flow

A mortgage, a finance, an overdraft we're sold
This is what from young we're told
A system built to churn out sheep
To conditioned and scared to take a leap

This is what is so hard I find
This is what plagues my mind
What do I do if this is not for me
If I forget what I'm taught, will I then feel free

Maybe someday the answers will appear
As life passes you by living in fear
But if the answers never rise
Maybe I'll learn to see things through different eyes
Dec 2015 · 432
Thoughts at night
Jamie Jarrett Dec 2015
I know not what I search for
But I know I've yet to find it
Maybe my eyes cannot see it
So my heart must search blinded

Does everyone face this trouble
Or do some settle for less
Does my mind over complicate
Would simplicity be the best

As I write this I wonder
What lies out of my sight
Do I make my own path in life
Or will destiny shine a light

Will I ever know what I search for
Will I ever know what's right
This is what I think of
Before I say goodnight

— The End —