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 Jun 2014 jaden
I send my hopes
and universal powers above
hoping you feel
nothing but
the eternal forces of love.

That your tired soul
may rest,
for its eternal age
letting all past pain
of long gone days
fade away.

For every soul that met yours,
and looked eye to eye
opened their souls
and spilled their guts
when they found out you died.

And I,
distant as I seem
hope that somewhere,  somehow
you are following
your dreams.

May his young soul rest in peace
One of my childhood elementary friends (a boy who used to tease me over my curly hair actually) just died today of a drug overdose.
It just so happens, that I saw him by mere coincidence yesterday walking down the street. Mere hours later he would be dead.
Never to ever accidentally encounter that soul again
life is so very very fragile
 Jun 2014 jaden
These rooms are getting smaller
without you.
These tired bones ache in
your absence.

You are missing, from me

It's almost five a.m. and
I'm staring at the walls again,
thinking of all the women
and their parts.
Their missing parts and
the chunks they ripped
from me.

Some took more than I could give
and knowing this didn't make
the bleeding any easier.
Pushing boundaries becomes a bore;
I know how far I will go.

I saw the weathered metal chairs
on your porch, the same kind my grandmother had in her back yard,
as I drove near your house today.

I remembered our brief kiss, on those chairs. The electric shudder rippling through my entire being as your lips parted and for one sweet, fleeting moment, I felt loved.

It's five a.m. now and I'll die again today,
without you.
 Jun 2014 jaden
Megan May
It's 7 a.m.
I can still feel you in my bones
It's been months, years
Hundreds of thousands of days
But it's nights like this I can't help but remember
The way you touched me, it made me feel like there were butterflies hatching under my skin
Trying to escape
I used to think they were trying to fly to you
But now I know they were trying to get home
You made the trapped parts of me rise to the surface
The parts I had buried deep in the depths of my soul
In a place where nobody could ever reach them
The thorns in the maze of my heart had kept my secrets safe
Until you woke them up
But I realized that you couldn't set my butterflies free
I had to do that myself
Oh and it's been years or pain and torture and trying to win you back
You woke me up, but you could never set me free
And now, after all this time
I've finally figured out that I'm the only one who can help my butterflies get home
 Jun 2014 jaden
Six Word Story III
 Jun 2014 jaden
Regina Derieva
A poem—
is just one more
scrap of paper
that has sailed off the table
in a bottle
with a cry for help.
 Jun 2014 jaden
 Jun 2014 jaden
I've been staring at this blank page for months
Knowing I should be able to write
The beautiful things that happened to us
The twists and wonders
Alive and palpable possibilities
Which now seem dead to me
Because we were never in love
But oh god we could have been
When confused, write it down.

The thing about humans is that they wanted to be chased, but only push that person away. And then sooner or later they will realize that they're in love with that person, who is already in love with someone else.
 Jun 2014 jaden
Mckenna Lynn
Strangers with memories,
that’s all we are.
Like waves in the ocean,
that drift apart with time.
Carried our separate ways,
following a different current.
Strangers with memories,
that’s all we’ll ever be.
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