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Please don't forget me, don't make me your past
I know time is fleeting, time is moving too fast...
Every second of everyday I'm a prisoner thinking about you
What could have been, what should have been, if only we knew...

Don't make me an old memory that you ignore everyday
Because time keeps on ticking and I might fade away...
I'm stuck in the past and you and me are turning to dust
I've lost all my freedom and we are beginning to rust...

So before we wither and before you lock me into your past
Please know that behind these bars, I have only one thing to ask...
Don't forget me, don't forget all the things in the past
Because I'm a prisoner of time and time is moving too fast...
I'm so sick of lying and saying I am fine
All this happiness and smile they aren't mine
I'd like to say I'm happy, but all I want to do is die
Nobody still cares enough, for me to need to say goodbye
Another simple word
but one with a meaning beyond comprehension
My words fall upon deaf ears
I might be blinded by my love for you
but you are deafened by your love him
I write you poem after poem after poem
and you are his after just a few words

I could tell you in ten words,
what he couldn't in a thousand
and I could write a thousand words for you
in the time he could barely say ten

but you are his, and he is yours
and I just sit here, an observer
You are my muse and perhaps it is for the best...

that I sit here, the lonely wordsmith
until the day I give up and become just another lost soul
wishing things were different

and so here I am, the lonely wordsmith
writing yet another poem you will never care to read
 Dec 2014 itsjoseph
I know you have been homeless all you're life but make my heart you're new home
 Dec 2014 itsjoseph
Isha Kumar
Through whimpers and sobs
all night I did pray
for someone who could
sit next to me and stay.

Waiting for a miracle,
I woke up one day
only to find you,
who crossed my way.

I let out a gasp
and a shriek of joy.
You were the one who
didn't treat me like a broken toy.

You came into my life
like an answer to my prayer.
I had searched for a person
like you, everywhere.

Sitting next to me,
you smiled and understood.
You were the only one
to see under my hood.

Though you had problems
and difficulties of your own,
never did you once let
me feel cold and alone.

You were the answer
that I had never found.
Lending a helping hand,
you pulled me off the ground.

You made me laugh.
You made me smile.
You knew me the best
though it had been a little while.

Nobody knew the
relief you bought.
Through pain or gain,
it was you I sought.

Words are all I have,
so I'm writing it here.
You are the miraculous
answer to my prayer.
@riyasinghrathore : Weeeell....This isn't much...but dil se likha hai. ^_^
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