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May 2016 · 831
A Lot Like Me
goner May 2016
the end
looks a lot like me;
b i l l o w e d,
(( s h r o u d e d )),
rain c l o u d eyes.
twįstęd tongues
which speak in lies.
mælstrøm mind
measured malice
dosing mostly those
that mean the most to me.
and though it be the me
that I try not to be,
t h e  e n d
looks a lot like me.

Instructions: don't feed the wildlife.
May 2016 · 685
goner May 2016
pour your problems out,
and ill drink them down, keeping
you safe satiates.

Instructions: make her feel invincible.
May 2016 · 1.1k
Glass Jaw
goner May 2016
each time that
m y  m o u t h  m i s s e s  y o u r s
my jaw clicks,
just a little bit.
raw, red, renegade
everlast lips,
embraced by my face with
c r u s h i n g,
punishing hits.
south paw kid
so i always lean left,
but you can view through me
so there's no defense left
i know it's a battle
to win at all cost.
m y  b o d y
wasn't built
to lose how we lost.

Instructions: never give up unless she asks you to. then try harder.
May 2016 · 569
Parks and Wreck
goner May 2016
this place has some strange ways of pulling you
u n d e r
the world feels so small and there's no time to
w o n d e r
about the places my mind wants when it
w a n d e r s
- - -
i rack my brain and i
try to
the way that it felt way too warm for
and the way that it felt like her mood changed the weather
and how i'll spend forever just trying
*forget her
Instructions: try to remember to forget her
May 2016 · 930
goner May 2016
what would it take
to fill perfectly
a page with line
after t i g h t r o p e line
of the way your cheeks puff
when you've had enough, or
the way your breath bounds
from your body when
i say 'we were made for love'?

what it would take
i do not have. for
i do not have you,
and without you,
my pen will not move.
Instructions: use as bookmark until the one you're waiting for arrives.
May 2016 · 472
Something for Nothing
goner May 2016
Nothing was lonely.  
the weight of his dark.
the waste of his light.
Nothing was alone.*

Nothing needed Something, but
there was only Nothing there.  
there was only Nothing before.
there is only Nothing after.

only during, was ever there not only Nothing.
only during, did Nothing have Something.

Something was lovely.
the state of her heart.
the taste of her lips.
Something was love.

Nothing could not have
wanted Something more
as the saying goes;
you can't have
Something for Nothing.

Instructions: read in your most convincing fairy tale narrator voice.
May 2016 · 708
goner May 2016
Were you weak,
I would not worry.  

Would I know that
you would return to me?

I don't. And I won't.  
And still I do not worry.

I worry because
you are not weak, and

I would love you
even if you were.

Instructions: try not to worry so much.
May 2016 · 677
goner May 2016
Maybe the cold-hardened truth is;
you're cold hearted and ruthless.
Like a child, you're toothless
and clawless.
You are flawless.
You are wild.

Did I say "flawless"?
I meant "lawless".
The "f" is silent like all
the times you eye-****** me.
But I'll admit now that I ****** me.
Now, I'm awesomely awe-less.
I stare outside where it's wet,
like the way you say I make you.
Drops landing, soaking trembling grass.
We're dangerous and moral-less,
and I wonder if I make your
body feel anything anymore, or less.

- @NoMortalDreams -
Instructions: hate someone's guts.
May 2016 · 871
Small Hands
goner May 2016
These days
I mostly dream in ghosts.
I do this so you haunt me.
I knew so many parts of you,
even those you didn't want me to.
   So young then, with such small hands.
   No pain on them yet remarked.
   How could it be those same small hands
   could guide my aimless dark?

These ways
I wander caused her to wonder
if I was hunted or I, the hunter.
But she's not afraid of sinking ships,
she fears the thought of going under.
   Her eyes were set to show me  
   all the lives we'd lived before.
   Her mind was set on love and lovers.  
   But my heart was full of war.

The shame
it seems, is while I dream
should be the only view, to
let me see the frames that
feature scenes of me and you.
   Shame, our bodies left our souls
   to grow apart and so alone then.
   But hearts, it happens, aren't so big
   that small hands cannot hold them.

   So until the time when we align, until
   a version of you and yours is mine, a life
   where we are is 'we're' and we are 'we';
   Hold my hands in graveyard dreams.

Instructions: miss them like crazy.

— The End —