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your pride tries to optimize
my persona, to suit your needs,
and if it doesn't, you criticize...
Yet, you're good enough...

your prejudice makes you
suspect even my good deeds,
and you demean me for them too....
Yet, you're good enough...

your control freakiness
makes you restrict me
even if i act right...
Yet, you're good enough...

your self centeredness
wants me to fit in the standards,
you define and ever-changing ...
Yet, you're good enough...

the veil of your hatred
doesn't let you see
my love and concern for you...
Yet, you're good enough...

Sometimes people have personality traits, difficult to deal with, but still they are good enough. Better to be grateful for their positive side
 Jul 2021 gadisunja
David Lessard
I used to read your poems
but lately you don't write
you're silent and aloof
you know that isn't right.
You can't close a door once opened
you can't abolish all your dreams
you're a poet of the heart
mustn't fall apart at the seams.
Say what you can in words
they speak the message true
spoken from the heart
the poems will see you through.
A hermit's not your style
a recluse, you are not
never give up writing
of things that you've been taught.
I used to read your poems
I'd read them once again
if you would send them out
(this one's from a poet friend)
 Oct 2020 gadisunja
Mary Frances
I look at myself everyday
in the mirror and then realize
I've been given the most beautiful gift
I could ever ask for - my existence;
my chance of life;
my chance of love.
 Sep 2018 gadisunja
love changes
love doesn't rub my cheeks gently like love used to
love doesn't hold my hand as tight as love used to
love doesn't smile a lot these days
love's eyes are full of uncertainty
doesn't share his thoughts anymore
love doesn't share his favorite songs
love doesn't joke freely like before

love is still love but
love doesn't miss me when i'm away
love used to text me with “I guess you're asleep, may tomorrow you be safe, let me know when you're awake, and goodnight!” when i fell asleep and forgot to text back
love doesn't notice me as much as love did a month ago

i'm not saying love is dead but
love doesn't say love like love did
love doesn't love like love did
love gets busier
love gets fader
love thought i was joking when i said “I give up”

love won't answer my texts
love won't pick up my calls

love now walks faster than me
love now speaks in a lower tone
love is now silent
love feels awkward seeing me
love now doesn't sound as excited
and as curious
love is now not as comfortable with my presence
is it normal for love?

or maybe love is dead?
love fell asleep one day and woke up not love
wrong love
maybe love has become somebody else's love
maybe love is still love but not for my love
maybe love is still love but love is tired
maybe love is still love but love is getting tired of my love

or maybe love is just dead.

love is now more brilliant
love stands tall in love's world
love is loved by so many loves
love forgets about love's love
love thrives
love grows
 Nov 2016 gadisunja
Andy Hunter
We talked before eating
About place


Then went straight
To tapas

One lasagne to share &
Two patatas

We talked so much about timing that
To fill up our mouths
We ate with a relish we'd
Seldom shown
Each other

And took too much

Went to cut up the pasta
Sharing, as ever

But 2 bay leaves
Lying, deep inside
Resisted the knife

Leaving a ragged edge
Between us

We stopped - smiled

Really sure

 Oct 2016 gadisunja
Andy Hunter
That person who gets you, lifts you
As the stone that fits your hand does
Who loves you as the stone from your hand
Skims out across the sea, loves you so
Many times more
Than you can count

Whose love seems older than the stone
Smoother than its perfect roundness
Whose eyes seem deeper than the sea
During the endless time your eyes
Meet. And the feeling

In your heart
Of that stone
That oldest

Skimming light, skimming fast
Skimming away

As it fades
As it

 Oct 2016 gadisunja
I have a feeling
That if I had said those three words,
You wouldn't have said them back.
And I would be sad;
Because that would mean that the
Magic of us would be over.
October 18, 2016
(5 syllables, 7 syllables, 7 syllables)
 Oct 2016 gadisunja
Gektya Pasis
kadang ada sesuatu yang tidak bisa kita sadari
kita terlalu larut dalam kesedihan yang sementara
tanpa tau
atau mau tau
apa arti dari kesedihan kita itu

kadang kita menyangka
bahwa yang paling membuat kita terluka saat itu
adalah yang "paling" dari yang pernah kita alami
walau lupa
atau berusaha lupa
bahwa pernah merasakan yang jauh lebih menyakitkan
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