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 Apr 2015 itza
He told me
I was like a sunflower:
and I'm rather touched
that he didn't compare
me to a rose,
deceptive in its beauty,
but rather a flower
that constantly
follows the path
of the sun.
 Apr 2015 itza
I wonder
how many words
have sat on the tip
of your tongue,
waiting to take the plunge
into the world outside,
but have held back
in fear of the fall-

and I wonder
how different your life would be
had those words been set free.
 Apr 2015 itza
Olivia Diphilippo
 Apr 2015 itza
Olivia Diphilippo
The only thing I am afraid of is losing you.
 Apr 2015 itza
Do you remember,
when we named each other love
beneath the willow?
Perhaps start of a longer poem
 Mar 2015 itza
Awesome Annie
He showed up with flowers I didn't deserve.
My hair uncontrollable and my dress to short.
He said my name but it held no meaning in his mouth,
spit out without savouring.
I didn't know what to say when he expressed my beauty.

To much wine can make me bold.
Mouth has no filter,
cheeks flushed pink and my smile to free.
My laughter bursting brightly.
I began to notice his smile,
the silkiness of his voice.

He took my hand in his and there was no spark,
no strangled butterflies.
I fumbled awkwardly and he stared to hard.
Eyes unreadable and yet I already knew.

He asked to come in and it hit me,
that I was tired of dreaming of you at my window,
I'm always sitting on the edge of sorrow.

He kissed me so deeply that it's amazing he didn't steal my breath.

******* me with eager hands,
his lips lost on skin.
Eyes closed tightly,
I embrace the moment of letting someone in.
To rough and undeserving,
no emotion,
just need.
 Mar 2015 itza
Daniel Thorne
She loves how I act,
                                   But I don't see why.
She loves how I talk,
                                    But I hate it.
She loves how I think,
                                     But I don't get it.
She loves how I look,
                                     But I never saw it.

She loves, and I will never see,
Being all in love, and yet so unworthy...
I just don't get it sometimes. :)
 Mar 2015 itza
The Sunset
 Mar 2015 itza
Maybe one day
I won't see your face
In every sunset
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