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Gariel Aug 2017
always crude to everyone
even a discomfort to herself
certain times is willing to help out
but cannot even fix herself

admits that everything is well
to not be a disturbance
certain times is willing to open up
but still feel glum

it doesn't feel right and normal
to prefer to be disregarded
mostly wishing to end everything
but stays for the people she love

it is ultimately true and real
that she ruins what she touches
mostly wishing to find a remedy
but strangely fine with her state

{k. l.}
hello im alive
Gariel Mar 2015
when someone bids goodbye
then i plead them to stay
and try to make a way

deep in my heart i respect their choice
but these tears are not of joy
and i will surely miss that voice

no more artsy man of the group
and four of them are left
i wish everything is back on loop

when someone commands me to do stuff
deciding to follow mine or theirs
leaves me, making it more tough

if i followed their option for me
i won't feel like i want to flee
they know what is good for me
yet i ignored it and followed mine

now here i am sticking to my plan
others pointed out the risks
making me **** out from this world

yet i have five angels
saving and cheering me up
i have two kind-hearted friends
with their shoulders to cry on
though i want to be gone

i can't think of a title so it's a song that is stuck on my head.
  Jul 2014 Gariel
Deep within the lyrics

The closest thing I know to loveĀ¬
Is something I am thinking of
In every sorted worry that my mind decides to share

While drinking heavy in the past
Inside the shadows I now cast
The bottom of the bottle lets me know I am aware

Collecting on a shouldered score
Finding it is nothing more
Than voiced in my confessions of imaginary scenes

Reaching for a photograph
Searching for its aftermath
Tuning off the station in the middle of my dreams

The fury of this drunken bliss
Reminds me of your tender kiss
Though never having felt it, it is something that I long

For in the end this fairy tale
Reminds me of my quest to fail
Deep within the lyrics of some broken hearted song
Gariel Jul 2014
maybe i can't confess
curse my faintheartedness

maybe i like you
for we like and hate the same thing

maybe you're too good for me
every little thing about you is gold

maybe i'm only a friend to you
it hurts to hear you talk about her

maybe i'm a shrinking violet
that way i can hide it all

maybe that's it.
  Jul 2014 Gariel
I used to look into your eyes and see galaxies.
And I'd chase you to the end of the universe,
Running laps around the solar system just to get your attention.
But now all I see are eyes.

You used to look at me like I was a goddess and I'd simply stare back in awe because I'd never experienced anything so rich with emotion,
Such deep and fiery breaths of passion embedded within our every inhale.

But instead, we'll close our eyes and let sleep blanket our never-still thoughts, for it's completely irrational and I'm tired of running.
Gariel Jul 2014
remember how you used to love me,
we valued our special kinship
different states but connected,
all those years discarded like a rag

i can't help myself to reminisce,
when we stayed up late chattering
and talking about our fav bands,
plus the secrets both of us keep safe

everything comes to a dead end,
and we ended ours today
i still remember our moments,
but people commit mistakes

i couldn't fathom why you feel fine
while i vision you in my thoughts,
it's odd like you left an imprint
but you really departed my life

i won't blame your newfound queen
for i have my own faults too
and that is lack of confession
mixed with a chunk of oblivion

the phrases stings and echoes
making me nearly psychotic
i will wait for my newfound prince
and i hope he shows up and stay,
i can't fight my own demons

Gariel Jul 2014
you are the fire that burns me
it brings me back to life
so i never complain

the sea that engulfs me
i love how it kisses my skin
as i slowly drown

the wind that weakens me
then a snowstorm froze my flesh
nothing can thaw it
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